Hello Kiddies,
We all know that *something's* been going on. There are some of you that know more than others, and yet here we are in the midst of a major life change and we really haven't spoken about it much. That wonderful being known as 'The Great Cosmic Fairy of the Universe' has been kinda busy. So have we. So for the benefit of those of you playing at home who may have missed an episode or two, here's a short tale of where we are and how we got here.
Assuming everything goes according to plan, I will be moving into a new apartment, with my new partner, who after several visits, will be arriving here permanently this coming Saturday. I'm a bit amused myself at how we got here, especially considering where we were a year ago at this point. So let's start there.
The final months of 2011 truly were an amazing series of events where life came crashing down and then had the wonderful job of slowly climbing back up. One of the things that happened during my 'blackout period' so to speak, was a complete shut off of all of my usual online social activity. LJ, Facebook, Fetlife, Twitter, you name it. We were gone. We had a few haunts that kept us occupied in the interim but they really weren't of any consequence. So after the new year, I started the slow road back to recovery and took little pieces of my life back one at a time. I started writing again. I saw my friends again. I started to get back on the social networks and had begun to log into Facebook and Fetlife with regularity again to try and reconnect with the world a little bit at a time. It was early February when it happened. No plan, no intention, just hello and how are you?
When I logged into Fetlife, for no reason immediately apparent, I had randomly clicked on the 'New Writing' tab a few times. Seeing what people were writing helped me find that little voice again and I actually enjoyed the expressions from random strangers.
So one Sunday morning, Fetlife's timestamps say it was February 4th so I'll believe them, I was just randomly looking when
a post caught my eye.
It was decidedly tame for the site, it was actually about print vs. digital photography which reminded me of my days of being a wide eyed kid with a camera. I commented a few times, and some friendly messages were exchanged and honestly I didn't think much of it. She seemed nice enough and what she let show seemed attractive enough.
Then we started talking. And talking. and talking some more. Fet messages graduated to email, IM, and phone. And yeah we talked some more. Now as anyone can guess, all that talking leads inevitably to no good. ;) After about a month we were like, 'oh hey you know I kinda like you' phase and we had to figure out what to do next.
Online relationships really were never my thing, at least for prolonged periods of time. So in order to see if this was going to work, I said we had to meet in person and spend some time together and that had to happen sooner rather than later. Looking ahead on the calendar, we decided to meet for TES Fest in late June-early July. Plane tickets were bought and arrangements were made. We tried to be as realistic as possible about our expectations and agreed that if the chemistry wasn't there we would just have a good weekend, enjoy each other's company and part friends. In the interim of course we got even closer as situations in both of our lives required we lean on each other, and I have no other way to say this - we fell in love. The first time we said the words to each other we hadn't even met in person yet, but we knew it was right.
When I picked her up from the airport on a June evening, there wasn't much to be said. We hugged, talked, and it was like we knew each other our whole lives. She met my family and friends, who all took to her rather well and by the time she had to get on the airplane back home we knew we had something.
She came to visit again a month later for another event, and that's when we decided that this was indeed the right thing for us and that we wanted to move forward and start our life together. Michigan really didn't hold anything for her, so she was more than happy to join me here. The next few months had her and I taking care of respective business with an eye on the fall as we wanted everything done before the holidays. In casual conversations with a co-worker, I found out of an apartment that would be available around the same time and barring any unforeseen problems will be ready for us in a few weeks.
So my dear Catherine (aka
kalita82 here and on Fetlife) and I are ready to start our new life. Somewhere a cranky fairy in a pink tutu is chewing a cigar and smiling.
Here's today's video, posted shamelessly. :)
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