Nov 06, 2006 10:38
straberri02: he invited me to go with him to paris france for one of his business conferences.the first week of december
Peterwendie: WHAT??? thats insane
straberri02: i know
Peterwendie: is he a rapist?
straberri02: he's not extremely attractive either…i don't know?
Peterwendie: hes a rapist
straberri02: LOL!
Peterwendie: he is.
straberri02: you think?
straberri02: i had breakfast with him his last morning in town, at the swan hotel at disney.
straberri02: he invited me to hollywood fl to the hardrock hotel on nov 13th because he is intown there for a few days, but i told him no
Peterwendie: i mean, really... if he's just gonna meet some chic in a bar and invite her to PARIS (oooh lemme dangle this over her so she'll talk to me bc im so desperate that it aint even funny) then yeah i mean, if hes a loser and THAT forward... wowwy, he wants your vagina.
straberri02: but, how do you say no to paris
Peterwendie: WHAT>> how do you say yes??
straberri02: you are so freakin funny
Peterwendie: i mean, say yes to a boyfriend youve been dating OVER 6mo or so...
straberri02: i am lmao over here
Peterwendie: MAYBE a man youve been seeing a little less than that...
straberri02: you are right, but its paris.
Peterwendie: BASICALLY for your honeymoon
straberri02: once in a lifetime oppurtunity …would you seriously turn down paris?
Peterwendie: but a man you meet in the bar and he's there at 32 (um why isnt he married, first off) and he asks you that night?? AND he asks you to go out of town other times too??
Peterwendie: um, rapist.
Peterwendie: listen, i will take you to paris. i cant grow a penis for you but i will take you at some point in our lives. AND… there are hot-t men there... i promise
straberri02: k, i can't wait
Peterwendie: AND they have penises and dont offer trips to china or japan or antartica on the first night.
Peterwendie: maybe they will offer penis.
Peterwendie: but other than that-no.
straberri02: he just offered last night....i met him a week and a half ago
straberri02: ok. let's go get hot-t men from paris,
Peterwendie: you met him a week and half ago... so does that mean that this rapist TOOK you to this bar?
Peterwendie: is he cute?
Peterwendie: you went to breakfast w him?
Peterwendie: or did you wake up next to him and eat?
straberri02: no, i met him at the bar a week and a half ago, he saved me from my stalker i had that night
straberri02: eww, no
Peterwendie: ok... so rapist move #1... save a girl from a guy that you can tell she isnt interested in... THEN she will be obligated to you...
Peterwendie: hah
straberri02: but he did offer for me to come to a concert at universal tuesday night and then we could have breakfast...implying i spend the night, and i told him i wasn't that kind of girl
Peterwendie: GOOD
Peterwendie: i love you
Peterwendie: what did he say? "come to paris w me?"
Peterwendie: thinking "ill make you that kinda girl"
Peterwendie: lol
straberri02: LMAO!
straberri02: he said, "my next one is in paris. interested?"
Peterwendie: and you said "omg, really?! are you serious?! no... i couldnt"
Peterwendie: thinking "well... i can see a little tiny bit of attraction there"
straberri02: i said, let me know specifics, and i will let you know
Peterwendie: oh no no no, ma’am
straberri02: yikes, i know
straberri02: but i didn't say yes
Peterwendie: do you know what penises can do to a man?
Peterwendie: not to mention to a rapist?
Peterwendie: let me tell you
Peterwendie: BAD things to us
Peterwendie: BAD things
Peterwendie: tsk tsk tsk
Peterwendie: i will not let you go, i forbid it.
straberri02: so, what you are basically saying here is, say no
straberri02: just say no to the penis
Peterwendie: if i find out you went then i am taking you out of my wedding with john cusack
Peterwendie: AND outta the one w ryan gosling
Peterwendie: ok, leo also.
straberri02: i want to be in all of those weddings!!!!!
Peterwendie: and of course, my real hubby, whenever he comes-youll be outta it.
Peterwendie: ok, then no to pee-pee and no to paree.
straberri02: can your future hubby's introduce me to vin diesel?
Peterwendie: ill see about it