British Actors are Better When They Wear Wigs. It's a Fact.

May 21, 2008 16:01

Went to the dentist, today. Quoth he, "Your teeth are good, your gums have improved, now go home and floss." And I did, though not before stopping by Stone Oven to pick up pizza and then the bookstore to get a job application.

Speaking of books, or maybe franchises derived from books, I saw this photo of Jason Isaacs in the upcoming Harry Potter film and thought, yes, that's exactly what the character's home looks like. Exactly. Enormous fireplace and glass of alcohol included. Just when I think I'm ready to move on from fangirling Harry Potter, something like a prominent British actor in a blond wig shows up, and I'm reduced to giggle fits in front of my laptop. And oh look look HE HAS THE CANE. Oh, Isaacs, this was your best career move, ever, maybe excluding your role as Captain Hook.

fangirling, summer, harry potter, book, job, fandom

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