Aug 14, 2011 22:11
I was watching one of the preseason Eagles games in which all the free agents and prospective rookies play today, and I liked it a lot more than regular season NFL games. All the new players were young and eager and trying their hardest to prove what they can do, but they knew that the odds of them getting on the team were so slim that they were just going all out and having the time of their lives, and the old players were being really supportive and nice and just helping the younger guys shine. The press people were going around and interviewing prospies (is that a word outside my college? It is now :|b ) and they were all fresh out of college so they could all speak coherently and they were polite and oh it was so adorable. I was less impressed with the announcers.
One of the favorites for selection onto the team had a really complicated name that was clearly a straight-from-Africa-type name (i wish I could remember it. It was pronounced differently than it was spelled, so I can't), but in any case, the announcers loved him. So did my mother, actually, and hinted that she wouldn't mind me bringing home someone like him, and I had to agree with her. The announcer agreed too, but he chose to express that, not by saying how popular he'll be, but by saying that "the ladies would love to bring him home just as someone to cook for."
REALLY, announcer guy? REALLY? And what year is this again?
Fortunately the other announcer picked it up by saying that the player was so nice that he'd probably do the cooking himself, and the conversation moved on.
I found out today that one of my relatives, who has been up to his ears in the church since before I was born, so much so that his friends call him "Brother [redacted]," has a lady friend. No one knows if they're actually dating or not, but he hasn't had female friends for years, so this leaves the family a bit bewildered. I honestly thought he was celibate or had taken some kind of vow or something. I'm still not convinced that he hasn't at this point. The cowboy-priest and the biker chick. Now there's a romcom waiting to happen.
irl fun,
perplexity's pulpit,
real-world weirdness,
happy happy joy joy