So I interned at FCI-the Federal Correctional Institute- all last year, here in Tally. It's a prison for women that have been charged with federal crimes-things like murder, drug selling, and drug possession, etc.
There's all this stuff in the news about FCI now, what d'ya know, it started like a month after I left! haha. anyways...
The run down is: these 6 guards were having sex with inmates over a course of years in exchange for favors and stuff, when the IG (thats Inspector General) comes in with the Marshalls et al. to arrest these 6 guys--well one doesnt take it too well and opens fire on these guys and ends up shooting the IG!! So, now there's the trial for these guards who had sex with these inmates (including the one who now has a murder charge) and I just find this all rather interesting... esp, considering the fact that I was there, saw these women like every week for a year, met some of the guards, and hmm-its just kinda surreal!
So, like the women are testifying and I find that kinda interesting bc I personally dont know what to think of it...
on the one hand-I side with the defense and think "um, they're getting shorter sentences, deals, etc in exchange for the SA (thats state attorney) to make a case-- and these women arent the most honest I realize that you cant base one case on previous criminal history but in this case I think 'character witness' must come to mind and we've gotta think that these women are in fact prisoners, they lie, they have committed felonies before and may again... yes-they still deserve their basic rights as a US citizen, however, unfortunately when they went to prison they kinda gave up that essential quality."
Now, on the other hand-- i think, "well the man opened fire on these arresting federal officials at like 630am when you arent even allowed to have guns in the prison so he HAD to of KNOWN they were coming and he MUST be guilty of SOMETHING!!--so the women must be telling the truth or something along the lines of it.." anyways...
(It also kinda sucks in a way bc reading all this stuff and it in general-- REALLY interests me and gets me into the news etc etc- when I have already taken a job that is NOT this, nor has anything to DO with this... man.)
So here's some links to the news articles on the trial: