Bleach Drabble (177-185)

Sep 25, 2005 21:45

Uuuum... more speed drabbles yay?


Title: Fanservice
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: ShuuxYumi, Shuux??? (sort of)
Word Count: 982 (close one, eh?)
Warning/s: Silliness and WAFF, but no spoilers.
Summary: Companion drabble of sorts to #172 (True Friendship)- Shuuhei has a scary morning after.
Dedication: Christine- for the fanart as well as the drunkenness. This is my tale-with-a-moral for you. Sort of. XD
A/N: I seriously got this idea at 5 in the morning last night but was too lazy to write it then. I think the original idea was better, but this is what I got when I woke up, and like Shuuhei, we can’t always pick what that is.

Shuuhei groaned as he felt himself being pulled awake against his will, wanting nothing more than to curl up closer to Yumi and sleep for the rest of the day, given how drunk he’d gotten last night and the sickness that would follow should he completely wake up now.

So he rolled onto his side and wrapped his arms more tightly around the body beside him with the intent to sleep the rest of the day away. Sighing happily, he buried his nose into Yumi’s hair and…


Didn’t smell like Yumi.


Don’t panic.

Didn’t smell like Yumi.

Panic inevitable.

Shuuhei, eyes wrenched shut, tried to remember what happened last night without actually having to look at the person he was in bed with.

He had to go about this slowly. Logically. Without panicking…too much.

Back of his head. Felt like his pillow. He was…home.

That wasn’t good.

Or maybe it was.

He took another whiff of his current bedmate.

Definitely smelled wrong. But maybe Yumi had switched shampoos?

No…he wouldn’t do that. Plus…person next to him was kinda stinky.

How drunk was he last night?

The vice-captain, feeling his hangover headache beginning to kick in full force now, kept his eyes closed out of fierce denial and moved his hands to see if…

…he felt skin.

That wasn’t good.

He must have been really drunk last night.

He sighed to himself and forced open an eye.


He was currently cuddling with Renji.

Not good.

And they were in his and Yumi’s bed and that would mean… what time was it… didn’t matter, he was dead anyway…

“Good morning!!”


Shuuhei tossed Renji off of the bed.

Yumichika blinked back from the doorway to their bedroom.

“It’s not what it looks like!!”

“You just tossed Renji-kun off of the bed?”

“Well, yeah, it is what it looks like then, but um… I meant when he was in the bed and I was in the bed and…and… er… my head hurts?”

Yumi looked at his lover appraisingly. “Is Renji okay?”

Shuuhei chanced a peek over the edge of the bed, to find Renji facedown into the floorboards, ass in the air and snoring away like he was absolutely fine, shirtless but with…thankfully…shorts on.

“Oh that’s good.”

Yumi crossed his arms at the statement, arching a feathery brow. “You don’t remember what happened last night.”

Shuuhei’s Renji-relief was short-lived. He stared back helplessly at the other shinigami’s declaration. “Er…we um…drunk?”

Yumichika nodded. “And?”

“There’s an and?”


“Er… I love you.”

That earned a mildly amused smile. “I love you too. Now answer the question.”

“But…I…and…my head hurts?”

“Poor baby. Keep going.”

“Er… Kira! Kira was designated caretaker! He…”

“Did a very good job for himself considering how sloshed you got last night.”


“Still avoiding the question, love.”

“Erm… Renji and I…fell asleep…hugging?”

Yumi chuckled to himself and shook his head. “That’s not it.”

There was something in the other man’s tone that made Shuuhei’s heart stop momentarily. “Er…we…did we… he and I…we didn’t…”

“I don’t know… did you?”

Shuuhei swallowed. “Er… I… I really don’t remember,” he admitted with a little sigh, dropping his head to his knees and feeling ill.

Yumichika sat beside him on their bed. “No, I suppose you don’t, do you?”

Shuuhei looked up at the other man warily, because he was being waaay too personable considering what might have transpired last night. Which all probably meant Shuuhei was about to be killed dead. “I’m sorry?”

Yumi smiled a little bit at that. “You’re an idiot.”

Now Shuuhei was just confused. “Yes… I am?” he repeated, trying to stay on the safe side of Yumichika’s watery smile. “I really, really am?”

Yumi wrapped an arm around him. “You really, really are. But I have something to say too.” The other death god looked at him with strangely serious eyes, and it was like Shuuhei couldn’t breathe.

“You…do?” Now Shuuhei was beginning to understand what real panic felt like. The waking-up panic from earlier paled in comparison.

Yumi was going to leave and he’d be left here with Renji and a headache and a broken heart and it would be a miserable life from there on out and he should have been more careful, should have cherished what he had and not felt the need to go out and get sloshed and…

Yumi burst out laughing. “I’m a bad man,” he chuckled, touching his lover’s face to smooth away the panic. “I’m a very, very bad man.”


