Mar 31, 2008 18:31
The nausea never went away, really. In fact, last night after my alarm went off at 4am for my mid-night pain-medication redosage, I began vomiting after I took my medication. Vomiting is incredibly painful when you have open sores in your mouth that you are trying to let rest and heal.
After vomiting I brushed my teeth and had some water and some sips of an Ensure (a nutrition shake like Slimfast but more disgusting) and then decided to take 1 regular strength Tylenol to replace the narcotic pain medication, Lortab (contains artificial codene) which was the medication responsible for the vomiting. I then went back to bed and laid around for a while, hoping that I would eventually fall asleep but I had an uneasiness in my stomach.
At about 5-6ish I leapt out of bed and ran for the bathroom, projectile vomiting in my hand just as I got to the toilet. This time there was not much to puke up so after brushing my teeth yet again I was finally able to go back to sleep, teeth chattering and shivering though I was.
I then woke up again this morning and asked Ryan to call my doctor as it appears that my body had completely rejected my medication and was trying to backfire all the good healing I've been doing. As Ryan is on the phone with my doctor I run to the bathroom AGAIN and begin vomiting up all the stomach acids that had been accumulating over the past few hours. oh lord, the pain. On top of the open wounds in my throat where my glands were removed, I now had the added agony of powerful stomach acids eating away at the scabs to add a little insult to injury.
Thankfully, Ryan went to Walgreens and picked up my three new prescriptions for control of my nausea and vomiting. And while I don't feel particularly fabulous at this moment, at least I'm not puking my guts out anymore.
On a lighter note, Ryan's mother Priscilla came by to see me this afternoon and brought me more Slimfast (which is so appetizing after throwing up last night) and a little goody bag to put me in a better mood. I love this woman.