The Photograph

Sep 02, 2008 20:16

Who_Daily Link: < a href="">The Photograph by < lj user=persiflage_1> (Characters: Ten/Martha | Rating: NC-17 | Spoilers: None)

Title: The Photograph
Author: Persiflage_1
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Martha
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: None
Summary: The Doctor discovers an interesting photo of Martha
Disclaimer: I don't even own my brain any more, never mind Doctor Who!
Author Notes: This fic was inspired by this photograph of Freema Agyeman in another role.


The Doctor was bored. He was sitting in Martha’s flat, waiting for her to get home from work for their regular dinner date: she wasn’t late, he was early, so it was his fault that he was bored. He finished his second cup of tea, then got up from the sofa, setting aside the report he’d been flicking through which Martha had brought back from a recent conference in Japan. He wandered over to her bookshelves and began scanning the titles of the books. On the top shelf he spotted a book with no title on its spine, lying flat across the top of several others. Intrigued he lifted it down and realised it was actually a box; flipping up the lid he found three photo albums inside. Grinning at his discovery, he took the box back to the sofa and set it on the coffee table, then took out the topmost album. Inside he found a selection of photos of Martha as a baby and a child, up to the age of about 10 or 11. There were some photos of Martha by herself, others of her with Tish, and then more with both the sisters and Leo. There were also class photos, all of them neatly labelled on the back with the date and the name of Martha’s class teacher.

The second album contained photos of Martha from the age of around 11: more class photos, family photos and also some of prize giving ceremonies which were labelled on the back with the details of the prize Martha had won. Most of her prizes were books, but the final one, showing her around the age of 18, featured an actual trophy: an engraved shield on a small base. The Doctor checked the back and saw she’d got the best A-level results in her year for her subjects: the three sciences and Applied Mathematics. He smiled with pleasure at the knowledge that she’d won so many prizes at school.

The third album was clearly from Martha’s university days and there were a number of photos of student groups, parties and Rag Week exploits. He was just about to close the third album when he noticed that there was a pocket in the back cover of the album and sticking out from it was a corner of another photo. Intrigued, he tugged the photo out and turned it over.

"Bloody hell!" He couldn’t help the loud exclamation that escaped him when he caught sight of Martha and another red-haired girl in a black PVC outfit with pink trim around the top and bottom, and a big pink bow over her arse. She had her hair cut very short and was looking over her shoulder at the camera, and she looked absolutely stunning. The Doctor could feel himself growing hard at the expression on her face, and he quickly turned over the photo to see what inscription is on the back. Me and Cathy ready for Mark's stag night.

"Lucky Mark!" breathed the Doctor, licking his lips as he stared again at his former travelling companion.

A moment later he heard voices in the hall outside Martha’s flat and he quickly tucked the photo back into the pocket, put the albums back into the box and returned the box to the top of the bookcase. He sat down again and picked up the report he’d been reading, hoping that he didn’t look too flustered because his erection was now pressing painfully against his trousers.

He heard Martha open her front door and took a deep breath, then let it go slowly.


"In here," he answered, trying to sound calm, although his hearts were racing.

She came in and set her laptop bag down on the end of the coffee table.

"Hello, been waiting long?" she asked.

"No," he lied.

She gave him a sharp look. "You okay? You look a bit flushed."

"Really?" he asked, rubbing the back of his neck and trying not to start when she bent down to kiss his cheek. It was her usual greeting to him, but he felt his cock twitch and knew he’d have to excuse himself soon to deal with his arousal or he would seriously embarrass both of them.

"Good day?" he asked, trying to divert his thoughts.

"Mmm, not bad, been busy though." She sat down beside him to take off her shoes, her arm brushing his knee and he felt his cock twitch again. "Mind if I order in? I’m too tired to cook."

"I can cook," he protested.

"I know you can," she assured him, "but I fancy a pizza and I haven’t got any in."


She grinned at him, then picked up her cordless phone from the coffee table. "There’s some wine in the kitchen if you want to do the honours," she told him as she began to dial.

He nodded, then got up carefully and made his way to the bathroom, grateful that he was capable of walking so long as he concentrated. He shut the door quietly, then moved over to the toilet and lifted the lid. He unzipped his trousers carefully and moaned softly as he eased his erection free. Closing his eyes he began to stroke himself, picturing Martha in her PVC outfit. He was so engrossed that he didn’t hear the bathroom door, which he’d forgotten to lock in his haste, open behind him.

But he did hear Martha’s startled exclamation and his eyes flew open to see her gaze riveted on his busy hand and rigid cock.

"You know, if you’re going to wank in my bathroom, you really should lock the door behind you," she observed.

