Oct 01, 2003 20:00
So I left. Right then and there. I viscously stabbed the table with the fork that I held in my hand. I stood up the quickest I had ever stood before, yanking my place-mat off the table. It took all the might in the world to walk out that door, to walk out on my most beloved possession anywhere. Once I was outside, I could see everything. It was as if I had gained a power, as if I had walked through a sacred gate that enhanced my life. I could see the pollen in the air, I could even see the disgusting forms of bacteria forming on the garbage cans. I left.
I had no car, the only one WE had was hers and I couldn’t do that to her. I was the descent human being in this case. She tore me apart. She was as nasty as a tiger who hadn’t eaten in three weeks. If that is possible. Her mom was a nice person, she always liked me. But I left. I couldn’t take it any longer. She destroyed me.
I walked. I had no other choice, besides hitch-hiking of course. I figured id walk as far as I could before I would hitch a ride. I figured I owed myself that much. So I walked. I walked and walked and walked, and it seemed as if my strides were in proportion to that of an ant’s. I got no where. It had been two whole weeks and I had gotten maybe 25 miles. Most people can run that far in 4 to 5 hours. My brother did that once. He ran something like 26 miles in what people call a marathon. I don’t have any idea what that’s all about. Why would anyone want to run 26 miles. They must be retarded. Although I have never seen a mentally retarded person run a marathon before, or even heard of one. Maybe im wrong, but what does it matter, I don’t really care
After about the third week, I started to get a little tired. I hadn’t eaten anything in 2 days and I was beginning to hallucinate. At one point as I was walking along the road, I looked down and all the pebbles that made up the cement seemed to turn into little bubbles, and they kept popping when I would step on them. They prevented me from getting anywhere, and I realized I could walk no further. I collapsed. I hit the ground with the impact of a 747 into a building. The cement crumbled under what seemed to be a lifeless soul. You could say that I guess. I had no reason to live. I wasnt living at that point. I had no drive, no will to do anything but lie and keep munching on the mouthful of cement I had recieved.
lemme know what yall think