Drabbles of Fic Part 7

Nov 14, 2007 16:51

Title: Drabbles of Fic Part 7
Author: Persiflage_1
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Martha, Jack
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Season 3
Disclaimer: The BBC owns "Doctor Who" and all that jazz…
Author Notes: More of the Drabbles I've written for the lifeonmartha 1000 Drabbles of Awesome Tag game that are to celebrate the Community reaching 1000 members.


The Doctor takes Martha to an ocean world (For padawanpooh )

The Doctor opened the TARDIS door carefully, then guided Martha outside, holding her hand firmly in his. Her eyes were wide behind the facemask, filled with both excitement and nervousness. They pushed away from the TARDIS door and swam towards a magnificent coral reef a few feet ahead. The Doctor climbed up first, then helped Martha up, and they pulled off their facemasks.

"Wow! This is amazing!" she exclaimed.

The Doctor grinned. "You're privileged, no human has ever visited Vågor before."

They spent several hours exploring the reef, marvelling at all the marine life before they went back to the TARDIS where Martha chattered excitedly about it for hours afterwards, infecting the Doctor with her enthusiasm and reminding him yet again why he loved to travel with her.

* * * * * *

Martha receives a sonic device of her own (For laura_luvage)

The Doctor presented the gift-wrapped box to his Companion with a flourish.

"What's this?" Martha asked curiously.

"Well you've been travelling with me for three years now, and I thought it was about time you had one of your own since you're always borrowing mine."

She unwrapped the box quickly and peered inside. "Oh my God! You made me a Sonic?!" She jumped into his arms for a hug and he span her round, laughing.

"You've more than earned it Doctor Jones. I included as many medical functions as I could think of - and there's several databases of Xenobiology and whatnot stored in it as well."

"Thank you." She kissed his cheek and he put her down reluctantly.

"You're welcome. Right, let's go and field test it." He bounced away to the console to set a course and left Martha admiring her new acquisition with a big grin on her face.

* * * * * *

The Doctor paints Martha's portrait (For drho)

Martha tried not to fidget but it wasn't easy. She still wasn't quite sure how she'd let the Doctor talk her into this, but it was too late to back out now.

"What do you think, Master?" asked the Doctor.

Leonardo da Vinci looked up from his easel. "I think she is divine," he answered.

Martha felt herself blushing, and it got worse when the Doctor agreed. "Isn't she?" He hopped out from behind his easel and walked over to where Martha lay naked on a low couch, apart from an artistically draped piece of fabric.

"Quite divine indeed," he said softly as he made a minute adjustment to the fabric, then brushed a kiss against her shoulder. He winked as he whispered, "Later," then moved back to his easel.

* * * * * *

"Funny, it was there the last time I looked." (For shinji_star)

"Martha, have you seen my Sonic?" asked the Doctor, looking puzzled.

She gave him an innocent look. "Me? No."

"I thought I'd left it on the kitchen table when I was sorting out the kettle. Funny, it was there the last time I looked."

She shrugged nonchalantly. "Can't help, sorry. Anyway, I'm going to bed."

"OK, sleep well." The Doctor watched her go with a distracted air then went back to searching for his tool.

Alone in her room, Martha pulled the Sonic Screwdriver from her jeans pocket. "Right," she whispered, "Time to see just what this thing can do."

* * * * * *

Tight leather (For parrotfish)

Jack and the Doctor stared, eyes wide, mouths agape as Martha Jones walked into the room clad in a tight leather strapless red mini dress.

"Wow!" They spoke simultaneously.

She was chatting to the Prince of Raseri, apparently oblivious to the effect she was having on her two companions as they watched from the other side of the dais.

"It looks as if that dress has been painted on," Jack said. "I bet she's not wearing anything under it, either," he added under his breath.

"Stop it!" the Doctor said sternly, although he'd just reached the same conclusion.

"Is it *my* fault she looks so hot?" demanded Jack.

"No," conceded the Doctor. "It’s mine actually. I let her have the run of the Wardrobe. I'd forgotten about that dress."

"Forgotten?" asked Jack incredulously. "How on Earth or anywhere else could you forget about that dress?"

The Doctor shrugged. He hadn't yet taken his eyes off Martha Jones - he wasn't even sure he could look away from her, not that he wanted to - in fact he'd be quite happy to just spend the rest of her lifetime staring at her. How had he failed to notice before how beautiful she was and now he'd noticed should he do anything about it?

* * * * * *

Next to the TARDIS key on a chain around her neck, there's a wedding ring (For erisinia)

In Martha's first days at Torchwood, it's Tosh who notices there's a wedding ring on the chain around Martha's neck which also carries what appears to be an ordinary Yale key. Tosh is intrigued - the two objects look so incongruous together - and she wonders why Martha would wear a wedding ring on a chain but not on her finger. If she's divorced, why would she want to be reminded of the fact? And if she's not divorced, why not wear the ring in the usual fashion?

The more time she spends with Martha, the more questions Tosh has about her. She's still in her early 20s, yet she's got a mature, confident manner that makes her seem much older. She also seems to know far more about aliens than is likely in a young, newly qualified London doctor. When Tosh tries to find out more, Martha's courteous but reserved, saying little; searches of the various databases that Tosh can access yield only the standard information. Finally she tries asking Jack, but he's even more uncommunicative than Martha, and in the end Tosh is forced to accept that she may never get the answers to her questions.

character: jack harkness, fic genre: 1000 drabbles, character pairing: ten/martha, fic genre: smut, fic

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