
Jun 08, 2008 06:33

Title: Exotic
Author: Persiflage_1
Characters/Pairings: Ten/TARDIS, Martha/Ten, Martha/TARDIS
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: Human Nature/Family of Blood
Summary: Martha learns more about the nature of the TARDIS and the Doctor's relationship to his ship.
Warning: Please do NOT read this if the idea of having sex with the TARDIS squicks you.
Disclaimer: I don't even own my brain any more, never mind Doctor Who!

Link: Exotic by persiflage_1 (Characters: Ten/TARDIS, Martha/Ten, Martha/TARDIS | Rating: NC-17 | Spoilers: Human Nature/Family of Blood)

Author Notes: Some time ago, padawanpooh posted this cutaway picture of the TARDIS control room from the Doctor Who Adventures magazine - and the minute I saw it, I knew I'd have to use the image in a fic one day. Well that day finally arrived and here is that fic (which I admit is somewhat kinky). This fic has been written for the lifeonmartha Journey of Martha Jones: Footsteps Project

Beta: the kindly padawanpooh

Martha woke from a deep sleep to the sound of the TARDIS apparently moaning, like someone in pain. She lay listening for a few moments, then switched on her bedside light and sat up, her head tilted to one side. As far as she could tell the ship was still hanging in the Vortex where the Doctor had taken them after they had left Farringham. He had said they would both benefit from a break and Martha couldn't argue with that; he'd left her to shower and change whilst he went to see Joan, but she'd been too anxious about the Doctor's meeting, and too keyed up after the Family's attack, to be able to rest.

Then they had said goodbye to Tim and the Doctor had suggested she go and get a few hours’ sleep.

"I want to check the TARDIS over," he'd told her, "make sure all her systems are fully functional after being out of action for nearly three months."

Martha had nodded her understanding, then headed to her room. Looking at her watch now, she saw that it had been five hours since she'd gone to bed. She slid her feet into her slippers, then headed out of her room to the Control Room, hoping there was nothing wrong with the TARDIS for her to be making such strange sounds.

Entering the Control Room, she immediately noticed that one of the metal gratings had been lifted up - not the one near the top of the ramp, that led to the Doctor's storage space, but one near the Captain's chair. There was something on the chair, but she didn't look to see what it was; she knelt on the floor, wincing a bit at the metal digging into her knees through her cotton pyjamas and looked down through the hole.

"Doctor," she called, peering down into the eerie, green-lit space.

There was no response and she was just wondering whether he'd gone to the kitchen for a cup of tea or the science lab for a tool, leaving the floor open, when the TARDIS seemed to shudder slightly.

Concerned now, she sat down on the edge of the hole, then lowered herself down onto the platform below her feet. She had to bend nearly double in order to look around and she immediately noticed that the coral-like branches that were a part of the Control Room above her head were also in evidence down here. There was a ladder at the edge of the platform she was on, so she sat down and pulled off her slippers as they wouldn't give her any purchase on the rungs, then carefully manoeuvred herself around and onto it.

As she climbed down the ladder, she heard the TARDIS moan again - and she suddenly realised that it didn't sound as much like pain down here, but she couldn't think what it reminded her of. She shook her head slightly and concentrated on getting down the ladder safely since it was placed at an angle, the foot of it resting on one of the coral struts below.

Down here, the coral struts reminded her of a tree and a picture from an old book she’d read years ago popped into her head: Yggdrasil, the World Tree of Norse mythology. The resemblance was uncanny. She reached the foot of the ladder and then inched her way down another branch of coral which seemed to have natural footholds along its length. There was another platform down here, going all the way around the central column of the TARDIS, and she noticed that the column was much bigger round down here than it was up in the Control Room. Then she noticed something else: the Doctor was on the opposite side of the platform, and he was straddling one of the coral branches, completely nude. His eyes were closed, which was why he hadn't spotted her yet, and he had an ecstatic look on his face as he grasped the branch tightly; Martha felt a throb of excitement between her legs as she realised that he looked like a man in throes of sexual pleasure. Then she registered that he was, in fact, having sex with the TARDIS: she could see him thrusting his hips forwards and backwards.

The TARDIS gave another, louder moan and a stronger shudder than before, and Martha almost lost her footing. The Doctor gave a guttural moan and stilled his movements, clinging to the coral branch on which he sat.

Martha only realised that she had moaned too when his eyes suddenly snapped open and he stared right at her, the red flush on his cheeks clearly discernible even in the dim green gloom.

"You really are an alien, aren't you?" she observed quietly.

The Doctor gave her a thoughtful look, noting that she didn't seem horrified or upset at what she'd discovered. He also noticed the increased scent of pheromones she was giving off.

