It's Monday, but because I don't have work today, it feels as it's the weekend. I dislike you, The Job, I dislike you a lot.
I shall now plug
Push by
Christopher Baldwin, as it happens to be rather trippy and fantastic. This particular webcomic ends at 11 pages, but it's pretty deep, none-the-less. It involves a classic fantasy hero rescuing the woman he's been after sixteen years, Isabel, but it's interspersed with "interviews" of real people talking about their own struggles. I believe the comic is dealing with the theme of taking risks and bravery, but that may just be my interpretation. Whatever it's about, it's pretty cool.
And The Cat? She ran around a lot the first day we brought her home, but for an eight week old kitten, she's adjusting well. Oh, and it helps that she thinks my dog, Walter, is her mother, and that she enjoys batting at his tale and ears.
The name suggestions so far are as follows. We're still not sure, though...
J.C. (Just Cat, not Jesus Christ)
N.C. (New Cat)
TBA [Tiba] (To Be Announced)
Marilyn (Monroe)
Cindy (Crawford)
Gray Paws/Socks
Walter isn't a fan of sleeping with the cat, but sometimes he has no choice. Earlier today, she was sleeping wrapped around his tail! Ugh, I'm becoming an annoying pet owner, but I suppose that doesn't matter.