Bleach Drabble (194-197)

Oct 02, 2005 01:34

I have 8000+ words for the 10,000 word challenge now. Two thousand words and some MASSIVE EDITING TO DO tomorrow (you know, aside from my homework) and I should be done. Not good, but done. ^^;;

For now, I have some more short fic that I did during my breaks on the long one.


Title: Love Marks
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: IsshinxRyuuken
Word Count: 345
Warning/s: No spoilers really, but some OOC improbabilities and pseudo-domestic violence?
Summary: Isshin leaves hickies. Ryuuken leaves bruises.
Dedication: laliho- pineapples. OMFG pineapples.
A/N: I have nooooo idea. I’m a little brain dead after getting to 8,000+ words on my challenge piece and thinking to myself at that point that no, I didn’t know what the point of the story I was writing was. Woops. O.o

Ryuuken is horrified at the small purple bruise that shows up on his neck when he looks into the mirror come morning, and grumbling, he heads to his closet to dig out something he can wear to work that will look decently respectable for a man of his profession and at the same time, cover up the mark that evidences Isshin’s utter lack of control and regard for that profession.

Isshin in the mean time, whines bodily from the bed that Ryuu-chan shouldn’t be mad with him because it’s a love bite and love bites are for the people you love and why, oh why, hadn’t he given Isshin one back?

They’re a sign of affection between lovers, aren’t they? And while Isshin had been affectionate enough last night to give him several (not just on his neck, teeheehee), Ryuuken probably hadn’t even gone through the trouble of giving him one and how is that fair? Isn’t Isshin loved in return?

Ryuuken’s instinctive response to the other man’s early morning lovelorn tirade is to sock him in the jaw, the result of which conveniently leaves a rather prominent purple bruise along the side of Isshin’s face.

The Quincy, donning a white turtleneck that nicely covers his so-called “love bite,” tells the other man very calmly, “There. We’re even now.”

Isshin immediately runs to the bathroom mirror to examine the “love punch,” and grinning, admires it like he’s just been given the best present any little boy could ever want ever. Turning to the other doctor from the doorway, he exclaims, “You must really love me, ne Ryuu-chan?”

Ryuuken sighs and puts on his lab coat without another word, heading out of his room with the intent to go to work two hours early as Isshin begins another tirade about the “strength of Ryuu-chan’s love” from the bathroom.

Kurosaki Isshin is the only man in the world the Quincy knows of who would be ecstatic over a good punch in the face.

Though Ryuuken supposes that if Isshin wants them, he’s come to the right place.



Title: Fetishes
Rating: R
Pairing/Character/s: ShuuxYumi
Word Count: 756
Warning/s: Um, no spoilers really, but dude, some weirdness in the smex area.
Summary: Shuuhei tries something new in bed.
Dedication: Er… too dirty to be dedicated, I think. O.o
A/N: I think it’s been a while since I tried something with a little pron, and so I decided to write this bit, and it kind of got a little carried away with the WEIRDNESS so hopefully I don’t freak anyone out with it. I STAYED VAGUE A LITTLE at least?

Granted, he could just take the rest of Yumi’s clothes off and get the benefit of the full view, but as he learned last week, there’s something more deliciously naughty about copping a feel under the other man’s robes, and Shuuhei lets himself indulge in that for a little while longer, running his fingers up Yumichika’s sides and kneading the muscles in his lover’s lower back, meanwhile watching his own hands work ambiguously under the curtain of his Yumi’s uniform.

Yumi sighs softly in his ear and flexes his thighs around Shuuhei’s waist, squeezing impatiently as Shuuhei dawdles under his clothes, some strange fascination with doing it half-clothed having been the trend with his lover lately.

“Nnnngh, Shuuhei, hurry up and do something,” Yumi urges with a little puff of air, moving his hand down to begin undoing the vice-captain’s hakama and maybe get things really going.

Shuuhei protests at the action and lifts Yumi off of his lap, laying his lover on his back on their bed. “Can I try something?” he asks, voice low in his throat as he surveys Yumi’s tousled state of dress with a rather hungry gleam.

