Hello Kiddies,
It's been bloody quiet here, but before we resume geeky speaky or have our SOTP Address, here's some wisdom from the great Franklin Veaux! One of the best things you can have when sailing the poly seas (aside from hefty dose of perspective) is a damn good sense of humor. Ever since I discovered
his LJ several years ago, I have never ceased to be amazed or amused by his posts. Most especially those on poly/relationships. In addition to being thought provoking and insightful, Franklin can take those insecurities and little things that we all fear and bring them out in the light where we can laugh at them. The latest being the
Secondary Relationship Card! There are more than a few of us who will look at that with a chuckle (and cringe) because of our own (or someone else's) experience.
I would normally have more to say on this and a great many other things, but my mental bandwidth is a little short at the moment. Borrowed wisdom will have to do. :)