Aug 03, 2006 13:46
The course and solution for the day is to oversalinate. Super saturate my solutions with sodium, with chloride, with hydrogen, without H (leaving the H in both, and reminding myself that in order to become near-infinite, I will undoubtedly need an infinite source of fuel). If the vessel can't properly take advantage of its sustenance, if the majority ends up as waste or excess cargo (the passenger cannot make the destination, the vessel will fail long before the journey's beginning).
Masticating the gentle slick ends of what could be mistaken for that second H, the vehicle gains a new found respect and anticipation for the fuel supply (The passengers float along their seats, getting comfortable, waiting for the journey to begin, enjoying the in-flight movie).
(The Conductor reaches a finger into the cinematic) undetailed, the motor [attached] kicks into a cold start [the ringing of the day's first bell].