Wow ! Doctor Who meets The Matrix !
I do hope these two episodes don't give kids a fear of libraries (don't care if they're afeared of shadows or the dark - I'm so callous!)
Ten's reaction to "pretty boy" was just priceless ! And Donna's face too ! :D
Donna's reaction to the data ghost of Miss Evangelista was so typical of her (just like her reaction to the dying Ood) - and Ten putting his hand on her shoulder to comfort her... *dies*
Creepy!Girl is Creepy !! (Reminded me of the little girl from Angel's Wolfram and Hart, actually...)
How much do I love the idea of an enitre world being a library? THIS MUCH !!!!
Morpheus Dr Moon was intriguing as hell...
What the HELL happened to Donna?!! Eep !
My personal take on River Song - she's either a Time Agent OR she's a Time Lord from after Gallifrey gets brought back - 'cos I'm pretty convinced that Gallifrey IS coming back at the end of this season... And the fact the Doctor's given her one of his Sonic Screwdrivers and her diary looks a little like the TARDIS, and she's been to the end of the universe with him (didn't he do that already? I'm still not buying the "She's Jack" theory I've seen floating around though ! That's as daft as Jack being the Face of Boe - sorry, I don't buy that either...)
Is it next week yet??