Photographic Evidence (Law & Order: UK)

Oct 30, 2010 16:01

Title: Photographic Evidence
Author: Persiflage_1
Characters/Pairings: Alesha/James
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: 3.05 - Survivor
Summary: Alesha shows James some photos from her Law School days that stun him.
Disclaimer: ITV owns Law & Order: UK
Author Notes: mischief89 made this manip of Freema - and the plot bunnies went wild!


James wakes before Alesha and looks over at the bedside clock to see that it's just after five thirty. He stifles a grunt of annoyance at being awake too early on a Saturday morning, then slips out of bed to use the bathroom. When he returns, Alesha snuggles up against him, and he smiles in pleasure as he wraps an arm around her. He can't help thinking that her dark red silk pyjamas look very sensuous against her brown skin, and he lightly strokes two fingers up and down her arm.

"James," she murmurs sleepily.

"Hello love. Did I wake you?"

She lifts her head a fraction to look at him. "Not really," she says. She shifts her body against his and he feels a surge of desire again, despite the fact that they'd had an early night to indulge themselves last night.

Her hand, which has been resting on his chest, drifts downwards until she grazes the palm across his burgeoning erection, and he can't help gasping a little at the sensation of the silk of his own pyjamas rubbing against his skin.

"Someone's feeling frisky," he says, smiling approvingly at her.

"Mmm. Do you want me to show you something to make you feel frisky?" she asks.

He laughs. "What have you got that I haven't already seen?" he teases.

"Oh, I didn't mean me - not directly anyway."

He raises his eyebrows, intrigued. "What do you mean?"

"Hang on." She removes her hand from his crotch and he bites back disappointment as she slips from the bed and pads barefoot over to the wardrobe from the bottom of which she removes a large rectangular cardboard box.

He sits up a little against the pillows as she puts the box on the bed, then settles cross legged beside him.

"Remember I said yesterday that I worked three jobs to put myself through Law School?" she asks.

He nods, watching as she takes the lid off the box; it's full of photo albums, he notices. She roots around in the bottom of the box and pulls out a slim black album, which she hands to him before dumping the box and the lid back on the floor.

"Go on," she urges. "Open it." She snuggles up against his body and he puts his right arm around her, then flicks open the album.

The first photo shows Alesha in a halter neck black dress with white spots, leaning against a mirror; she's looking at the camera and there's a mischievous smile on her face.

"Where are these from?" asks James, turning the page and finding photos of Alesha wearing a very short silver dress in the next two photos.

"When I was doing my Law degree, I had a mate, Ricky, who was doing a photography and design course. He needed people to model for him - and the money was pretty good, so I did some sessions with him."

James turns another page and gasps in surprise: the left hand photo shows Alesha, dressed only in a pair of tights with white flowers sewn onto them and a pair of high heeled shoes. She's leaning against the mirror, looking back over her shoulder at the camera with a sultry expression on her face.

"My god, Alesha," he says, barely able to tear his eyes from the photo to look at her.

She smirks. "I thought you'd like that," she says, then nods at his groin; his pyjama trousers are starting to tent out in a very impressive manner.

The photo alongside is no less provocative - Alesha is wearing a length of black material that's wound around her body in four wide stripes, and a pair of red silk knickers that are barely decent.

"Fuck!" he mutters, feeling his cock growing even harder.

Alesha leans in and nuzzles the side of his neck, then bites gently on his ear. "You like them then?"

"Bloody silly question," he growls, then turns his head and kisses her hard.

She slips a hand into the waistband of his trousers, easing the material down over his erection and cups him. Her thumb rubs the vein that runs down the underside of his cock and he twitches in her hand.

James moans into her mouth and Alesha feels herself growing slick with desire.

"James," she gasps. "Please."

He pushes her over onto her back, and she lifts her bum so he can tug her pyjama trousers down to her knees. He moves over her, his weight on his knees and hands at first while she guides his cock inside her heated core.

"Okay?" he gasps, and she nods, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and pulling him down for another hungry kiss. Then he begins to move, slowly at first, but quickly picking up speed.

"Did you ever do nude modelling?" James asks between thrusts.

"No. Ricky wanted me to, but I was worried about the consequences if the photos came to light later, especially since I was doing Law."

"Pity," he mutters, then grunts when Alesha wraps her legs around his thighs, pulling him closer, and his thrusts become much deeper.

They rut together in a more animalistic fashion than usual, both of them gasping and grunting, and uttering broken phrases as James drives into Alesha. He sends them both over the edge into orgasm and he almost collapses on top of her after he reaches his climax. Alesha strokes his back as they catch their breath, and he slips his arms under her to roll them both over so she is lying on top of him.

"Okay?" he asks softly. He feels slightly embarrassed now by his surge of lust and almost feels like apologising for being so urgent.

She kisses him on the mouth, then smiles, and he wonders if she knows what he's thinking (she often does). "I'm good," she says. "And thank you. You gave me just what I wanted at that moment - a quick, hard fuck."

His eyes widen with surprise, and she smirks at him. "James, I showed you those photos to provoke exactly that sort of reaction."

"Did you indeed?" he says, laughing slightly. "Minx."

Her smirk becomes an outright grin and she wriggles against him, reminding him that his softening cock is still inside her. She kisses him again, her tongue sliding against his, before she sucks on it, and he groans.

"Someone's feeling insatiable this morning, I see," he teases. He reaches out and picks up the photo album.

"Mmm." She pulls herself up his body and his cocks slips out of her again.

"So why did you want to provoke me?" he asks, wrapping an arm around her.

"To show you that I wouldn't break or break down," she says seriously. "Since we've been together, you've always been unfailingly gentle and careful with me - you've very obviously been making love to me. And I really appreciate that, after what Merrick did, but I wanted you to realise that sometimes I just want to fuck." She's watching him intently, he notices, and he concludes that she's waiting for some assurance that he understands what she's saying.

"So you're giving me permission to - at least occasionally - not spend time on any niceties of foreplay," he suggests. "But just to get my cock out, get your knickers off, and shag you silly?"

She giggles. "Exactly." She kisses him quick and hard. "Don't get me wrong, I love it when you wine and dine and seduce me into bed. I love the way that you can drive me crazy with nothing more than your fingers and your tongue. But sometimes, that's not what I want."

"You will have to tell me, then, what you want at any given time," he tells her, his tone serious now. "Because I can't help wanting to wine and dine and seduce you into bed."

"Promise," she says, tilting her head forward for another kiss.

"Good." James tosses the album aside again. All he's ever wanted to do since embarking on this relationship with Alesha is make her happy, and if that includes a 'quick hard fuck', then that's what he'll give her - but he's glad she likes the seductive sex as well.

fic: law & order: uk, fic genre: pr0n, character pairing: alesha/james, fic genre: missing scene

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