so it's been a really long time since i have wrote in this. maybe it's because the people that i really want to know about my life i am more likely to pick up a phone and call. people mostly write on this because they want people to read something specific about them. something that will persuade the way you think of them. most of the time it's all bullshit like "oh feel bad for me this guy doesnt like me because i am fat and ugly" or "i hate this girl and i want all you of you to hate her too, and this is only way i can talk about her because i am a childish little cunt". it's supposed to be a fucking journal, or in a loose sense, a blog...little updates on your life..just in case anyone cares.
so..just in case anyone cares.
to answer the question on your mind..yes i am back from it's not because i couldn't handle it. it's because my parents didn't like me being that far away and because i met a guy in new york that swept me off my feet and just happened to be from pittsburgh. not to mention that coming home meant that i could see my best friend again. new york was an amazing place and i did make a lot of friends. but my heart belongs here.
since i have been here there have been some ups and downs, but i think that's all part of getting adjusted. i have been working at hard rock, which is a fucking joke, living in seven fields, which has grown on me, being in the first serious relationship i have been in for almost 3 years, and i love him with all my heart, and finally enrolling in beauty school. everything is looking up. i still do my photography and i am still bad ass at it. i just want to expand my education. i just like to have many talents.
i guess that getting older really makes you realize what is important to you. the most important things really are being happy and healthy, that's it. and i am both right now, well maybe i have anxiety sometimes, but that's self inflicted.
here is a recapp on last year and some new pics too
love sac!!
chest hair
real chest hair
the love of my life!!!!
unfortunately friends forever...haha just kiddin
my heart <3