Yumi sighs. “Well, I was sort of hoping you would,” he huffs, crossing his arms and looking up at the vice-captain. “We’ve been at this fifteen minutes now and we still have all our clothes on.”

Shuuhei grins. “Yup, I know,” he responds, leaning forward and sticking his hands into the slits along the side of Yumichika’s hakama. “Wanna try something.”

Yumi rolls his eyes at the declaration but arches his hips obligingly into Shuuhei’s touch regardless, deciding to humor the other man if he’s so intent on whatever it is he’s got planned.

In retrospect, he probably should have known better.

Later, after Shuuhei’s “something” has been tried, Yumi, panting and slightly disgusted, looks down at his ruined uniform with a frown. “That was a bit too messy, don’t you think?”

Shuuhei, looking perfectly happy with himself, eyes his lover with a smug smile. “I dunno, I think it was kinda hot that way.”

“My uniform is stained.”

Shuuhei grins. “Might wanna wipe your face off a little too, babe.”

Yumi pouts and runs the back of his hand along his chin, thinking that this all seems to have stemmed from last week’s adventure in intra-division assembly quickies. Yamamoto had been giving a speech and it’d been kind of crowded with everyone there, and they’d gotten bored and Shuuhei had gotten an idea and well… yeah. Looking back on it now, Yumi thinks that maybe it had been a bad idea to let his lover try what they tried.

Seeing as to how it seems to have given birth to Shuuhei’s latest clothing fetish.

Yumi sighs at the thought and wipes his hand on his already dirtied outfit, telling his lover very matter-of-factly that, “Next time, we’re getting naked. I mean it. Not a shred on either of us.”

Shuuhei laughs at Yumi’s huffy tone and rolls onto his side, tugging the other man into his arms. “Aw, c’mon, you gotta admit, the thing with the back side of our hakama was sorta fun.”

Yumi makes a face but squirms to get comfortable in Shuuhei’s embrace anyway. “But was the fun really worth the mess?”

“Sure it was,” Shuuhei responds easily, yawning and burying his nose into Yumi’s hair. “You screamed loud enough to wake the five nearest divisions, remember?”

Yumi punches him half-heartedly in the chest at the reminder, though he can’t really deny it. “Next time we’re getting naked,” he reiterates, burrowing further into the circle of his lover’s embrace. “And tomorrow, you’re doing the laundry.”

“Yeah, yeah, okay.” Pause. “Hey… if I promise to always do the laundry afterwards, think we can try that again sometime?”

Wrinkling his nose, Yumi thinks about it for a moment. “Maybe. Well, everything but that thing you did with your armband.”

Shuuhei blinks. “You didn’t like that?”

“Was a little bit weird.”

The vice-captain looks over on the other side of the bed at his discarded vice-captain’s insignia. “Really?”



A beat.

“How about if I…”


“But you didn’t even hear me out.”

Yumi thinks he’s learned his lesson well enough by now to know that letting Shuuhei experiment with something when he’s bored might result in the development of another strange fetish, and glancing at his dirty clothing, the eleventh division shinigami decides right then and there that the one is enough for the both of them.

“No more badges.”




Title: Abnormal
Rating: PG
Pairing/Character/s: Keigo, Mizuiro
Word Count: 711
Warning/s: Spoilers for Ch 195
Summary: Keigo and Mizuiro speculate about the new kids.
Dedication: JaB for drawing me pron (which she WILL) and to chirachira for the great BOOB icon (also, special thanks to kira_douji for leading me to it. ^^).
A/N: Keigo is just silly and I felt a little silly just now. ^^;; Um, I suppose I should just warn that I might get some small details wrong in this because I FORGET them when I write and so you’ll just have to ignore my stupidity for the time being, right?

The new kids are all a little hard to explain, but Keigo thinks that out of the bunch, there’s really something notably wrong with the small one.

For one thing, he seems to be rather annoyed whenever Matsumoto’s cleavage gets in his personal space, which is reason enough to suspect him of freakish abnormality bordering on psychosis, given the fact that Keigo would trade his left nut to get to have his face buried in that magnificent chest.

