Trial Run

Nov 08, 2008 07:46

Who_Daily Link: < a href="">Trial Run by < lj user=persiflage_1> (Characters: Martha/Three/Liz Shaw | Rating: NC-17 | Spoilers: S4)

Title: Trial Run
Author: Persiflage_1
Characters/Pairings: Martha/Three/Liz Shaw
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: S4
Summary: Martha's testing Project Indigo with interesting consequences.
Disclaimer: I occasionally wish that I did own it!
Author Notes: I've been watching Season 7 of Classic Who and couldn't resist shipping Three & Liz (this photo didn't help!), and then the plot bunnies suggested Martha join them.

Beta: elyssadc, to whom I wish a happy birthday today!


Martha lay, spent and sated, thinking idly that testing Project Indigo had turned out to have some rather unexpected benefits, not least of which was that it travelled in time as well as space.

Two hours ago

Martha landed with a painful thump on a hard concrete floor and looked up to see two rather startled faces looking back down at her. One belonged to a white-haired man with a ruggedly handsome face dressed in a frilly shirt and dark trousers, although she couldn't help noticing that the shirt was currently half undone showing a white t-shirt below. The other face belonged to a red-haired woman who was at least a couple of decades younger than the man. She was flushed and wearing a mini dress, the skirt of which was pushed up to reveal a lot of thigh.

Martha felt her own face heating up as she realised that the man had his right knee pressed between the woman's legs: clearly she'd arrived in the middle of an amorous episode, and she began fumbling for the controls on Project Indigo even as she struggled to find words to apologise for her untimely arrival.

"S-sorry. I'm really sorry," she said, as she began to get to her feet.

"Not at all, my dear," answered the man in a friendly tone. He moved away from the redhead and bent to help Martha up from the floor, proving to be rather stronger than she'd anticipated.

"Do you mind telling me where you've sprung from?" he asked.

"London," she answered, then registering the woman's mini-dress properly, added, "2009."

"You're a time traveller?" asked the other woman, who'd smoothed her dress down and was now patting at her hair. She seemed quite calm considering Martha's ill-timed interruption.

Martha noticed that neither of them seemed particularly surprised by the idea of time travel. "Yes, although an accidental one in this case," she told them. "This device is only supposed to transport me through space. No one knew it could bring me through time." She glanced around. "I am back in time, aren't I?"

The man nodded. "Yes, you are. I'm the Doctor and this is Liz."

Martha couldn't help doing a double-take. "You're the Doctor?" she asked.

He nodded again. "You know me?"

"Um, I travelled with the Doctor before I joined UNIT, who were responsible for building this device. I'm Martha Jones." She looked down at the controls, intending to reset them and leave quickly, because interrupting the Doctor while he was obviously aroused (his tight trousers left no more to the imagination than her Doctor's did) was almost as embarrassing as it was exciting. And the fact that Liz was giving her a speculative look wasn't helping either.

"Do you have to rush back?" asked the Time Lord, a rather suggestive look in his eye (Martha had learnt to recognise those from all the times Jack had sent them her way).

She flushed, wondering if her darker skin was hiding her reaction. "I, well, um - " She felt completely flustered now.

"I think you should stay," Liz said softly, levering herself away from the work bench against which she'd been leaning and crossing to stand beside the Doctor.

"I think you should join us," the Time Lord said.

"Oh!" Martha felt heat rushing to her groin as well as her face at their obvious looks of desire. "Well, um, thank you." It wasn't that she didn't want to join them, it was just all so unexpected.

She allowed the Doctor to unfasten the Project Indigo equipment, and then Liz to take her hands to lead her across the room to the TARDIS, which she hadn't seen behind her. The Doctor followed close behind as they entered the ship, then he slipped between the two women, taking one of their hands in each of his.

They ended up in a bedroom with a king size four poster bed hung with red velvet curtains; Martha didn't notice anything else in the room until much later, since Liz immediately pulled her into an embrace, kissing her deeply as she unfastened Martha's black commando jacket.

