Apologies for the delay!
Notes from the mods:
1) For fanfic, our policy is only to include stories on livejournal unless links to off-LJ fic have been posted in main Life-related LJ communities. If you want to read more, there is a small collection of Life fanfic over at fanfiction.net.
2) We will not be linking to comment-fic or drabbles under 300 words.
3) For WIPs, we'll hold off the linkage until the stories are finished.
4) Pairing short-hand for those unfamiliar with the custom: forward slash between the names (e.g. Crews/Reese) = romantic or sexual context, vs. Crews & Reese = non-romantic partnership story.
News & Articles:
Chicago Tribune: An easygoing style makes 'Life' good North West Arkansas: THE TV COLUMN : Chuck, Heroes, Medium, Life equal a super weekChicago Sun-Tmes: They Speak American (Foreign actors take up the Yankee slang.)
comedycentric.com: 'Life' lands big ratings and a new player (Casting spoiler)
Win 'Life' handcuffs Police Procedural with a sprinkle of GingerTV by Numbers: Life is dead, long live Charlie Crews!'Life' in Top 10 NBC primetime showsSarah Shahi and Steve Howey tie the knot Event
muskratjamboree releases
Official Panel List for Muskrat Jamboree 2009. Life makes the cut: 'Zen and Imported Sports Cars: Charlie Crews and His Amazing Friends' panel.
'Re-Entry' Episode Discussions
we-3_witches discusses Re-Entrypers_pineapple has an episode discussion on Re-Entrychloris67 on
Re-Entryfirthgal thinks
Re-Entry was anti-climatic15lbpurebunny recaps and reviews the episodealethialia,
thoughts on Re-Entryunicorn23 'Life' lives oncofax7's
ramblings on Re-Entry Outside Link
TV Verdict / Crime and Punishment: LifeBee Sight: Review and recapTVoholic reviews 'Re-Entry'Alan Sepinwall remarks the episode was standard issuePoptimal's Cameron Cubbison thinks it's worth the waitCliqueClack that's how you pay-off a cliffhangerDrake Lelane comments on the episode and lists music selections from Re-Entry Fanfic:
Ride Home (Charlie, Ted. Post Re-Entry)
Looking for Answers (Reese, Crews. Post Re-Entry)
Icons & Graphics:
winter_baby has four 'Life' iconsihaveablacknano,
Season 1 and 2 iconseverybody--lies has a multifandom icon post (Season 2 Life icons included)
jam_min multifandom icons (Life icons #25-32)
symm76 has Crews, Reese and Crews/Reese-centric iconsthatlldopig,
multifandom icon post (Life #27-20)
Donal Logue at Afro Samurai launch party (YouTube)
Walk On (Dani Reese)
Meta & Discussions:
Why she watches 'Life' If there were any entries/posts or fanfiction we missed please don't hesitate to comment. And if you want to help out in the newsletter drop us a line
here. Thanks!