She began walking around the central column, her eyes fixed on him where he remained astride the coral branch.

"Do you shag your ship often?" she asked, apparently unfazed by the fact he hadn't answered her previous question, although he supposed it was possible that she had considered it purely rhetorical.

"About once a century," he answered, his voice low and husky.

She was close enough to touch him now, although her arms remained hanging loosely at her sides.

"Of course, I've seen the way you pilot the TARDIS," she continued, "and I have to admit, I'd wondered."

She gave him a smile and he felt himself growing hard again. "I bet you thought I hadn't noticed the pronounced bulge in your trousers after you've been using your feet on the console."

"You noticed that?" he asked.

She nodded, eyes bright with amusement. "It was enough to give me wet dreams," she told him.

He swallowed hard and Martha watched his Adam's apple moving up and down his throat.

"You never said anything," he observed. He couldn't quite believe they were having this conversation, much less that they were having it here and now. No one had ever caught him in such a compromising position before - and he was slightly surprised to realise that Martha's presence was less of an embarrassment than a turn-on.

He could tell that she was becoming more aroused; now she was so close he could not only smell the increase in her pheromones, but also see her pulse beating faster in her neck, and hear her faster, shallower breathing.

She shrugged. "Why would I? It's no business of mine if you get off on flying your ship."

He eased himself down off the branch and she saw he was half hard still, or was it again, she wondered. Had their conversation aroused him as it had her? And if so, would he do anything about it?

She'd barely formulated that question before he reached out and took hold of her shoulders.

"Martha, do you want me?" His dark eyes were full of desire, tinged with doubt.

"Yes." She breathed that one word and the next moment his mouth met hers in a hard, demanding kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck, holding his head in place as she answered his kiss.

As he kissed her, the Doctor unfastened the buttons on her pyjama top, and Martha was mildly surprised that he possessed enough coordination to do so: she was usually completely uncoordinated after an orgasm. As his hands found her breasts, she couldn't help moaning into his mouth. He cupped her breasts carefully, then thumbed her nipples and she gasped, pulling her mouth from his as a jolt of pleasure shot from her breasts to her groin, making her wet.

"Doctor, please!" she begged breathlessly.

He gave her a wolfish grin, then pushed her pyjama jacket off before kneeling at her feet to pull down the trousers.

She looked down and felt slightly dizzy at the sight of the naked Time Lord at her feet, his cock fully hard now.

He caressed her bottom briefly as he got up again, then picked her up, and she automatically wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. He turned and backed them up against the branch he'd been straddling, then lowered her until her bottom rested on the branch. She was vaguely aware that there was something supporting her back, but she didn't turn around to see what it was, so intent was she on the Time Lord.

"Ready?" he asked.


At her word he pushed his length inside her and she moaned in pleasure as he filled her, burying himself to the hilt. Then he began to move, thrusting slowly, but hard and deep.

Martha held his shoulders, one finger lightly brushing the nape of his neck; he wondered if she was even aware of what she was doing. Her eyes were closed and her head thrown back, but he could still see the ecstatic look on her face.

He bent his head and kissed her again, his tongue sliding past and twisting around hers, and she moaned again. He decided that he liked hearing her making that sound and knowing that he was the reason she was moaning thus.

Then her muscles clenched hard around his cock and it was his turn to moan. He began to thrust harder now, pleasure coursing through his body as Martha climaxed again, and then again.

The TARDIS was also moaning and shuddering, sharing in their pleasure through her emotional and telepathic link to the Time Lord, and the Doctor could feel her pleasure feeding his as he grew closer to his own climax. He knew that she didn't begrudge him this joining because his relationship with Martha would be over so fast, lasting little more than the blink of an eye from the TARDIS' point of view, whereas he was the TARDIS' and she was his, for as long as he lived.

Finally he came, and Martha came with him, both of them crying out the other's name as they reached the pinnacle of their pleasure. She slumped forward against his chest, and he cradled her there as her pulse and breathing slowed down to their normal rates.

He allowed his softening cock to slip from her, then lifted her down from the coral branch; she staggered slightly, her legs feeling a little like jelly.

"Okay?" he asked softly.

She nodded and he bent to pick up her pyjamas, then guided her around the platform and helped her to climb back up to the Control Room, at which point Martha noticed his discarded clothes piled neatly on the Captain's chair. She realised that she hadn't spotted them before because the opening in the floor had immediately drawn her attention.

The Doctor picked her up and carried her back to her room, setting her down gently on her bed. She held onto his wrist as he began to straighten up.

"Thank you," she murmured.

"My pleasure," he assured her sincerely. He bent down to kiss her forehead, then changed his mind and kissed her on the mouth instead.

