Dec 03, 2007 02:16
Now to catch up on the life that is Ed. Like anyone actually gives a shit.
I recently got a promotion at my job. After a month of being on and off the phones doing eather the job I was originally hired for, floor support or processing orders...after submitting my application for the promotion, I finally confronted my manager about it. I had frankly gotten tired of not knowing what my position was and considering that I seemed to be excelling in everything I was doing (I was overall the third top agent on the floor and I believe tied for first in quality when I was on the phones as an example) she finally interviewed me for the position, telling me later that she would tell me if I got it. By the end of the day I reminded her to tell me and she told me I was hired amongst five others for the position. On top of this, I would be reporting directly to her as I would be processing paper work and orders. Now, to find out about that potential pay increase. lol. Unfortunately, that is on delay as last week she had to go to the hospital due to a broken foot.
Also, I met this wonderful woman online through the room I am an admin. for. She's beautiful, both mentally and personality wise along with physically. We get along GREAT and are so damned compatible. It's to the point that she has a little girl of her own and I don't care. Thing is that she lives in California. However, inspite of this, we are dating. Yes, I know the folly of long distance relationships. Know what though? I love this woman that much. I am willing to give this a chance and I am hoping that we work inspite of the 3000+ mile distance.
On a down note, as a result of Alexa never taking over the accounts she said she would after I moved out and those very accounts being closed due to collections...I have a nice chunk of debt on my hands. I've been trying to figure out a way to pay off those debts over time, including the massive amount I owe DirecTV for the converts (which I never got back and am now realizing I never will), once I got myself out of my current payday advance cycle...but unfortunately I was forced to deal with the one from ATT first as the other account that I had set up for my mom was shut down as a result of the one I had set up back in May. So, over two hundred bucks that I don't currently have were loaned to me by my mom which I need to repay this coming friday.....
Luckily however, I also found out that I should be getting a $563 bonus check this pay period ALONG with double pay for Thanksgiving (appearently I was able to retain my tenure with Convergys inspite of not working there for nearly six months), time and a half for working Black Friday, and four hours of over time. This should be enough to get me out of the current debt I am in and make me current with all my bills. Still, I would have prefered not to deal with the ATT debt that I have at the moment so that I could have gotten my mom a holiday gift (as my poor as didn't get her a birthday gift) or used some of the money to pay off the debt I have with my brother (currently owe him over a thousand bucks as a result of James, Alexa, and being out of work for two months while living with my mom), or even myself something as it's been awhile since I got anything for myself. Well....I think I am going to get myself something. Even if I need to start another payday advance cycle. lol.
Also, this month marks the last month that we need to pay Andy security. Which means my rent should be going down. W00T! Now hopefully by Febuary I should be able to get a new cellphone *eyes the LG Voyager* as my Razr is currently having problems as a result of it getting "wet" even though it never got wet. Then again, this is South Florida, where the air is just a hot enough to keep the humidity from actually liquidfying.
And so that marks the end of my little rant. I am still hoping to finish that damned essay some time by the end of this year. Perhaps in the next month it will be done. I will keep posting new poetry as I become inspired by it and yeah.
Oh, and for anyone who cares, War was not a passage out of Sun Tzu's "Art of War"...but it was inspired by it. I mention this as I've already had a few people ask me that offline.