Drabbles of Fic Part 8

Nov 15, 2007 19:39

Title: Drabbles of Fic Part 8
Author: Persiflage_1
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Martha, Martha/Jack
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Season 3
Disclaimer: The BBC owns "Doctor Who" and all that jazz…
Author Notes: More of the Drabbles I've written for the lifeonmartha 1000 Drabbles of Awesome Tag game that are to celebrate the Community reaching 1000 members and we've posted the 400th Drabble now - woot! We've also been having a "Sound of Music" mini-challenge - posting song lyric prompts, so all but the first of these are song lyric prompts.


Martha is on the rack, and the Doctor is angry (For erisinia)

The Doctor struggled uselessly in his chains, his yells muffled by the gag across his mouth and watched helplessly as his Companion was stretched on a rack. When he'd suggested a trip to the 15th century, this hadn't been what he had in mind.

Martha was sobbing with terror - the mere sight of the rack had left her shaking with fear, and when they'd stripped her of most of her clothes, she'd struggled furiously, but to no avail. They were convinced she and the Doctor were spies and nothing the Doctor said could persuade the Baron and his men otherwise.

Finally, after three hours, when the Baron's men had been unable to get any information from him or Martha, they were released. The Doctor rushed to Martha's side as soon as they unchained him and lifted his exhausted Companion into his arms, then pushed his way out of the Castle, with a murderous glare for anyone who dared to look at him, not that many did. He got Martha back to the TARDIS as quickly as he could, taking her straight to the Medical Bay, where he gave her some painkillers before getting the TARDIS into the Vortex. Then he hurried back to her bedside to deal with her injuries: both her shoulders as well as the little finger on her left hand had been dislocated. He smoothed the hair from her forehead, then ran a finger down her cheek.

"I need to put your joints back," he told her. She nodded, then gritted her teeth, but couldn't help crying out with each one. When he'd finished, he picked her up and carried her to her room, tucking her into bed.

"Stay please?" she asked in a hoarse whisper as he was about to move away.

"OK." He slipped off his shoes and jacket, then stretched out beside her and she snuggled up to him before falling into an uneasy sleep. He lay next to her, wondering whether she'd want to go back home after this and thinking that it might be best if she did. Being injured whilst saving lives was one thing, but being tortured was a different matter altogether.

* * * * * *

You had me many years ago, when I was still quite naive (You're so Vain) (For scarlettgirl When I posted this on lifeonmartha I included the prompt in the dialogue, but it seemed corny and irritated me, so I've edited the dialogue and taken the prompt out - but this bit of fic was directly inspired by the prompt.)

Twelve years, now, Doctor Martha Jones had been travelling with the Doctor, and keeping him sufficiently out of harm's way that he still wore the same face as when they'd first met. But now she was finally leaving him. She'd practised medicine on all kinds of aliens on all kinds of worlds and now she was taking her knowledge and experience back home to Earth to share with Torchwood and UNIT, and other similar secret organisations. The Doctor was immensely proud of her and all she'd achieved in her travels, but he desperately wished she'd stay. He couldn't ask her - she knew how he felt and he knew well enough she was doing the right thing. The bond of friendship and affection they shared was intense and neither Time nor Space would ever diminish it.

He still had her old phone and he'd made a solemn promise to come running any time she needed him, not that he believed she would. His Martha Jones was both a Warrior and a Healer, and quite a few alien cultures had learnt the hard way not to trifle with the slender young woman at his side.

Now she stood by the console, running her fingers gently along it and listening to the TARDIS' farewell hum, and he knew his ship would miss his Companion almost as much as he would. Her bags were packed and waiting by the door, they just had to say their own farewells and he was terrified at the prospect, convinced he'd break down and blub like a child, but it had to be done.

He crossed over to her and she turned to smiled up at him, a suspicion of tears in her eyes as they wrapped each other in a tight hug.

"I'm going to miss you Doctor Jones."

"I'll miss you too, Mister Smith. It's hard to believe we've been travelling together so long. I'm not the naïve girl I was back then."

