NaruHina Word Challenge O_O

Sep 09, 2012 19:26

In light of Jupitrie's persistent encouragement (tche! and people's harassing as to when I'm finishing my stories!), I have decided to give myself a little NaruHina writing challenge to get my NH epic juices (or lack thereof) flowing again. The truth is, I dread finding out just how rusty my mushy writing skills have gotten. I do technical writing for a living, and it would just be sooooo lame if I ended up writing a "How to Be the Ultimate NaruHina Shipper" manual, instead. Yes, that is how bad it's gotten. u__u

And so, in the event I do find out my muse it's in no mood to write mushiness, with this challenge, my success or my failure (depending on how things turn out) will be open to the public. D: In other words, I cannot make any excuses! I must complete the challenge! >(

But, as with everything else in life, I must start with baby steps. The challenge consists of seven words. In other words, each word will be a prompt. I will write anywhere from 100 - 500 words (or maybe more if my muse gets outta hand, since, Lord only knows how wordy I am!) for each word. I will complete a word a day, thus a week of NaruHina goodness (or badness, depending on who you ask, lulz ~_~).

For this challenge, I will need your help selecting these words. If you're a tumblr user, reply (and reblog to spread the word) to this entry with a word. You may submit as many words as you want, but they cannot be the same word again and again. I will accept words for a whole week, meaning, next Sunday (or Monday, if you're in the east side of the Greenwich Meridian) is the last day to submit words. Click the respective links if you're a LJ, or deviantART user to submit words through there.

I will write each submitted word in a little piece of paper and then randomly draw one each day from some sort of container (it wouldn't be a challenge if I got to pick them!).

After I complete the challenge, I will dedicate myself to finish all my WIP stories. With this challenge, the hope is that I can get into the habit of writing an average of at least 300 words a day. At that rate, I can finish all my stories before the year's out. Sounds fair, right?!

If you're a lazy NH writer like me and need some form of encouragement to get your shit together, I invite you to take this challenge with me! The more the merrier! :D Because, seriously, besides Jupitrie's latest story. it is my understanding that our community is quite dead these days! (I know I'm also to blame for not updating my website! eheeee =3= ).

naruhina, fanfiction, naruto, challenge

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