I'm addicted to pizza.

Oct 20, 2004 00:54

Hello. How've ya been? Fine, thanks.

I was just having a great conversation with MJ Slagle. I found this old record that we used to listen to in 6th grade by BOSS HOG and sent it to him. Great stuff, brings back a ton of memories from Magnolia Ave.

Today, I was barely conscious during my Medieval Lit class. I read some comic books and had some pasta, then went to Art History. We went to the Saatchi Gallery. It's all avant stuff by people whose parents didn't hug them and started smoking clove cigarettes in junior high. Mutilated genitals hanging from trees! The Virgin Mary made out of poo! Actually, it was pretty cool at parts. Particularly, the tiger shark suspended in a tank filled with formaldehyde dyed-green. I actually got genuinely scared next to it. I guess some things are hard-coded into your mind.

Watched Baz "Let's Kick Up The Color Saturation" Luhrman's version of Romeo + Juliet with my Shakspear (Thoreau and Emerson's spelling) class tonight. Better than when I saw it in 7th grade. Whilst 'going out' with Jenn Smith. To my surprise, I noticed that Balthazar was played by none other than a young Swimtern, Jesse Bradford (The West Wing, Bring It On, Hackers, Swimfan). File that knowledge under USELESS, UNLESS SARAH CHOI IS AROUND.

I'm getting ready to sign up for classes for my final college semester. Here are the prospectives:
- Flyfishing and Oceanography
- History of Rock
- Songwriting
- Survey of African American Writers
- Film Since 1960

I've gotta write a bunch of journal entries for my London in Lit class before I leave for Italy on Friday. They're short, but my neck is hurting, so I'm calling it a night.

Been listening to some great music lately:
- Rufus Wainwright's _Want One_
- U2's _The Joshua Tree_
- Elvis Costello's _The Delivery Man_
- Pavement's _Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain_
- Al Green's _I'm Still In Love With You_
- Neil Diamond's _Greatest Hits ...Live!_
- Boss Hog's _Boss Hog_

This is Trinity College @ Oxford. The garden.
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