Last Day of Restriction

Jan 17, 2005 13:37

I just served the last of restriction I will ever serve as a cadet. If I ever again get enough demerits to get restricted I'll most likely get kicked out.

It's a three day weekend, meaning that Chase Hall is pretty empty as the corps takes advantage of the long weekend and scatters across the northeast. It was nice to sit around and do nothing, but I could have done without the 35 minute inspection during the Saturday restricted cadet formation. The next day someone complained that their shoulders still hurt from standing at parade rest for so long.

Winter leave on Eagle wasn't that bad and it gave me some good stories. One night we were watching TV in the wardroom around midnight when I hear the pipe "Now, all hands lay to the pier." When we get out in the freezing cold (17 degrees outside, 1 degree when you take into account the bone-chilling winds) they informed us that the sewage line had frozen and they needed all 17 of us to help carry the long black snake to a warehouse so it could thaw overnight. The line was heavy, but carrying it to the warehouse wasn't the part I was worried about. I knew that as long as the sewage I was carrying on my shoulder was frozen it would stay inside the pipe. The next day when we were carrying the thawed sewage line back we weren't quite so lucky.
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