I don't know how much I'll get to before my ambien kicks in and I have to go to sleep.
#1. Just got back from the Simpsons movie. It was quite thoroughly entertaining. AND we went to the movie theater down at 87th and Michigan or so (which will only mean something to the Chicagoans). The movie theater was awesome and cheap because they had student tickets for $7.50!!! Plus the guys who founded this and three other theaters on the South Side did so with the intention of bringing movie theaters to the inner city...which is a good cause.
#2. I'm finally getting my tattoo. Yes after talking about it for years I'm going to be getting the Chartres Labyrinth
on the ball of my right calf. I'm going to this place called Deluxe Tattoos (www.deluxetattoo.com) which is really cool and has some amazing artists. I don't have my appointment yet because the artist doing my tattoo called during the movie, but I'll tell you when it's happening. To those in town: I definitely wouldn't mind some moral support if you would like to join me at the tattoo shop. Depending on the time of day Elena won't be able to be there.
#3. I had some crazy vivid, wonderful and deep dreams last night. When I'm not so sleepy I will try to tell you about them.
#4. I am finally almost done with Harry Potter. I have found it to be an honestly poorly written book with a boring and repititious plot (actionactionactionDEATHemoemoemoactionactionactionDEATH...later rinse repeat). And Rowling's prose is quite a thing of wank sometimes.
#5. I am housing mine and Elena's cat, Ezekial Ivins McCormack-Jimenez of Galveston, TX, for the week while Elena sorts things out with her landlord.
#6. I had a thoroughly amusing passing moment this evening at the movie. I had to go to the bathroom and there's a janitor guy outside the restrooms. I go toward the women's (because I wasn't binding) and he says "Hey, you go in that one. Pointing toward the men's. THEN he follows me into the men's going "Hey wait there, wait wait up. I say "What?" He looks me up and down and says "nothing, nevermind."
Can I just say: OMG tonight I passed while not binding to someone who literally looked at my body directly and specifically for like a full 30 seconds! I am the king of the fucking tranny world!
Alright, Ambien kicking in...must sleep now.