Title: Hot Time in the City
Author: Perpetual Motion
Fandom: L&O: SVU
Pairing: Stabler/Huang
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Absolutely obvious flirting.
Dis: Lies and bullshit.
Author’s Notes: For
alex_axle, who requested it for holiday ficlet. Hope you like it!
Hot Time in the City
By Perpetual Motion
“Dinner?” Elliot asks. He strips off his button-down and follows it with his undershirt. He’s managed to sweat through both layers-the air conditioning in the station is on the fritz-and he doesn’t catch the appreciative look George gives him as he swipes at his bare chest with a towel.
“Celebratory or otherwise?” George asks as he leans against the lockers.
“Something cold,” Elliot replies. “I’m not concerned about the reason.” He glances at George, looking absolutely comfortable in his own button-down and slacks, not so much as a sweat drop on his forehead. “How are you not sweltering?”
“I run cold,” George says.
Elliot glances around the locker room. It’s mid-afternoon, so shift change is complete, and it’s the kind of hot that brings out the crazy in people, meaning there’s barely a skeleton crew in the squad room. They’re alone, for all intents and purposes. “That’s not what I hear,” he says in an undertone, just to be safe.
George raises his eyebrows. “I don’t know if I’d trust what you’ve heard,” he replies evenly, but there’s a gleam in his eyes.
“Oh?” Elliot asks as he stretches, making a show of twisting back and forth as he works the kinks out of his back. He watches George watch him and smirks when George looks him in the eyes, the gleam having upgraded to full intent.
“New York cops,” George says, his voice still utterly even, “you know what they say.”
“I don’t.”
George watches Elliot pull on a spare shirt from his locker, watches him roll up the cuffs. He catches Elliot’s wrist in one hand and pulls it to him, licking a stripe down the tendon. His thumb follows the stripe, pressed warm halfway up Elliot’s forearm before it stops just beneath the rolled cuff of Elliot’s shirt. “They say all sorts of things,” George says as he drops his hand.
Elliot is sweating for an entirely different reason. He reaches down and adjusts himself without embarrassment. “Guess you’ll have to tell me over dinner.”
“We could order in,” George offers.
“Sounds good to me.”
It’s still hot as blazes outside, heat ripples coming off the pavement as they walk down the street to the subway line. “Forget dinner,” Elliot says as they start down the stairs. He slides his hand along George’s back, absolutely amazed that he’s dry as a bone. “I just want to get you naked.”
“Hmm,” George says. He is still-frustrating in the best way, Elliot thinks-able to act like he’s not being affected, though he does lean back against Elliot’s hand. “Dinner can come later,” he agrees. “If you’re sure.”