Room 324, Tuesday evening

Jan 16, 2007 22:14

In theory, Peter had schoolwork to do. In actuality, Peter was responding to e-mails from people back home.


SUBJECT: Re: Squirrel fishing

>mark sent me this link. i think you'll like it.

As soon as it's warmer a bit more regularly, I'm dragging the guys out and we're trying that.

By the way, first week of school is done with. No invasions, I haven't been kidnapped by any holiday mascots, and we had a party to celebrate being done with one week of school. Public school has nothing on this place.



SUBJECT: Re: Weird stuff

>You been around recently? I thought I saw somebody wearing an uglier version of your costume
>around town last week.

Not in a few weeks. I was the guy who caught Kraven the Hunter last time. It's probably some cheap knockoff who wants to cash in on Spider-Man being absent. If you get a chance, please burn the punk. Not badly. Just enough to piss him off.



SUBJECT: Re: Fwd: FW: We're gonna be R I C H !!!!!!!!!!!

... I don't know if you've grown a sense of humor or if somebody hijacked your e-mail and sent this to me, but it left me extremely amused.

>From: Nick Fury
>Sent: Monday, January 15, 2006 11:05 AM
>To: Steve Rogers; Clint Barton; Betty Ross; Janet Pym; Tony Stark; Thor; Reed Richards; Susan Storm; Peter Parker
>Subject: Fwd: FW: We're gonna be R I C H !!!!!!!!!!!]
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Let's try it………
>See you all at the BANK!
>Sorry I'm so broke I couldn't buy the steam off a hot dog (Melvin. B's
>famous words)
>Money Angel
>This is a money angel
>Pass it to 6 of your good friends,or family
>and be rich in 4 Days.
>Pass it to 12 of your good friends.or family
>and be rich in 2 Days.
>I am not joking. You will find an unexpected windfall. If you delete
>it, you will beg.
>Trust me!!!

Having taken care of that, Peter opened the door and attempted to study.

[OOC: Post and door are open. This replaces the much less interesting post that was up for several seconds earlier. Also, the junk e-mail reposted is actually an e-mail my mother sent me. I find this sad.]

torch, fury, mj, 324, e-mail

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