Forest of the Dead - Reaction Post

Jun 08, 2008 08:00

So the Beeb let me down again last night by not having DW 4.09 up before I had to crawl away to bed. Therefore I got up at 4.30 am to watch it ('cos I'm nuts like that...)

I mostly enjoyed this one, although I still don't feel inclined to worship Moffat any more than RTD !

How slow is the Doctor? Honestly, I worked out that the Library was the Vashta Nerada's Forest AGES before he did... Doh !!

I had also figured out CAL was the little girl and an acronym for her name because I spotted that the same symbol on her floor was also on the computer in the library when Ten was trying to get through (just before he talked to her through the TV).

Catherine Tate was awesome. I love Donna so much - I hope to hell RTD doesn't kill her off at the end of S4... And I loved Donna's "Is alright Time Lord code, 'cos I'm alright too." And he gives her a look and then takes her hand and leads her away... *squishes Ten'n'Donna*

I liked River rather a lot (this is the first time I've seen Alex Kingston, not being a TV watcher). It doesn't bother me that Moffat is telling me to get behind this ship, 'cos it's not the only ship ever - and it's very much *not* a mortgage-and-babies kind of ship. River makes it quite clear she has a separate life of her own and that she and the Doctor just get together occasionally. I think she's far too independent a person to want to be tied down to him, even if she does get to travel everywhere with him. I got the impression they meet and travel together for a time, get together as a couple somehow, and then she decides she wants to get on and do other stuff, knowing that she has the means to call him to her (she reminded me a lot of Martha in that respect - but more on that in another post) when she needs to.

I loved River's version of the Sonic (I'm coveting that one rather hard - I hope Character Options don't let me down !)...

The business with clicking his fingers to open and close the TARDIS doors was silly - but I reckon he was just testing it out, and then he'll go back to opening and closing them in the usual manner ('cos the TARDIS is NOT a servant!)

What I didn't like - the fantasy scenario at the end, especially with River dressed in white. But I have this theory that about five minutes (real time, but rather more virtual time) after Ten and Donna departed, a later incarnation of the Doctor turns up and lets them all out of the computer, having figured out how to do that ('cos he is a genius) - and he still had nearly all of the 24 hours that the Vashta Nerada had promised him to get the library clear of people before they took it over again.

And I'm betting that the first thing River does, after the Doctor lets her out of the computer, is socks him and then takes him back to the TARDIS and handcuffs him up for some hawt secksing ! (I predict much handcuff!pron to come from various fanfic writers of my acquaintance - naming no names to spare the guilty ! :D)

episode: forest of the dead, reaction post, dw: season 4

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