My post is later this week because (a) iPlayer kept buffering every 30 seconds last night after I'd watched the first half hour of the ep, so I had no clue what was going on and had to re-watch the ep first thing this morning, and (b) I've already written two of the three fics that the Bunny!Muses gave me plots for after this week's ep ! (Shall post them shortly...)
OK so the cliff-hanger resolution was totally predictable - I even included it in one of the fics I wrote between seeing last week's episode and this week's, it was so predictable!) Still, I'm glad Wilf lived to whistle like crazy love Donna another day !
(Not least because I'm annoyed they killed off Ross unnecessarily (loved Ten correcting Mace with his name "He's not Greyhound 40, his name's Ross" - see we knew Ten loved Ross: bet Ross reminded him of Sgt Benton)
I've come to the conclusion RTD should not give Helen Raynor two-parters to write - they're stuffed with even more filler than anyone else's two-parters (and her stand-alone TW ep (To The Last Man) was much better).
Things I liked (in no particular order):
- That's SIR Alistair Gordon Lethbridge Stewart, thank you VERY much ! *snaps off a salute*
- Wilf's love for Donna, and his encouragement that she go with the Doctor, even though he's just nearly asphyxiated.
- Ten telling Clone!Martha that he'd noticed her reduced iris contraction, thinning hair follicles on the left temple and the change in her scent (Oh Martha, he DEFINITELY saw you !! Thank you Team Cardiff for making my fanon into canon !) - even before she gave him the confirmation by asking why she'd ring her family or Tom, or failed to object to the fact that he called her a soldier (she's a Doctor first, and I'm sure Real!Martha would have insisted on him acknowledging that...)
- Donna's "Back of the neck" glee at knocking out the Sontaran
- Donna's "Have I told you how much I hate you?" right before she hugs him once he gets her safely back from the Sontaran ship.
- Martha pleading with her clone to give her the information they needed about the gas.
- the OT3 huggage after Rattigan swaps places with the Doctor - not least Martha resting her chin on her hand on Ten's arm, and Donna thwacking his arm before sitting down and clutching it (I started a sequel to "Papercuts Not Withstanding" yesterday and after watching that you can expect even more M/10/D fic !)
- Wilf sending Donna off with the Doctor again, and with his blessing - I love how much he loves Donna
- Martha telling Donna that she came back better from her time travelling with the Doctor - I'm convinced she had that conversation with Ten before Donna walked into the TARDIS after seeing Wilf again (and yes, I'll be writing that fic later !)
- (
ladymako71 just reminded me I forgot to mention) The TARDIS kidnapping Martha for a trip after neither Ten nor Donna could persuade her to go with them ! Martha/TARDIS 4evah dudes !! :D
Things I didn't like:
- Ross dying (I'm with those on my FList who're saying he was merely knocked out, not killed, 'cos Dude, he's the new Sgt Benton !
- Donna ringing her mother instead of thinking to ring the last number that had rung Martha's old mobile. I know she's realistically terrified at being trapped on the captured TARDIS, but I really felt that this wasn't the Donna I'd been watching in the first three episodes of S4. (Helen Raynor can't write Donna or Martha realistically.)
- the show-not-tell aspect of Martha's happy engagement. I've absolutely NO problem shipping Martha with people besides Ten (you've only got to look at how many Martha/Someone else fics I've written to see that), but I want to SEE that Martha's happy with Tom - a 60 second flashback would be a start !) And I'm sick of the anvils about her engagement, too!
And let's not forget we scored with:
- Gratuitous Rose reference - people seem to be divided between whether Rose was shouting Donna or Doctor in that tiny glimpse. I wasn't looking that closely - and don't much care. The weekly references to her are not making me any more excited about her return (actually they're making me dread it and I'd merely been Stoic about it before)...
- another Earth-as-breeding-planet reference
But no Medusa Cascade or missing planets this week - oh well...
Right, I has fic to post, work to do, and fic to write!