I knew what was going to happen. And it does absolutely nothing to lessen the pain of seeing the Doctor destroy Donna Noble.
Take a fantastic ending to a mind-bogglingly amazing run of a wonderful show... and trash it all in the last six minutes. What the fuck?
Ok, human brain, timelord consciousness, of course it doesn't work. But why decide that means she has to lose everything she experienced with the Doctor? How awesome would it have been for her to go back to her usual level of intelligence, and just go on that way, and deal with being frustrated by having lost that momentary brilliance?
Or, ok, if the Doctor needs to be on his own to have the breakdown that's necessary as a step leading on to the next season... he could just be a complete dick and refuse to let Donna travel with him after he takes the timelordliness out of her brain. That wouldn't be out of character if he thought he was protecting her, and at least then she'd remember. At least then she'd still be Donna Noble, Child of Time.
Or, as much as I'd hate to see it, she could die. They could talk about it, and she could decide -- as I'm sure she would -- that she'd die rather than keep living but lose everything she had. And he could, say, LISTEN to that.
It's even worse as a contrast to Rose's happily-ever-after which I'm still not sure I completely trust, but nevermind that because, what, the platonic love has to just wink out of existence?
Also, I'm even more furious because most of "Journey's End" was awesome with awesome sauce on top. Everyone was in top form. It was a delight to see the best and most beloved of the show in one place. Martha was brilliant and Rose was scarily badass and Jack tricking the Daleks was made of win. I love how everything in Donna's story led to that one point. I love the Doctor's joy at finally seeing Rose again. I love Tosh's final gift to the Torchwood team, and Gwen's bravery, and Ianto's jealous glare when Jack mentions talking to a soldier in a bar. I love Mickey saying good-bye to Jackie and fully accepting that Rose is never gonna be in love with him again. I love Martha's mum and Donna's family and Sarah Jane's son (not that I've seen any of the Sarah Jane adventures, but still) and Gwen and Ianto all waiting, and mostly understanding. I love Harriet Jones, and her leadership and sacrifice, and the Doctor's pain when he learns of it. And, I gotta admit, I love seeing Daleks spin around like bumper cars.
... And then they landed at Bad Wolf Bay. From that point... as I said, I don't entirely trust the happily-ever-after. Did the Doctors talk to each other about what they were going to do, which one was going to stay with Rose? (Though, ok, maybe he'd thought about that in the past.) But I call bullshit on, "He was born of war, so he's bad, but really, he's exactly the same as me." LOGIC, Doctor? But, fine. Rose is already in the completely separate unless we need it somewhat unreal parallel universe, so I suppose sending a slightly unreal Doctor!clone to have quarter-timelord babies save the world with her doesn't make too much less sense than anything else.
Donna, though. Oh, outraged doesn't even half cover it.