(no subject)

Jul 12, 2012 06:25

Firstly I will state categorically that I am pro choice.

I have been sitting in as a mod in a 4 hour debate this evening about abortion and damn, do people really get wound up about that subject.

Secondly I am an atheist. I do not believe there is a god on high who built the earth and everything on it.

Now, add to abortion the subject of religion, and fuck, all the fun sure got sucked out of the world.

A couple of things that did make me laugh a little deep inside though were the following statements..,

"Nobody should be allowed to commit murder and abortion is murder, those who do abortions should be killed."

"If god did not agree with abortions then he would not have allowed us to learn how to be doctors and would have stopped us from learning how to have abortions."

"If god does not want abortions to happen then let god deal with those doing them."

"An abortion is not done on a child, it is most often done on a foetus, that is like saying digging up an acorn is cutting down an oak tree."

"Education is what is important, teach them that god knows best and that birth control is the product of the devil."


Not all the things said were so polite.

Apparently I should be burned at the stake for not believing in god and for believing that as it is legal that abortions can often be the best option. Also I am also really Satan! But, I really do not understand how anyone who is supposed to be forgiving, as per their religious beliefs, can think that telling an atheist they are going to go to hell is ever going to worry that person.

Did you know that in America, in 1996 there were 1.37 million abortions. Sounds a lot. But world wide there are approximately 42 million abortions a year, of which 17% are in the developed world.

How many of today's issues are caused by over population? Things would be a lot worse if there were no forms of birth control.

And how the fuck can someone call using a condom or the pill as being an abortion???

If people really want to stop abortions from happening then birth control is one of the better ways to do it. World wide sterilisation would work too, but that is a bit final. Threatening to jail doctors or burning down clinics will not stop it from happening. After all, it was not so many years ago that it was illegal almost everywhere, and that sure did not stop it from happening.

It is my opinion that birth control in all it's forms should be taught in ALL schools to ALL children. Telling a child that the only form of birth control they should use is not to have sex is like telling a fox to babysit chickens. You know it does not work. Apart from anything else the use of condoms is proven to help reduce the spread of various infectious diseases.
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