2010 books

Jun 01, 2010 15:52

31) John Christopher, The Death of Grass, 1956
I'm honestly not sure if this is a re-read - I have a vague recollection of reading it circa 1976 but my memory must have somehow conflated it with that other 'floral apocalypse' The Day of the Triffids, to which it bears little resemblance, and yet if I did read it I'm surprised I didn't remember more as all-round it's a far better read, one that leads me to believe it was a book I wrongly tossed before finishing. There's certainly a greater similarity to Golding's Lord of the Flies (which is also up for a re-read soon) in the way it shows civilisation as little more than a fragile set of agreements, easily ignored when the chips are down as the world's diseased food chain collapses and Britain descends into anarchy. This is deliberately a very adult book that gives little consideration to half-formed attitudes - the perspectives of the coterie of children who also head north with John Custance are more or less ignored as a deadly adult type of playground power-play is put centre stage instead. There are a couple of well-drawn characters in the cynical Roger Buckley and particularly the enigmatic Henry Pirrie, whose individual influence throughout the novel is consistent and believable. The Death of Grass has been out of print so long that a 2007 Bookfinder survey named it as one of the top ten out-of-print British books; another out-of-print book it reminds me of - in believable environmental themes at least - is Brunner's The Sheep Look Up, although John Christopher/Sam Youd's conception of a highly contagious and adaptable form of stem rust seems to be coming ever-closer to reality. A timely and overdue reprint, and a scary read indeed.

post-apocalypses, uk, science fiction, 2010 books

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