"I - I - " he stuttered, flushed and trembling because his orgasm was so close.

"Unless, of course, you wanted to be found?" she suggested, a saucy expression on her face as she moved closer.

The Doctor moaned, closed his eyes and came.

When he opened his eyes moments later, Martha was gazing at him, her eyes dark with desire. He watched as she slowly ran her tongue over her lips.

"Feeling better?" she asked, her voice low and seductive.

He groaned as he felt his body responding. "Martha."

"Yes Doctor?"

"I’m sorry," he whispered.

She pressing her body against his side, one hand reaching up to stroke the back of his neck while the other reached down to caress his rapidly hardening cock.

"Why are you sorry?" she asked.

"I was looking through your photo albums and found the photo of you and your friend," he gabbled.

"And that got you all hard and horny, did it?" she asked teasingly.

"Yes," he gasped. Her fingers were caressing his body with feather-light touches, but it was enough to make him very aroused again.

She stood up on tiptoe and nipped at his earlobe, before whispering, "I've still got that outfit."

"Oh fuck!" he moaned.

"Do you want to?" she asked, her breath tickling his ear.


"Come on then." She moved her hands away, then backed out of the bathroom and he followed her, an expression of lust and eagerness on his face.

She stripped off his clothes with quick, deft movements. "Lie on the bed," she told him, "I'll be back shortly." She couldn't help grinning at the sight of him stretched out naked and eager on her bed.

She delved in the wardrobe, then disappeared. She returned moments later, dressed in the PVC outfit of the photo, and posed in the doorway, looking back over her shoulder at him.

"Rassilon Martha, you're a tease," he moaned.

"Takes one to know one," she retorted, giving him a saucy smile, before she moved over to the bed.

The Doctor sat up quickly and grabbed her wrist, pulling her down beside on the bed, startling her into a yelp of surprise.

"I want to fuck you right now," he told her breathlessly, rolling her over onto her back, and pushing her legs apart. He found that the crotch of her outfit was open and moaned softly at the sight, then pushed a finger inside her to check that she was ready for him. If he was surprised to find her already wet, he didn’t comment, he just pulled his finger free and slid his cock inside her instead.

Martha moaned breathlessly as he slid deep inside her, then grabbed his wrist and pulled his hand to her mouth so she could suck his finger clean, eliciting a groan from the Doctor.

They moved fast and hard against each other, both of them too aroused to take things slowly this first time. It didn’t take many minutes before Martha’s orgasm raced through her body, and the Doctor grinned when she cried out his name, but he didn’t slow his thrusts, and as soon as she’d caught her breath, she was encouraging him with urgent words until he came too, crying out her name.

He rolled over onto his back, gently pulling Martha with him and she lay on top of him, feeling very satisfied with the evening so far.

"Okay?" he asked, stroking one hand up and down her back.

"Mmm, good," she answered, smiling at him as she lifted her head from his chest.


"No regrets?" she asked.

He looked at her, clearly surprised. "Martha Jones, why would I have any regrets?"

She shrugged one shoulder, chewing at her bottom lip until he reached up with his free hand and ran his thumb across her mouth.

"What makes you mention regrets?" he asked curiously.

"You don't fancy me, and I seduced you."

"Oh Martha! You didn't seduce me, not unless you planted that photo, knowing I'd arrive half an hour early today and get bored enough to find the photo albums." He laughed softly. "And who said I don’t fancy you? I wanted you the minute I set eyes on you."

"You never!" she exclaimed, not daring to believe him.

"Oh I did," he assured her. "I just didn't do anything about it."

"Why not? You knew I fancied you."

He looked away for a moment, then back at her puzzled expression.

"I was too scared," he confessed. "After I lost, well, you know. I swore I wouldn’t get close to anyone again. But I was unfair to you, and I don’t deserve your friendship or anything else. You deserve a better man than me."

"Silly fool," she said softly, as she began planting tiny butterfly kisses across his face. "I don't want anyone else."

"Is that why you and Tom split up?"

"No, at least, it was only a tiny part of the reason. The main reason we split up was because he was never happy about me working for UNIT. He kept asking me to join him in the Doctors Without Borders project, and I didn’t want to go. It would have been enough for me if you and I had simply stayed friends, working together with or without UNIT. I like seeing you regularly for dinner and conversation, because we can talk about anything and everything."

"But you don't mind having more?" he suggested.

"Of course not!" she laughed.

"Good, 'cos there's plenty more where that came from." He kissed her very thoroughly until she was breathless and aroused again.

Thank you Mark! she thought as the Doctor began to make love to her more slowly this time.

fic: post s4, fic genre: pr0n, character pairing: ten/martha

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