Oct 19, 2009 05:13
Last week on FOX's LA local morning show couple of days they were, literally, whining for hours because of the "enormous" rain they've got there. Honest to God, it seemed like not a big problem at all, but journalists looked terrified, "The Great California Flood of the Decade!" Someone's ground floor got a bit waterlogged (later reporter told, this kind of a problem happens every year), and there were some drying poodles on the streets causing MWAs. So I though, those LA FOX's guys must be struggling with a Real News shortage. And guess what? I've been catching up on last week's Craig Ferguson shows, and he commented the situation Exactly the same way I did! Also he mentioned, though, that this kind of light-rainy weather makes him homesick. Oh poor thing, that is so sweet.
P.S. Для тих, хто не стежить за мною на Твіттері: по-перше, ви не багато втрачаєте... і по-друге, не зветрайте уваги, коли бачитимете тут подібні дописи покаліченою англійською - просто мені часом важко вписатися в 140 символів.