30 Days with Martha Jones: Believe

Nov 08, 2008 15:54

Who_Daily Link: < a href="http://persiflage-1.livejournal.com/184649.html">30 Days with Martha Jones: Believe by < lj user=persiflage_1> (Characters: Martha Jones, Ross Jenkins | Rating: G | Spoilers: 4.04 - 4.06)

Title: 30 Days with Martha Jones: Believe
Author: Persiflage_1
Characters/Pairings: Martha Jones, Ross Jenkins
Rating: G
Spoilers: 4.04 - 4.06
Summary: 30 Days in the life of Martha Jones
Disclaimer: I occasionally wish that I did own it!
Author Notes: I signed up to do mini_nanowrimo this year, and snagged 30 random prompts from doctorwho_100 which will form the basis of the 30 fics I write. Each fic will feature Martha and at least one other Whoniverse character, and the prompt will be included in the title of the fic.

Index Post


When Martha got back to London all thoughts of contacting Harry Sullivan were pushed out of her head by the news that Dr Short had just come back from his most recent Project Indigo jump with a broken leg and wrist owing to the fact he'd landed in some trees when he missed his intended arrival point by four miles.

She hurried to the Infirmary, almost bumping into Ross Jenkins outside her office. She caught hold of his shoulders to prevent him falling and he thanked her shyly before rushing on his way.

A couple of hours later, she had dealt with Dr Short's injuries and a private had been detailed to drive him back home until he was fit enough to return to work, and Martha headed to the mess to get herself something to eat before she tackled the reports that were waiting for her attention. The mess was deserted, apart from Ross, and she wondered whether to stop and talk to him; ever since the business with the Sontarans he'd been shy with her, and she knew it was her fault.

She'd got back from their unplanned trip to Messaline to be told he was in the Infirmary recovering from his encounter with the Sontarans; since the Doctor had told her that Ross had been killed in the raid on the ATMOS factory she hadn't dared to believe the news that he'd survived after all. When she'd seen him, she'd hugged him and then started crying, to his bewilderment and their mutual embarrassment.

It occurred to her now that she'd never given him an explanation for her uncharacteristically unprofessional behaviour, so she got herself an apple and a bottle of water, then went across to his table.

"Mind if I join you?" she asked.

He shook his head, flushing a little as he went back to eating.

"I wanted to apologise for the way I embarrassed you when I found out you had survived the Sontarans," she said.

He looked up. "It's okay," he said.

Martha drank some of her water. "I was glad to see you because I'd just watched two people die," she told him, "one of whom died to save my life, and another of whom I thought might become a friend. Seeing you alive after that was just such a relief."

She looked away from his intent gaze. "I hate losing people." Her tone was fierce and Ross shivered a little; he'd always felt in awe of Martha because she'd travelled with the Doctor, and because she was as smart as she was beautiful.

"I'm sorry you lost your friends," he said quietly.

Martha brought her gaze back to his face and saw the sympathy in his expression. "Thanks Ross. So, how did you end up in UNIT?"

"My dad was in UNIT and he served under Sir Alistair, back when he was the Brigadier."

Her expression brightened. "Could I meet him?"

He shook his head. "He died," Ross answered, staring at his now empty plate. "He was killed by the Daleks during the Battle of Canary Wharf."

"Oh Ross, I am sorry." She reached across the table and took hold of his hand.

He looked up, eyes bright with emotion. "That was when I decided to join up. I wanted to do my bit so other kids didn't have to lose their dads."

She nodded in understanding.

"I believe in what UNIT does," he told her. "I believe the Earth should be defended and that we shouldn't let alien species think they can just come here and destroy people's lives for their own pleasure or gain."

"Not all aliens are like that though," Martha said softly.

He snorted. "Most of 'em, though. At least, most of the ones that have come in the last few years. Sontarans, Daleks, Cybermen, Sycorax, Slitheen - they're all as bad as each other."

"I know," she said. "But there are plenty of species out there who aren't interested in conquest and destruction."

"Yeah, but we never see them."

"UNIT might not, but some people do," Martha answered. "I've got a friend who used to work with UNIT years ago, and she sees some of the peaceful species."

"Lucky her," he muttered, then stood up. "I have to go, I'm on duty soon."

"Okay." Martha stood too. "Take care of yourself, Ross Jenkins. I want to see your face around here for a good few years to come, you understand?"

He saluted smartly. "Yes ma'am."

She nodded and he went out, and she followed more slowly, thinking about what he'd told her. She wondered if she could arrange for him to meet one of Sarah Jane's more peaceful visitors some time; she knew her friend had some regular visitors, such as the Star Poet and the Verran Soothsayer. Martha thought Ross might appreciate such a meeting, if it could be arranged and she resolved to send Sarah Jane an email enquiry.

series: 30 days with martha jones, fic: post s4, character: ross jenkins, character: martha jones, mini-nanowrimo

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