My post is later this week because (a) iPlayer kept buffering every 30 seconds last night after I'd watched the first half hour of the ep, so I had no clue what was going on and had to re-watch the ep first thing this morning, and (b) I've already written two of the three fics that the Bunny!Muses gave me plots for after this week's ep ! (Shall
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Comments 41
(Shall go and edit!)
(See you snagged the PhoneSex!Ten icon ! :D)
(Oh yeah I did...even titled it 'dw - phone sex', cause it's true!)
- Martha telling Donna that she came back better from her time travelling with the Doctor - I'm convinced she had that conversation with Ten before Donna walked into the TARDIS after seeing Wilf again (and yes, I'll be writing that fic later !)
I'm eagerly awaiting this fic! You can just tell our Marfa has grown up and moved on.
- the show-not-tell aspect of Martha's happy engagement. I've absolutely NO problem shipping Martha with people besides Ten (you've only got to look at how many Martha/Someone else fics I've written to see that), but I want to SEE that Martha's happy with Tom - a 60 second flashback would be a start !) And I'm sick of the anvils about her engagement, too!When she took the ring off the clone I seriously thought for a second: SHE'S ENGAGED?! Oh...that Tom dude in Africa. You know we'll be hearing a 45 minute speech of what Rose has been up to but can't have at least a few minutes of an episode, hell even a minute (like you said) of her and Tom together ( ... )
Not quite !
I'm eagerly awaiting this fic!
Be patient - I must post my second "introspective" and do some work today before I start it...
You can just tell our Marfa has grown up and moved on.
Oh yes !!
When she took the ring off the clone I seriously thought for a second: SHE'S ENGAGED?! Oh...that Tom dude in Africa. You know we'll be hearing a 45 minute speech of what Rose has been up to but can't have at least a few minutes of an episode, hell even a minute (like you said) of her and Tom together would suffice!
Exactly !!
::sits here paitently:: :D
Doesn't Martha look GORGEOUS in the outfit at the end of this epi?!
*rolls eyes* It's going to be a couple of hours *minimum* before I post the third fic...
Doesn't Martha look GORGEOUS in the outfit at the end of this epi?!
OMG YES !!!!
I believe that Ross was just playing dead until the Sontarans left *nods*
And yes, the TARDIS ships Ten/Martha (see what I did there?). That or she just can't bear to have Martha leave so soon after returning :p
It was OK - but I wanted MORE dammit !!
I believe that Ross was just playing dead until the Sontarans left *nods*
*nods vehemently with you*
And yes, the TARDIS ships Ten/Martha (see what I did there?).
Yes !
That or she just can't bear to have Martha leave so soon after returning :p
At the very least !!!
I loved that bit... but I just felt like the clone was not used particularly well, it could have been used so much better.
And as for the Rose reference, I'm just getting to the stage where I'm like 'YES. I GET IT. She's coming back. I KNOW.' And it doesn't excite me, it worries me.
And as for the Rose reference, I'm just getting to the stage where I'm like 'YES. I GET IT. She's coming back. I KNOW.' And it doesn't excite me, it worries me.
(I will read your review later - it's one of a handful I've not yet read 'cos fic/chores/fic/work has been occupying my brain so far today !)
I hover between boredom and dread...
Doesn't say much, mainly complaints about science and the usual... (I'm in the process of thanking your bunny!muses anyway...)
Heh !
(I'm in the process of thanking your bunny!muses anyway...)
*giggles* OK !
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