When he asks Mizuiro about it, the other boy simply shrugs and says that maybe Toushirou is much younger than them given that he’s some sort of genius according to the others, and he just hasn’t’ hit puberty yet.

Keigo is of the opinion that proximity to Matsumoto’s chest would induce puberty, but he supposes that if he has to, he can associate Histugaya’s younger age to his inability to properly appreciate what he gets hit in the face with so often.

But even still, there’s something additionally wrong with the little fellow, and Keigo is absolutely certain that this kind of behavior isn’t normal anywhere.

“Out of my way peons. I have important business to conduct,” Toushirou orders, pushing his way through a few people gathered in front of the boys’ toilet.

The other kids murmur amongst themselves but let him pass regardless, because if he needs to go to the bathroom that badly it’s probably in their best interests to let him, before the little baby pees all over the floor or something.

Keigo remembers being in the restroom at the same time as the kid once under such a circumstance and recalls hearing him murmur something about orders into a device that looked like a woman’s makeup compact.

When he brought that up with Mizuiro, the other boy simply shrugged and said that he’d been talking with Abarai the other day, and in the course of the conversation, discovered that Histugaya was on only child. That could account for some of the boy’s erratic behavior, on top of his younger age.

Keigo reminds Mizuiro that he’s an only child himself and that Keigo might as well be, and that the only time he’s ever used a compact was in the sixth grade on a dare from a cute girl who promised to kiss him if he let her make him over.

Mizuiro in turn, reminds his friend that the girl never kissed him, and that the pictures that had circulated afterwards with Keigo in drag had been subject to some pretty intense debates themselves.

Keigo can’t argue with that, really, and concedes that perhaps Toushirou’s abnormalities in that respect can be written off on his lack of siblings to play with growing up.

But, he continues to argue, what about the white hair? Kids don’t have white hair. It’s abnormal. It’s kind of freakish.

Mizuiro sips his juice box and shrugs one shoulder, saying that Ichigo’s hair is orange and that’s abnormal too, but he’s never complained about it before.

Keigo scowls at him and slumps slightly, telling his friend that his pragmatism is just draining out all the previously fun mystery surrounding the new kids.

Mizuiro, feeling vaguely apologetic at killing the excitement, suggests on a whim, that maybe it’s a little weird for Kuchiki-san to be climbing into the classroom from the second-story window as often as she does.

Keigo jumps to her defense immediately, citing that a creature of such extraordinary grace as Kuchiki-san should do as she pleases and should most definitely, not be constrained to following the normal, uninteresting actions of any mediocre teenage high school students, such as, for instance, entering a classroom through the door.

Mizuiro doesn’t quite know how to respond to that, and the two of them sit in silence for a while afterwards, trying to think of something else to talk about during what’s left of their lunch break.

After a few minutes, Mizuiro tentatively brings up the topic of Abarai’s strange tattoos, and as a result, inadvertently revives the conversation (thus saving their precious lunch period from silence), as Keigo latches on to the topic with renewed fervor and begins a long, detailed rant on Renji’s strange, inhuman body markings, which, happily, takes up the remainder of their lunchtime.



Title: Date Labor
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: GanjyuxHanatarou, Kuukaku
Word Count: 823
Warning/s: No spoilers, but lots of FLUFF!
Summary: Ganjyu and Hanatarou perform some late-autumn chores for Kuukaku.
Dedication: Jen, who is in the process of making me my very own GanjyuxHana icon! <3
A/N: I haven’t written these two in a while, have I? Oh dear.

They’ve been raking up leaves for a good while now, Ganjyu having given up on trying to blow the falling foliage to oblivion with his kidoh after they both realized that the resulting energy blast only shook more leaves from the branches, doubling their work and reducing Ganjyu’s energy in the process.

So it’s the old fashioned way for them now, and with it they’ve managed to get several good-sized piles about them, the Shiba family’s surrounding property finally showing some signs of cleanliness as the two of them attempted to get everything cleared away late enough in the fall that really, seireitei’s first snow storm could hit at any moment.