He kissed the top of her head. "You're a woman who’s experienced much of Time and Space, and a large portion of the Universe too. I know you're going to make good use of that experience and the knowledge you've gained."

"I'll do my best, Mister Smith."

"That's all I ask Doctor Jones." He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her firmly. "And when you call, I'll come running." He let her go and watched her, through his tears, as she walked away from him, hoping he would see her again.

* * * * * *

I'm bringing sexy back, those other boys don't know how to act (Sexy back) (For scarlettgirl - cheesily silly, darned if I'll apologise though!)

Martha eyed Jack over the top of her glass, watching him gyrating on the dance floor. His energy was always astonishing and he wore her out regularly in bed and on the dance floor, not to mention at work chasing aliens. The music stopped momentarily and he was at her side instantly.

"Come on Martha, dance with me?" His bright blue eyes were imploring.

"Oh I don't know, I was thinking of dancing with Yan or Owen, they're less exhausting - and a bit more subtle than you."

Jack rolled his eyes. "Hey I'm bringing sexy back, those other boys don't know how to act."

Martha rolled her eyes in turn. "I've told you to stop doing that!"

"What?" He feigned innocence.

"Quoting lyrics at me!"

"Dance with me and I promise not to quote another one all night," he purred, before bending his head to kiss her neck.

"'kay," Martha murmured, knowing she could never resist him when he did that.

* * * * * *

"Always On My Mind" (For domsbabygrl)

Martha Jones looked the Doctor up and down, slightly bemused by his sudden appearance in her flat since she hadn't rung him.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

"I came to apologise," he said, scuffing one Converse-clad foot across her kitchen floor.

"You did?" She tried not to sound sceptical.

He nodded. "In the three months since you left me, no matter what I did or where I went, you were always on my mind."

She arched an eyebrow at him. "And what, specifically, are you sorry about?"

"If I made you feel second best - " He paused. "I'm sorry I was blind. I should have treated you much better than I did. Will you give me one more chance?"

"OK - but if I come with you again, it's on my terms this time." He nodded, hope shining in his brown eyes. "C'mere you!" She opened her arms and he grabbed her up into a tight hug.

"Thank you," he whispered.

* * * * * *

"But when she calls me, I do not walk, I run/Oh, when she calls, I do not walk, I run" (The Smiths, Wonderful Woman) (For ms_treesap)

The Doctor was wandering through London, doing nothing in particular whilst Donna was visiting her parents, when Martha's phone began to ring. He fished around in his jacket pocket frantically, then pulled it out, spilling a bag of jelly babies on the pavement.

"Hello Martha?"

"Doctor!" She sounded breathless he noticed.

"Where are you? What is it?"

"At the Royal Hope, but - "

"I'll be there, don't go anywhere." He set off sprinting, shouting apologies to everyone he jostled, finally moving out onto the road to run down the cycle lane. He was at the hospital in minutes and immediately saw Martha standing outside, leaning against the wall. She didn't look as if she was hurt or in any immediate danger, which was a relief.

She saw him and straightened up, then shaking her head, she ran towards him. "You're completely mad!" she exclaimed once she was in hailing distance.

"Why?" he asked slightly breathlessly.

"I only rang to tell you'd I'd passed my exams!"

"Oh! OH! Congratulations *Doctor* Jones!" He grabbed her into a hug and spun her around in circles until they were both slightly breathless and dizzy, then he put her down.

"You ran all the way here?" she asked when she'd recovered.



"You told me that I'd 'better come running' when your phone rang - so I did. I thought you were in danger so I wasn't going to walk."

She shook her head. "You *are* completely mad." She grinned up at him. "Do you have time to help me celebrate?"

"Time Lord, remember?" he asked laughing.

"Oh yeah!" She laughed too and they headed to the nearest coffee shop, hand-in-hand, still laughing.

character pairing: martha/jack, fic genre: 1000 drabbles, character pairing: ten/martha, fic

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