Jun 25, 2007 09:27
I have 20ish minutes left of class, that I am obviously not paying attention to, to write this entry.
After my last final at 8:30 in the damn morning for Enlightenment Cultural History I took off for Medford on the Greyhound for about 5 days. For those 5 days (Wednesday till Monday) I did a whole lot of nothing. I got to see Val and John, which whom I was very happy to see. John and I did or normal routine of Wal-Mart and chatting. I am very happy that he has finally found a kindred female spirit that is with in a 20 mile radius from him. I worked at my Dad's grill for about an hour and a half. Mom, Dad and I went garage selling on Saturday, I bought random stuff for my new flat. Mom gave me a pasta dish set and a crock pot. Also on Saturday my Dad's cousin, Frank, that he grew up with came all the way up to Oregon (on his way up to Montana), with his wife, Abby, from Tuscon, Arizona. Abby and Frank are both teachers and so I got lots of usefull advice on what I should do. On Sunday we went to Ashalnd (Val came with us) and Val and I hung with the fam for awhile, but broke off after awhile. Val and I went to Lithia Park and she took pretty pictures of me. I'll post some here...maybe.
On Monday Frank and Abby drve me up to Eugene and we talked a lot of teaching and what Ishould to prepare for my future and appling with Teach for America. When we got to Eugene we got lunch at Sakura and I gave them a tour of campus. After they left for the coast I had an hour or so before I had to leave for work, and thus began my week.
I worked. Everyday, Monday till Friday 11-3. Now, because I take the bus its really 10-4. Hot diggity damn. I've been reading Stardust by Neil Gaiman and I am abotu half way through it. I worked. A lot. Plus I have to go to Doug and Emilie's to water their plants and take care of Sandy the rat. And I walk there and its about a good 25 to 30 minute walk, both ways. Watering and Sandy time takes about 45 minutes. Last week I wasn't getting home till 6ish. We don't have internet right now so I would take a shower and go to the library to check up on stuff. On Midsummer's Eve I fell asleep around 5:55 and woke up at 10. I called other Aaron and we got some Muchas and I went back home and slept till 8 am. I also saw 'Waitress' with other Aaron and its really cute and good. Go see it.
Kevin, who is now moving to Australia, came to visit me on...Tuesday. We went to Muchas and Sweet Life. We also went to Alton Baker where he bag piped for a little while and we chased gooses.
My Aaron was out of town all week. I was all sorts of lonely. Laila and Amjad moved out, and I have their old room. Natalie and Adam were gone all week. Now they're back and Natalie moved a bunch of my stuff form my old room to my new one...In a slap dash, throw it all over the place fashion. SO when I got home late last nite I had to deal with that and unpacking.
I spent the weekend in Portland.
(Its the next day)
I went with other Aaron, James, Jody and Jody to go see 'Can't Stop the Serenity', a fundraiser for Equality Now. They showed 'Serenity' at the Hollywood Theatre and donated the procedes to Equality Now, Joss Whedon's favorite organization. My Aaron picked me up and we hugged and kissed and it was wonderful to see him after a week and a half. We really didn't do much. We went to bed late on Friday nite, after walking through is high school years via a memory box. He got up at 7 am to take his car with his Mom to drop off his car so he could get new brakes. He came back and made me the best breakfast of pancakes, eggs, and ham. We later got his car and played at his old elementry school's playground for awhile. He let me make a charecter on his WOW account., I am a Blood Elf preistess named Jacosta. His parents took us out to dinner to a McMeninmans tucked away in the woods. Aaron started to feel icky and he was dead tired.
Plans to hang out with Kevin and Eric fell through.
So. I went to bed instead.
We left on Sunday, I got to to go tot he Body Shop. We got back to Eugene, got Taco Bell, and I played WOW.
I sarted summer classes yesterday. Geology 101 which I might not need to take. Its at 8 am so I am really miserable. 8amClass and I have to go to work right afterwards then Doug and Emilie's house stuff...i don't get home till 6 pm. It sucks. I want it to stop. We might be closing as soon as next week too. We're expanding. If we do, and I don't ha to take this class I might be able to go to Medford again, but I am not sure.
Good God, I am tired.
uncle frankand aunt abby,
being a teacher,
teach for america,
stuff for the flat,
summer 07,
stardust waitress,
aaron's parents,
neil gaiman,
emilie and doug,
other aaron,