Martha immediately reached up and ran her hands through his hair, eliciting a pleased noise from the Doctor, and she pulled back, laughing softly; she could easily see, as well as hear, that he liked that.

"What's funny?" he asked, looking and sounding slightly bewildered by her amusement.

"Well, I've had this theory for a little while that you playing with your hair is the equivalent of pleasuring yourself." She looked at him carefully, as if worried she'd offended him. "You get this semi-ecstatic look on your face, you see."

"It seems to me, Miss Jones, that you are far too observant," he answered, trying to sound stern and feeling certain he was failing.

She laughed again. "I observe that you're not denying it," she said.

"Is there any point?" he asked.

"Not really," she said, as she tugged him down for another kiss. He climbed onto the bed with her and Martha got him to lie on his back, then stretched herself out on top of him as she began to kiss him. She ran her hands through his hair and played with it until he growled and rolled them over, pinning her body beneath his as he slid his hard cock into her heated core and they made love again.

* * * * * *

Martha woke a few hours later with the Doctor spooned against her body and smiled, pleased that she hadn't dreamt the whole thing.

He must have realised she was awake because his hands starting drifting across her body, one sliding up from her stomach to toy with her breasts, the other sliding downwards to lightly stroke her inner thighs.

"So tell me, Mr Smith, why exactly were you shagging the TARDIS?" she asked lightly.

"It helps us to maintain our bond," he answered. "We're linked emotionally and telepathically, but because I was a human for nearly three months, our bond had been almost severed. Joining as we did, renews the bond, strengthening it."

"Is it something that all Time Lords did?" she asked curiously.

"I don't know," he answered. "I only ever discussed it with another Time Lord once and she thought it was unnecessary."

"Could a female Time Lord do it?"

His hands stilled. "Are you asking what I think you're asking?"

She rolled in his arms to look at him, and he saw her eyes were wide with curiosity.

"What do you think I'm asking?"

"If you can shag the TARDIS."

"Could I?" she asked.

He shrugged. "I don't see why not, if you really want to."

"I'd like to try, just once, if you think she'd let me."

The Doctor didn't need to answer that because the TARDIS' hum took on a distinctly pleased purring tone. He grinned at her, and they quickly headed to the Control Room. The floor was still open and they swiftly made their way down to the second platform, the Doctor leading Martha over to the coral branch.

She looked at the branch, then up at him, a puzzled expression on her face. "It's smooth," she said.

He grinned. "She moulds the branch at will. So there was a hole there before, but now there isn't one because it's not needed. Put your hands on the branch, close your eyes and concentrate."

She obeyed, and after a moment she felt the branch bulging under her hands, just like a cock swelling and hardening under her touch.

"Now open your eyes," he said in her ear, before licking her neck just below it.

Martha opened her eyes and found herself looking at the TARDIS equivalent of a cock. She grinned at the Doctor, then allowed him to help her to climb up onto the branch. He held her as she lowered herself down with a moan as the ship filled her.

"Okay?" he asked.

"Oh god, yes!"

He climbed up in front of her, facing her and leaned in for a long, slow kiss. She moaned into his mouth, then began to move herself up and down on the branch, and he pressed his body against hers, his erection trapped between them.

"This has to be the most unusual sex I've ever had," she said, a little breathlessly as she realised that the TARDIS was sending vibrations through the coral branch.

The Doctor grinned as he felt the vibrations too and knew that the old girl was enjoying herself. "I hope you won't find everything else too tame after this."

She shook her head, too breathless to speak as her orgasm rushed through her. She could sense the TARDIS in her head in a way she never had before: a warm, loving caress stroking the edges of her mind. Closing her eyes she could see a whirl of red and blue light spinning around her and she somehow knew that this was the TARDIS showing her - the Vortex - she realised, although she didn't know how she knew that, maybe the TARDIS had put that knowledge in her head? The Vortex stopped whirling, and instead she could see a shining starscape that pulsed in time to the waves of pleasure that were filling her body.

As her orgasm passed Martha fell forward against the Doctor, and he carefully lifted her up and then lowered her onto his lap.

"All right?" he asked softly after a few moments.

"Yeah." She reached between their bodies and ran her hand down his hard length, feeling him shudder at her touch.

"You haven't come," she said.


"Don't you want to?" she asked.


She shuffled backwards and then lowered her upper body until she could take him into her mouth. It didn't take very long before the Doctor came too.

After a few minutes they helped each other back to Martha's room where they curled up together in her bed and slept deeply.

The TARDIS hummed quietly to herself, satisfied that not only had she restored her link with her Time Lord, but she had also resolved the tension that had arisen between him and his companion during their stay in Farringham.

character pairing: ten/tardis, fic genre: pr0n, character pairing: ten/martha, fic: s3, character pairing: martha/tardis

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