The Doctor moved behind Martha to kiss the side of her neck as he slid his hands under her t-shirt to stroke tantalisingly across her skin. She whimpered slightly and they both broke away.

"Sit down," the Time Lord said, gesturing at the bed.

Martha obeyed, then watched as he began to kiss Liz and she finished the job she'd started earlier of unfastening his shirt. They undressed each other slowly with murmured words and soft caresses that spoke to Martha of both familiarity and deep affection, and she felt lucky that they wanted her to join them.

Liz moved away from the Doctor to pull Martha up from the bed and finish the task she'd started, pulling her t-shirt up over her head, then unfastening her combat trousers; the young doctor suddenly felt grateful that she'd put some nice underwear on this morning.

The Doctor watched as Liz finished undressing Martha, and she noticed how aroused he was. She was feeling slightly nervous about doing this: she hadn't been with another woman since her late teens, and she'd never slept with a Time Lord before, but she wasn't going to let her nerves get in the way of what she felt sure would be an enjoyable experience.

"Beautiful," murmured the Doctor, his eyes roving across her body, taking in her dark skin, the tattoos on her shoulder and her muscled stomach, and the curls at the apex of her thighs. He stepped closer and ran a long finger down her cheekbone, then dipped his head to kiss her mouth. Martha felt a shiver of pleasure run through her body and couldn't help quietly moaning, especially when Liz pressed her breasts against Martha's back.

"Please!" gasped Martha as another tremor ran through her frame. Watching Liz and the Doctor undressing each other had left her feeling more aroused than she'd expected, and their touches on her body were simply heightening the sensation until she felt ready to melt.

The Doctor pulled his mouth from Martha's neck, and gave a quick nod, then he and Liz guided her down onto the bed. Martha soon found herself on her back, her shoulders resting on the Doctor's thighs and her head against his stomach as he knelt behind her.

Liz gently caressed the skin on Martha's thighs with the tips of her fingers. "Ready?" she asked and got an eager nod in response. Liz carefully parted Martha's legs, then ducked her head to flick her tongue lightly across Martha's skin which elicited a whimper from the young doctor.

The Doctor slid his hands from Martha's shoulders to cup her breasts, his thumbs teasing her already hard nipples, and she whimpered again, then moaned as Liz slipped a finger into her heat.

As aroused as Martha already was, it didn't take long for Liz to bring her to a climax, her tongue and fingers deftly working together until Martha gasped and shuddered on the bed beneath her, pleasure racing through her body like a wildfire.

Liz straightened up, grinning with satisfaction. "Bet you're glad you stayed, now?" she asked.

Martha could only nod agreement, still too speechless from the intensity of her orgasm. The Doctor slid backwards so that she was lying down, her head and shoulders supported by pillows, and moved down the bed to kiss Liz deeply.

Then he moved between Martha's legs and gave her a mischievous grin. "If you thought that was good," he said, "you'll find this even better."

He slid inside her, hooking her left leg over his hip so that he could get a better angle of penetration and Martha couldn't help moaning as he began to thrust at a steady pace, feeling her pleasure building again in her belly and loins.

She was aware of Liz watching them, one hand teasing her nipples while the other slipped through her red curls to pleasure herself; then the other woman's eyes closed, a look of intense pleasure on her face.

Martha felt her orgasm approaching its peak and involuntarily tightened her muscles around the Doctor, but she didn't fall over the edge; she seemed to hang, suspended, in the moment of almost coming but not quite, and she whimpered, wanting to let go.

The Doctor was watching her closely and just when Martha thought she would explode, he gave a final thrust and spoke softly, "Come for me, Martha."

She cried out, her back arching up off the bed and her fists clenching so tightly into the sheets it was a surprise, afterwards, to find they weren't torn.

The Doctor lowered her leg back down to the bed, then leaned forward to kiss her carefully as he slipped out of her.

"You're even more beautiful when you come," he whispered, then moved across the bed and gestured to Liz to join him.

Martha watched them, still dazed from the intensity of her orgasm, as they made love, and she wondered what other surprises were in store for her while she tested Project Indigo.

fic: s4, fic genre: pr0n, character 3some: martha/three/liz

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