Hanatarou doesn’t mind the raking because he’s in the fourth division and consequently, has done much dirtier types of chores, but Ganjyu thinks it’s rather degrading for his sister to make them both come out here and slave away when they’re supposed to be on a nice date somewhere far away from her single, tyrannical hand.

Hanatarou does his best to comfort Ganjyu on that point, citing that this sort of thing can be fun sometimes too, and that it doesn’t really matter where they are and what they’re doing if they’re together, right?

Ganjyu snorts at that but his protests quell slightly, though he still doesn’t look too pleased with the situation as he continues raking in the leaves from around the walk, pushing them into the pile next to Hanatarou that’s beginning to become about the same size as the little death god.

“See? It’s not so bad, Ganjyu! We’re almost done,” Hanatarou encourages, neatly depositing another bunch of leaves into the mound.

“Well ya don’t gotta be so cheerful about it,” Ganjyu replies, rubbing at the back of his head as he watches Hanatarou toddle about, picking up great big armfuls of dead foliage.

Hanatarou laughs sheepishly and smiles at Ganjyu anyway. At that, the larger man is suddenly torn between wanting to wrap the cute little guy up in his own arms or chucking him headfirst into the product of their past few hours’ labor for being so damn upbeat about everything. After a moment, Ganjyu throws his rake down and opts for both options, grabbing Yamada around the waist and dive-bombing them both into the pile, the two of them landing into the soft bedding with Hanatarou’s startled yelp, the shinigami wrapped up tight in Ganjyu’s arms and covered in leaves on almost every side.

The little death god looks down questioningly at Ganjyu for the surprise attack, and Ganjyu merely grins up smugly, stating imperiously that, “This is what you get for bein’ so damn complacent about neesan’s slave labor.”

Hanatarou smiles shyly at the teasing accusation and folds his arms on the larger man’s chest before resting his chin atop them. “This isn’t really that bad, is it?”

Ganjyu chuckles and leans up to press a kiss against Yamada’s forehead. “Che. Could be better, if ya ask me.”

“Oh?” Hanatarou blinks patiently back at Ganjyu and awaits an elaboration.

Ganjyu rolls his eyes and lets his head fall back against the pillow of leaves, sighing hopelessly to himself. “That was an invitation to make it better, Hana.”

“Oh!” Hanatarou looks apologetically at the other man. “Was it?”

“Yup. Totally aren’t payin’ attention to me at all, are ya?” Ganjyu laments melodramatically, turning his head aside and away from Hanatarou forlornly.

“Sorry,” the death god apologizes with a small smile, leaning forward and gently kissing the corner of Ganjyu’s mouth.

“Well, that’s a little better,” the taller man concedes with mock reluctance, turning back to face the shinigami. “But ya know, I had somethin’ a little more…’

Hanatarou takes it as his cue to really kiss him.

That was more like it.

“Oi! What the heck are you two idiots doin’ huh? Hurry up and get that stuff swept up!! Dinner’s on in thirty minutes and if either of you isn’t finished and cleaned up by the time it’s done we’re all gonna eat without you!!!”

Ganjyu groans as his sister’s roar echoes around the property just as things are starting to pick up for him, and falling back with a sigh, he looks up at Hanatarou with a mixture of mirth and exasperation. “Back to work, runt.”

Hanatarou, looking apologetic on Kuukaku’s behalf, nods. “Aa.”

Which prompts Ganjyu to steal another quick kiss because he has to at that, hand reaching up to brush the side of Yamada’s jaw. “But I guess you’re right,” he concedes when they part, voice slightly gravelly. “This can be kinda fun, given the right company.”

When Hanatarou blushes pink at that, Ganjyu chuckles and stands them both up, thinking to himself as he picks up the rake again, that this is quickly turning into a pretty good date after all.

Though all the same, he tells himself that next time, he’ll go pick Hanatarou up from his place instead.


Editing always needed.

shuuhei, isshin, ganjyuxhanatarou, keigo, ganjyu, ryuuken, yumichika, hanatarou, bleach, kuukaku, mizuiro, shuuheixyumichika, isshinxryuuken

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