Bleach Drabble (186-191)

Sep 27, 2005 22:59

I'm too tired from film school orientation to be good at anything tonight. BUT AT THE SAME TIME, I WRITE ANYWAY. *headdesk*


Title: Not the Jealous Type
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: ShuuxYumi
Word Count: 359
Warning/s: No spoilers, but some WAFF.
Summary: Companion drabble to #177 (Fanservice)- Shuuhei objects to Yumichika’s blasé mannerisms. Silly Shuuhei.
Dedication: antiparallel- OMG the layout, the LAYOUT. ShuuxYumi LOVE!
A/N: Fluff anyone? Also, I think my pacing is a little bit off lately so hopefully this doesn’t come across too stupid… ^^;;

“You should be more jealous.”

Yumichika blinked at Shuuhei’s sudden declaration. “What was that?”

“You should…uh, be more jealous,” Shuuhei repeated, with slightly less conviction now that Yumi was looking at him funny.


“Well ‘cuz… you should.”

Yumichika, expert at translating Hisagi-logic, deducted that Shuuhei was thinking about how he’d put Renji in the same bed with him last night so they could sleep off their drunken stupor together.

“You stunk,” he stated in his own defense.

“That’s not the point!” Shuuhei protested. “The point is, shouldn’t be so easy for you to just stick me in bed with some other guy half naked like that.”

Yumichika studied him for a moment and Shuuhei swallowed, waiting for his lover’s response.

“Shuu… are you pouting?”


“You are! That’s so cute!”

“Shut up.”

“Aww…cheek pinch!”

“Argh… stopit!”

“Kya… you’re such a sweetie bear!” Yumi exclaimed, laughing as Shuuhei swatted ineffectually at him. Wickedly, he reached downward to pinch a different cheek altogether.

Shuuhei yelped. “Yumi! I’m tryin’ to have a conversation here!”

At his lover’s tone, Ayasekawa cleared his throat and did his best to look serious. “Alright, alright. Tell me then, why I should be jealous, oh love of my life.”

Shuuhei scowled and rubbed at his ass sorely. “Well, c’mon. How d’ya think I feel when you can so easily throw me into our bed with some other guy and not even think twice about it?”

Yumi sighed and took Shuuhei’s face in his hands, forcing the (still) pouting vice-captain to look at him. “Sweetheart,” he began very slowly. “It’s because I trust you.”

Shuuhei supposed it was impossible to stay irritated at that. Defeated, he muttered something about not playing fair and leaned forward for a kiss.

“Besides, I’m too beautiful for you to leave me,” Yumi added with a little toss of his hair. “You’re not that dumb.”

Shuuhei stopped mid-lean and scowled, realizing that he’d not only walked right into that one, he’d practically begged to be hit upside the head with it too.

“You’re too…”

“Yup. Too pretty. Now kiss me.”

Shuuhei groaned and did as he was told.

Really, he should’ve known.



Title: For Love Of
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: KyourakuxUkitake
Word Count: 485
Warning/s: No spoilers, but some great boozing.
Summary: Kyouraku is only good at the things he loves.
Dedication: Ann- I swear, I finished around 3,000 words today. Yeah, so… I can um… do this? O.o
A/N: I just thought Kyouraku would be sexy-smooth no matter what, even when he was drunk, and this is what I got when I thought about him like that. Uuuh… lame, huh? ^^;;

Shunsui’s hands always move like magic, even when he’s drunk, and Ukitake watches as he pours himself another dish of sake with a fluidity that rivals the alcohol’s, the other captain’s cheeks flushed slightly as he lies stretched out on his side, head propped up with one arm and the other being used to keep a steady supply of sake flowing into his system.

It shouldn’t be possible considering how much he’s already had to drink, on top of that is the fact that right now, Kyouraku’s eyes are fixed on Jyuushirou, giving the thirteenth division captain a look that says he’s thinking about maybe what they should do after they’re done drinking.

But like second nature, his hands move on instinct, fingertips dancing over the rim of the bottle, lifting it lightly in one hand and tipping the lip forward to fill his dish to the brim. When he picks it up, all laws of nature suggest that movement should send some of the clear liquid splashing over the sides, but Shunsui merely swirls it in his hand like it isn’t full at all before he tips it up and drinks down the contents in one smooth breath, not a drop spilled or wasted as he does.

