"All right, now; all you chentlemans pliz to put down dose so nasty veapons." - Pfirsich Rommel

Apr 26, 2009 14:58

I'm out of the Wellness Center! My sinuses are clear and I am mostly ready to work! Despite all the sleep, though, I'm still getting tired, easily.

Oh, and if you're reading this and, unlike myself, have an afternoon to kill, I suggest entertaining yourself with The Desert Peach Webcomic, in which Germany's (only) celebrated military hero from WWII, the Desert Fox, has a strong, tall, charming, effeminately gay brother. I'm sure I've mentioned my obsession with the comics, yes?

Remember, Pfirsich Marie Rommel's scarf is not pink.

It's peach colored.

Pink is tacky.

sick, webcomic

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