Bleh, Halloween.

Nov 02, 2008 12:39

I had a devil of a time getting into Halloween this year, which is a problem I've never really had before.  I'm not sure why this is, though the fact that I work in retail and Halloween season starts on freaking Labor Day for us probably didn't help.  I don't know.  There's never much to do, there's never really anywhere to go.  Hell, there weren't even any decent scary movies on TV.  The trick-or-treaters were sufficiently adorable this year, at least, though no one could match the five-year-old Gene Simmons from last year.

I did go to a Halloween party, and left ten minutes later as it was A) not so much a party as it was five people sitting around watching baseball, and B) not even tangentally related to Halloween.  I also went with a group to a Rocky Horror showing (it still feels a bit weird to show it on Halloween, for some reason).  There were some very clever Halloween costumes, but I think I'm Rocky Horror'd out for my lifetime.  Horribly boring, the sound system in the theater distorts everything into a painfully loud garble, and no one who was shouting the secondary script could get their timing right, so that was mostly just random yelling.  Maybe there's something I'm missing, but I don't really see the appeal anymore.  The whole time I was there, I just kept thinking "I could be watching a much better Tim Curry movie right now.  Like Ferngully."  :\

*sigh*  At least my costume was fun to put together. 


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