So I'm a little late in updating...

Feb 24, 2006 01:43

Ok, it's been ten days. Here's what's happened...

In the last ten days, she's broken her isolette, had her breathing tube upgraded, been put back in her original isolette (after it was repaired), grown to 13 inches, and is up to 1 pound 11 ounces.  That's the short story.
Here's the long version...

The fan in her isolette broke so she had to be put in an open bed.  She wasn't too thrilled about that because the noise level was higher and she would de-sat more often.  It gets pretty loud in there.  It was nice for Julie and I because we had easier access to her.  They put this plastic pup tent over her to keep in the humidity.  It looked like she was camping!
When they finally got the isolette fixed, the moved her right back in.  She's much happier!  They have been steadily lowering the settings on her respirator and she's responding well.  This means the lungs are working better.  The down note is that when the eye doctor came in today, she saw some scarring on her retina.  Though this is not abnormal for preemies, she has calle din te laser surgeon to take a look at her eye.  They can stop he growing of scar tissue with the laser, but she could lose her peripheral vision in that eye.  Think good thoughts for her!

Other than that she's still kickin' ass & talkin' names!

-Pete & Jewels
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