Ukitake knows that if Shunsui exhibited this much precision with his paperwork, he would be the number one ranked captain in all of seireitei’s history.

When the thirteenth division leader voices his thoughts on the matter aloud, Kyouraku simply smiles and toasts him, stating that precision is more easily gained in the things that one enjoys doing rather than in the things one is forced to do.

Ukitake shakes his head bemusedly and answers that no, he supposes Kyouraku doesn’t lack in the enjoyment of his alcohol enough to warrant anything but absolute expertise in the field of drinking.

Shunsui laughs and pours himself another dish at that, telling Jyuushirou not to be fooled, because while he knows he is good at drinking, there are other things he feels he is even better at.

Ukitake chuckles and replies that he can’t imagine anything Shunsui has more love of than good wine, and consequently, he knows of nothing that the other captain is better at than drinking.

Kyouraku raises his dish skyward and promises to show him right after this last drink.

Later, when those very expert hands are running along the crook of Jyuushirou’s hips with a level of precision that makes him gasp and cry at every perfect touch, Shunsui smiles knowingly and presses a kiss against Ukitake’s throat, asking, “See? Even better.”

Ukitake would take offense at being likened to drinking booze, but the fact of the matter is, he can’t really argue a point that feels so emphatically true.

He supposes, given Kyouraku’s personality, that he should be immensely flattered.

After all, it’s not everyday that Shunsui admits to loving something more than wine.



Title: Badasses Don’t Like Bunnies
Rating: PG
Pairing/Character/s: Kenpachi, Yachiru, Yumichika
Word Count: 591
Warning/s: No spoilers, but OOCness all over the place.
Summary: Kenpachi disapproves of Yumi’s choice in children’s sleepwear.
Dedication: jen_kat- thanks for helping with the lj-layout stuff! I are retarded when it comes to technology. ^^;;
A/N: I honestly don’t know, I just figured it’d been a while since I wrote any Yachiru, which needed to be rectified. So here we are.

“There we go, all ready for bed!” Yumichika called out cheerfully, stepping into Kenpachi’s office with a freshly bathed and dressed Yachiru in his arms. “Now say good night you two!”

Kenpachi simply stared at them. “Um…what the hell?”

Yumi frowned. “What, what the hell?”

“What the hell is she wearing, Yumi?”

The fifth chair frowned right back. “Her bunny pajamas.”

And she was indeed a bunny, all dressed up in cute pink footie-pajamas with a hood that had two long, floppy pink ears attached to it.

Kenpachi sweatdropped. “Her…bunny pajamas.”

Yachiru nodded. “Yup. I’m a bunny.”

Zaraki felt a headache coming on. “Yachiru, darlin’, you kill bunnies, remember?”

She puffed her cheeks at him. “Only sometimes!”

Realizing that following that particular line of logic would get him nowhere, the eleventh division captain turned back to his fifth seat. “Yumi, get her out of that and into something decently respectable right now. I ain’t lettin’ her go to bed thinking she’s some sorta wussy bunny rabbit.”

Yumi, setting Yachiru down on the floor when she began to squirm restlessly in his arms, arched a brow at his captain. “If you don’t like how I dress her before bed then get her ready yourself next time.”

“I’m your captain! You do what I order you to do!”

Far from intimidated, Yumi merely moved to examine his perfectly filed nails in a rather unimpressed fashion. “Make me.”

Kenpachi growled and pointed down at Yachiru. “I don’t like the bunny pajamas,” he reiterated.

“Well you don’t have to get all bossy and snippy about it just because you like the bear pajamas better, taichou,” Yumi sniffed, nose in the air. “I think the bunny is the cutest. And fukutaichou likes them too.”

Kenpachi glared at Ayasekawa as he stooped to scoop Yachiru up off the floor and into his arms. “I ain’t bein’ snippy. It’sa fact, Yumi, a fact. The bear is way cuter! And it ain’t a pansy animal like bunnies. Bears kill things, dammit.”

