Law & Order: UK - 3.07 - Anonymous - Reaction Post and Picspam

Oct 22, 2010 11:05

This week's episode - the final one in the current run - was written by Debbie O'Malley. Somehow it felt more like a S2 episode than a S3 one.

- Blimey, now he's turned off that game, that's some row going on out there!

- Oh look, a little old lady witness who's hard-of-hearing - that's new!

- So the victim was a nurse.

- Natalie: Oh, I want to wash my hands.
Sure you don't want brain bleach Natalie?!

- Tues 11 Jan 2011 Northcross CSU (Crime Scene Unit) Camden

- Ew! A prisoner at Ashbridge Prison wanted Stephanie's phone number added to his list of approved numbers. That's creepy!

- Weds 12 Jan - Legal Visits Room, Ashbridge Prison (last time we were here, James was visiting John Smith in 'Defence')

- This Lowry bloke does look a bit of a creep...

- Ronnie seems seriously unimpressed by Lowry.

- Guh! Alesha in a rollneck sweater. And is she wearing a leather skirt?!?! Wow, Alesha, daring - and hella sexy... BRB after a cold shower!

- Aw, Ronnie's making Alesha a coffee...

- Poor Stephanie! I'd hate to be grabbed from behind.

- Her mum actually seems more upset than Stephanie - is that because Stephanie is so used to living with the threats from this guy?

- Oh look! Natalie's eating as well as Ronnie - that's a novelty!

- Lowry really is a sleazebag! He's actually been in prison at least twice.

- Fri 14 Jan - Home of Lucas Dutton
Ronnie: I don't think we need a warrant, do you?
*grins with Matt*

- I don't like Dutton's brief - he's smarmy.

- Fri 14 Jan - Spindrift House

- The landlady says she asked Stephanie's mum to empty the bin. But Stephanie said she'd taken her rubbish out before she was attacked and thrown down the stairs...

- Mon 17 Jan MIU Central HQ
Matt and Ronnie are clearly thinking Stephanie faked the attack because DS Fraser said they couldn't do anything more unless she was attacked.

- Poor girl. And Matt and Ronnie are clearly hating this.

- Alesha: You know we should charge her [for wasting police time].

- Alesha: So [Lowry's] back, spreading the love.
Matt: I guess so. I can introduce you, if you like? [Matt! Your chatting up technique's getting worse!!]
Alesha: Yeah, I think I'll pass.

- Ronnie's introducing Matt to Korean cuisine? Somehow I don't think he'll go for it!

- Shit, Stephanie's dead! Been found beaten, stabbed and suffering from a broken neck.

- Matt and Ronnie have found TWENTY FIVE copies of Mozart's Don Giovani? That's a wee bit obsessive!

- George: Am I the only one who's noticed the great big elephant in the room?

- George: So what are you and your gut planning to do?
Oh George! LOL

- Fri 21 Jan - Woodberry Prison, Rotheram
Oh boy! They've got a media centre? Don't tell me Lowry never had access to computers!

- As a prisoner doing time for computer crimes, Lowry wouldn't have access to the media centre. [Officially!]

- Ooh, Alesha's wearing her dark red shirt again. Yum!

- Alesha: Animal rescue.
George: I beg your pardon.
And James is also looking baffled by Alesha's apparently random interjection!

- Weds 2 Feb - Legal Visits Room, Woodberry Prison.
Alesha and James are interviewing Lowry's cell mate, Wilson.

- Alesha: Trouble is, if you say you're the only one who used that computer, that means you must have sent the emails for him. So you'll be charged with harrassment, and aiding and abetting murder.
I LURVE it when Alesha plays bad cop! [Down plot bunny, down I say!]

- Wilson: It was only meant to be the once.
Ha! Alesha sighs with satisfaction and James gives her his "We've got him" look!

- Evelyn Wyndham (Anna Chancellor) is defending Lowry?

- George: Queen of the Early Dismissal

- Well Wyndham definitely won't hesitate to blacken Stephanie's character. No defence barrister ever does!

- Mon 21 Feb - MIU Central HQ
Matt and Ronnie are trying to persuade Natalie to let them re-examine the evidence about the first attack on Stephanie, despite the fact that they both seemed pretty certain at the time that she'd faked it.

- And despite the fact that Natalie's warned him off it, Ronnie's gone back to see Stephanie's landlady.

- Ronnie, you're pretty much leading the witness here!

- James and Alesha don't seem hugely convinced by Ronnie's report. Alesha, especially, is wearing her sceptical face. But I bet James'll use it.

- Ronnie's saying they jumped to conclusions? Hmm, I'd have said he's far too experienced an officer to do that...

- Alesha: Why's he doing this?
James: Because he believes it's the right thing to do.
Alesha: But does he believe that Stephanie Blake was attacked. [Alesha clearly doesn't believe Ronnie believes it.]
James: That is not a question we need to ask. [Told you!!]
Alesha: You reckon?

- Fri 18 March - Pre-trial Review Crown v Lowry.
Ouch! Wyndham's accusing the CPS of encouraging Ronnie to reopen the case, though it was entirely his own idea.

- Wyndham: Far be it from me to accuse the opposing Counsel of suborning perjury.
Um, that's pretty much what you've just implied, actually!

- Ronnie! Does Matt even *know* what you've done?

- Natalie: What the hell were you thinking?
Ronnie: She asked me my opinion and I gave it to her.
Natalie: No! You gave his [points to Matt] opinion. So not only were you an inch away from perjury, now you want to drag your partner down with you too!
Matt: You could have warned me, Ron.
Natalie: Consider yourself on gardening leave until the end of the trial.
[For the non-Brits in the audience, Garden(ing) leave can be used when an employee is sent home whilst subject to disciplinary proceedings, when they are between projects, or where, as a result of publicity, their presence at work is considered counter-productive. Civil servants used to get sent on gardening leave.]

- Ronnie: There's no point the pair of us being on gardening leave is there, because you live in a flat.
LOL And yet that's ill-timed humour...

- Alesha: The hospital lawyers asked for a copy of the police report. They were going to fire [Stephanie] if she made it all up.
The fact that they didn't fire Stephanie means that either Matt didn't send the report, as he told Alesha that he would, or else he lied to them.

- Tues 29 March - Old Bailey Robing Room
Alesha: James, are you sure about this?
She asks him that quite often!

- Ouch! James is really going after Matt - making him seem like a naive/over-confident junior detective. It's just possible Matt might want to smack James for that later - and Ronnie too!

- Alesha looks really uncomfortable.

- And now James is accusing Matt of lying to disguise his incompetence. Ouch!

- I knew Alesha would have a go at James about that. She's so fiercely loyal to her friends (cf the whole of "Alesha", where she went to Merrick because of her loyalty to her friend Diane.)

- James: Not today. Today he was collateral damage.
I don't think Alesha's going to forget that in a hurry.

- For the first time ever, Matt and Ronnie are sitting separately on the benches.

- So Lowry's found guilty, and Matt and Ronnie's friendship and working relationship is not in a good place.

I was left feeling a bit deflated by that episode. And I missed the shippiness between Alesha and James, too...

picspam, reaction post, actor: freema agyeman, actor: ben daniels, tv: law & order: uk

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