Day 7

Aug 12, 2011 22:05

Last night I had a really long and involved dream that just made me happy.

It began (as far as I can remember) with the implication that I had met The Doctor. This is the first time I've ever dreamed about Eleven actually. I remember some confusion and me landing somewhat facefirst on my own lawn. The next thing I remember is going into my barn (I dream about my barn a lot lately...) and seeing that it was being renovated. In the dream there were three "businesses" taking up space in the barn: one was me and my family doing something unspecified; a second was a horseback riding company, that had a computer lab in my barn for making YouTube videos about horseback riding (there are no horses in my barn); and a third was not involved in the dream at all, I just kind of knew it existed. The spokesperson for the horseback riding company was a YouTuber named RaqelRockstar, who I have just started watching. I think my mind chose her because she looked like one of my friends who is really into riding.  Anyway, the barn is a complete mess of lumber and sawdust as it is made larger, because the riding company was expanding, so there were parts of the place that I was unfamiliar with.

Somehow I end up outside again, and the Doctor appears (wearing a red bowtie, so I knew he'd come from the past, and still sporting the fez), in a much agitated state. Something is following him, he told me, no time to explain, and he has to hide something in my barn. He hands me an enormous sheaf of papers, yellow with age, and tells me to hide them in the safest possible place, and that the fate of Earth depends on it. I get a flash of memory that tells me I've seen these papers before, and that they are the Doctor's records, the ones he refers to when he doesn't know what to do. He started yelling at me because I wasn't moving fast enough, so I ran into the barn to comply. Now usually if you want to hide something, my barn is the world's safest place. It's like the Room of Requirement up in there. If you put something in there, it will be immediately swallowed by mess and forgotten. Dream me knew that. Problem was, the renovations meant the place was cleaner than ever before and all my hiding places have been scrambled. Every time I tried to hide the thing, the hiding place disappeared, and every time I went into another room, someone I didn't know was in there, which meant if I hid it they would know where it was. I started to worry, because the Scary Thing was coming to steal the Doctor's records and I couldn't hide them.

I don't remember exactly how the dream ended, but it was a happy ending I think. In any case, it was so exciting that I slept 2 or 3 hours longer than I meant to.

I got 2 textbooks and some clear glass glaze online today, so I can go to college and produce practical artistic glassware. I also considered dropping Chemistry in favor of Logic, which has no lab, is required for my major, and is just as difficult.  That would open up four hours a week for whatever I may need it for. If my year goes as planned, time is going to be a very valuable commodity. The only argument in favor of Chem is that I just like it. We'll see.

this is my dream tag, :), ahahahaha, school crap, doctor who, beda

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