“Well then, you convince her to change, taichou.”

“Che. Fine, I will.” He turned to Yachiru, who was giggling and playing with the long, floppy ears she was currently sporting. “Oi, Yachiru…”

She blinked up at him. “Hmmm?”

He bent his head a little and turned so they were facing away from Yumichika. “You like the bear better, right? Tell that idiot you like the bear ones better,” he instructed in a low voice.

“Nope… I like the bunny ears most!”

He frowned. “Aw c’mon, you’re just sayin’ that. Last time you loved the bear outfit.”

She patted him comfortingly. “Ears, Ken-chan, ears!” she said very matter-of-factly before grasping them in her fists and flopping them at him with a little giggle.

He stared at her.

After a minute he sighed in defeat and handed her back to Yumi. “Okay fine. It’s a little bit cute.”

Ayasekawa smirked at the admission. “Told you so.” Turning back to Yachiru, he bounced her in his arms once, “Alright fukutaichou…we’ve passed the tyrant’s inspection, and that means it’s time for bed.”


Kenpachi scowled after them.

He still liked the bear pajamas best, dammit. They had round little ears and pink squishy pads on the feet and hands and…


He paused mid-thought, squinting as he saw something white and round and undeniably fluffy in his line of sight as Yachiru bounced around in Yumi’s hold.

Was that a tail?

It was a tail.

Well… that did it.

Zaraki knew when he was beat.

Those bunny pajamas were pretty damn cute.



Title: Waste Not
Rating: PG
Pairing/Character/s: Aizen, Urahara
Word Count: 325
Warning/s: Spoilers for the Soul Society Arc
Summary: Aizen knows when to just watch and wait.
Dedication: Greg- you asked for it, you deal with the consequences. XD
A/N: Greg gave me the theme of “Prodigal”… um, I don’t think I did too well, but whatever, it’s done. -_-;;

Aizen thinks Urahara is unnecessarily wasteful, a man who throws away all the opportunities given to him in life not because he lacks foresight, but rather, because he lacks the ambition to seize those opportunities and benefit from them.

He has the ability to make himself infinitely more powerful than those around him and he fails to act upon it.

He disregards his natural superiority over others and befriends those with less vision, less ability and intelligence.

Aizen once asked him what his ultimate goal as a shinigami would one day be, and Kisuke’s answer had been a tongue-in-cheek declaration that his only real goal as a shinigami was to not always be one.

Aizen never quite understood what Urahara meant by that, but all he feels when he recalls that moment is a sense of sorrow at the misuse of talent.

Because Aizen is smart enough to know when he is not the smartest one, and when he looks at Kisuke all he can see is miles of untapped potential that will more likely than not remain that way unless someone with greater vision than Urahara steps in to take advantage of such a vast resource.

So Aizen, patient, ambitious Aizen, watches and waits as Kisuke ambles recklessly along, the fifth division captain carefully anticipating just the right moment to strike, to take the opportunities Urahara wastes and twist them to his own advantage.

He is smart enough to know when he isn’t the smartest after all; smart enough to know when to simply stand aside and wait for those above him to unwittingly drop a priceless treasure into his lap.

So when he hears of something called Hou Gyoku that Kisuke’s genius has unintentionally stumbled upon, he knows it’s time to move.

And even though he is certain that he isn’t as smart as Kisuke, he’s also certain that he will never lose to him.

Because unlike Urahara, Aizen doesn’t waste any chances.



Title: The Greater Good
Rating: PG-15
Pairing/Character/s: IsshinxRyuuken
Word Count: 334
Warning/s: No spoilers, but there be mansex here.
Summary: Ryuuken makes the necessary sacrifices for the greater good.
Dedication: Everyone for the birthday wishes and gifts. *tear* I’m so touched!
A/N: Uuuum… I’m exhausted from film school orientation so my mind is kind of woozy as I write… this might make sense to NO ONE. But that’s okay, I suppose. ^^;;

Sometimes Ryuuken thinks the only reason he sleeps with Isshin is to shut the man up.

