I complainedobserved recently that hardly anyone had asked me for New Who things in their responses to my 'Top 5 Fannish Things' meme, and was promptly deluged! (The Power of Pers... *cough*)
So here are several of my responses, all of them centring around Doctor Martha Jones:
londonesque asked:
My Top 5 Incarnations of the Doctor that I'd like Martha to travel with
1 - Nine: he needed healing, she's a brilliant doctor, it's a match made on Gallifrey, if you ask me!
1 - Eight: I actually can't choose between Eight and Nine, so they made #1 together! The Eighth Doctor is dashing, romantic, pretty and sexy - exactly what Dr Jones needs in an alien time-travelling friend!
3 - Three: Martha and Liz are both independent and clever scientists, so I reckon Three would enjoy talking to Martha just as much as he did Liz.
4 - Two: he seems so gentle and kind, but I reckon she's smart enough to spot the sharp mind he's always trying to hide behind his bumbling manner.
5 - Six: Martha would be as good for Six as Evelyn, and while she might not bake him chocolate cake, she wouldn't force carrot juice on him either (even if she did worry about his health).
If Martha was a Time Lord and had her own TARDIS, which five companion teams would you create for her?
(I've thought about this WAY too much!)
1 - Jack Harkness and Donna Noble: not that the Universe would ever be ready for that team!
2 - Liz Shaw and Sarah Jane Smith: my two favourite companions of the Third Doctor together with Martha? They'd be unstoppable.
3 - Harry Sullivan and Thomas Hector (Hex) Schofield: two Doctors and a nurse in one TARDIS? The Universe has never been so healthy!
4 - Brigadier Lethbridge Stewart and Col Emily Chaudhry: a UNIT-centric TARDIS team would be fascinating to me.
5 - Wilfred Mott and Mr Copper: Martha would ensure they had the time of their lives.
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la_esmeralda_ asked for my Top 5 People (fictional or famous) I'd want Martha to meet:
1 - Arthur Leared (Physician and traveller: inventor of the binaural stethoscope)
2 - James Simpson (Obstetrician who was the first to use chloroform in obstetrics and the first in Britain to use ether)
3 - 'Doc' Emmett Brown (Back to the Future's inventor of time-travel)
4 - Florence Nightingale - if it's good enough for Hex, it's good enough for Martha to meet the Lady with the Lamp.
5 - Lady Romanadvoratrelundar - I just think Romana would be fascinated by Martha - and she'd be pleased to meet a Time Lord who's less emo than Ten!
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abstruse_fangrl asked which are Martha's 5 favourite rooms in the TARDIS.
1 - The Med Bay - I think she'd love the chance to explore and learn about advanced medical techniques.
2 - The Library - All that knowledge from across the Universe? Ten would have to dig her out with a pick-axe, I think!
3 - The Observatory - It's my fanon that Martha has always loved looking at the stars, even if she never expected to go there.
4 - Her Bedroom - It's somewhere she can get some peace and quiet when the Doctor gets too much for her.
5 - The Clock Garden - It's been relocated away from its spot near the Control Room (in Eight's day) but it's still in there.
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tardis_mafia asked which Top 5 authors I would like Ten/Martha to meet?
I basically picked five of my favourite authors who aren't Shakespeare - since they did that already!
1 - Jane Austen.
2 - J R R Tolkien.
3 - Neil Gaiman.
4 - Charles Dickens (yes, I know Nine and Rose went to meet him!)
5 - Sir Terry Pratchett.
Top 5 DW crossovers you would like to see
1 - Law & Order: UK - a double dose of Freema on my screen would be awesome! Plus, I'd like to see Ten's reaction to James Steel treating Martha like an interesting women...
2 - The Sarah Jane Adventures - since SJS used to work with UNIT and Martha now does, and the two have met in canon, I want to see Martha on SJA!
3 - Leverage - I'd love to see Martha's reaction to Ten and Hardison geeking out!
4 - The Mentalist - Martha wouldn't let Patrick Jane sweet talk her into anything - and he'd find that fascinating.
5 - Spooks - When Martha Jones met Harry Pearce and Ruth Evershed. It'd be awesome!