Because Ryuuken has discovered that the other doctor is strangely quiet during sex, brow furrowed and head bent, and it’s at those time and those times only, when Ryuuken can admit that maybe, Kurosaki is a little bit handsome, when he’s concentrating so hard that he’s too busy to speak.

It’s a welcome change from Isshin’s constant blabber, the string of nonsense he spews whenever they’re together and not having sex, Kurosaki’s brain stringing random thoughts together in nonsensical orders and ejecting them from his mouth before they are properly processed, which leads to all manner of stupid, the likes of which makes Ryuuken want to smack the other man for every idiotically uttered word.

As it is, when they have sex, Isshin is quiet, and Ryuuken half suspects that it’s due to Isshin’s inability to generate enough blood to keep both his head and his cock functioning at the same time.

Truth be told, the Quincy prefers sex to listening to anything Isshin has to say.

It’s an exhausting preference really, but Ryuuken feels it’s well worth the effort to keep the greater evil at bay.

So when Isshin shudders and collapses on top of him, Ryuuken waits patiently for exactly two minutes to pass.

Once those two minutes have past, on cue, he hears, “Ne, Ryuu-chan… do you like purple? I like it but sometimes I feel like it’s lying and really just blue that’s blushing…”

Ryuuken cuts him off with a kiss and shifts his weight, rolling on top of Kurosaki. “Stop talking,” he breathes in annoyance.

“But I…and… Mmmmph!!”

Ryuuken will be exhausted and sore and cranky come morning, but he reminds himself that it’s all for the greater good.

Because while he may be exhausted and sore and cranky tomorrow, at least he’ll maintain whatever’s left of his sanity.

So long as he does whatever it takes to shut Isshin up.

Sacrifices, sacrifices.



Title: Where All The Cool Kids Hang
Rating: G
Pairing/Character/s: Renji, Ikkaku, Histugaya, Ayasekawa, Matsumoto, Ichigo, Rukia
Word Count: 316
Warning/s: Spoiler for chapter 195.
Summary: All the cool kids get together after school and hang out.
Dedication: JaB- she suggested it, and is playing Mario Party as we speak. ^^;;

“I don’t like this “Mario” guy,” Renji declared, glaring suspiciously at the screen.
“Just somethin’ shady ‘bout a fat guy that can jump that high’n hold his breath that long.”

“Agreed,” Ikkaku grunted, rapidly pressing the buttons on his controller with no particular aim other than to rapidly push buttons. “Ain’t nothin’ natural about it.”

“I dunno, I think he’s kind of cute! With the suspenders and the hat and the gloves! He’s a very well kept plumber. Though Luigi’s much better looking.”

Abarai and Madarame both eyed Ayasekawa. “No one asked you,” they responded in unison before turning back to the game.

“I’ve memorized the guide book. Give me a controller,” Hitsugaya demanded from behind the trio, throwing down the game booklet triumphantly and holding out his hand with a look of expectant anticipation.

“Che, learn by doing, taichou, by doing,” Renji prompted, swooping his control away from the reaching captain and continuing the game anyway. “We ain’t all geniuses like you after all, taichou… gotta learn by doing, ya see?”

“Right, by doin’,” Ikkaku reiterated absently, staring at Mario swimming hypnotically across the screen.

Hitsugaya glared at them both when neither relinquished their turn at the Nintendo. “Fine. I order you to give me a controller.”

Matsumoto sighed. “Just wait your turn, taichou,” she chided without conviction, flipping through the magazine she’d found downstairs and contemplating whether she was a spring or an autumn.

Ichigo rubbed his temples and pushed Ikkaku’s feet off of his bed, holding a tray of hot tea and rice cakes that Yuzu had brought up for “niichan and his new friends”. He set the tray down, and Rukia promptly helped herself to the snacks without a word to his aid. He glared at everyone. “Um. Yeah. So. Why are you all here again?”

Renji glared right back at him and snatched a rice cake. “Mario, obviously. Pay attention, newbie.”



matsumoto, kenpachi, rukia, ichigo, yumichika, kyourakuxukitake, bleach, urahara, renji, hitsugaya, shuuheixyumichika, isshinxryuuken, yachiru, ikkaku, aizen

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