“Kira carried you back last night but Renji passed out on our doorstep before he could get him back to his place. I couldn’t make him carry that idiot back after he’s carried mine all the way here already, so I said that I’d take care of Renji for him.”

Shuuhei blinked back at the words that were coming out of Yumi’s mouth stupidly. He was listening, but the computing part wasn’t up to speed.

“So I undressed you two and put you to bed and slept on the couch because I figured the two stinky drunks deserved each other for the night.”

“Wait….so… he…and…I…”

Shuuhei’s head hurt.

“My head hurts.”

Yumi laughed and pulled his lover’s aching head against his chest, running his fingers through his hair gently. “It’s because you’re an idiot.”

“Yeah… I am.”

They stayed like that for a little while, Yumi remaining silent and waiting patiently for his headachy husband to comprehend everything that happened the night before.

“Yumi? I’m sorry.”

Right on cue.

“Nothing to apologize for.”

“Um…just so you know… when I was uh…cuddling… Renji… I thought it was you. Honest.”

“I know.”

“Still…sorry anyway. Shouldn’t have let myself get that drunk.”

“It’s all right, love.” Yumi soothed, pausing to press a kiss to the top of Shuuhei’s head. “Hey…wanna know a secret?”


“You and Renji? It was actually kinda hot.”



Title: Blood
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: GinxKira (darkly)
Word Count: 649
Warning/s: No spoilers, but some dark content involved?
Summary: Kira’s devotion comes in blood.
Dedication: antiparallel- your GinxKira fanart from earlier made me want to write fluff for them, but fluff for them isn’t as easy as dark messed up stuff, which is what I got instead. Whoops. ^^;;
A/N: I am a world of behind schedule in my writing, so it’s mostly speed writing from here on out. Aheh. We’ll see what that garners…

Kira bleeds for his captain because that is the duty of a vice-captain, to serve and care for and sacrifice for their leaders so that their great power can be better used for the benefit of seireitei in the moments when that strength is needed most.

Kira goes into battle in his captain’s name when Ichimaru doesn’t have to, when that great power can be saved for stronger adversaries that Kira himself cannot comprehend.
He fights those foes that he can and returns home with the knowledge that he has fought in the name of his division and for the glory of his captain, and the blood that flows from the wounds he earned are both a badge of pride and of shame, because they signify that he is willing to bleed for his captain and at the same time, has to in the first place.

He wants to be strong enough one day so that he doesn’t have to bleed to serve Ichimaru, but at the same time, there’s a nagging desire to bear the scars of his devotion because there’s just something about blood spilled on his behalf that Ichimaru Gin is enamored of, and Kira can’t help but want to get hurt a little if it means Gin reaching out to touch him for it, if it means Ichimaru running his hands over Kira’s bleeding cuts or the angry bruises and telling the blonde what a good, devoted vice-captain he is, what a precious one he is to his appreciative captain.

He’s willing enough to bleed for his captain, so willing really, that it doesn’t feel right when he returns unscathed from his missions because there is an innate sense of loss when he comes back completely intact, an incompleteness that is experienced when there is no blood for his captain to run his fingers over, no bruises for him to brush his lips over as he murmurs that his Kira is such a good, devoted boy and that he is very precious to his captain.

He needs that every time, wants to hear Gin tell him that his blood and sweat and tears are appreciated, that his fidelity is valued, his love acknowledged.

He knows that he should always strive to become stronger, to make it so that while he is willing to bleed for Ichimaru, he doesn’t have to because his would be a strength that could protect his captain from all manner of danger with ease.

Yet a part of him will always long to return from battle with his blood flowing from his body as visible proof of his dedication, as a marker for Gin to kneel beside him and kiss his bleeding hands, to touch his cuts and bruises and thank Kira for his hard work.

More and more, he finds himself needing that when he returns from his missions to Gin’s side, finds that he needs it more than he desires to be stronger.

Sometimes, when a mission has gone too well, when he is in pristine condition afterwards, the thought of not feeling Ichimaru’s hands covered in his lifeblood is a more fearsome thing than whatever enemy it was he had been forced to face.

Sometimes, after those battles, Kira takes his own sword and cuts himself.

He watches the blood come out of his arm, or his side, or his leg or his shoulder, and shaking with anticipation, he thinks of Gin’s hands upon those wounds, smiling as his fingers become covered in Kira’s blood, smiling and bloody and telling the blonde how dear he is, how wonderful.

Sometimes he cuts himself just for that.

It’s not right and it’s not noble, but he finds that his blood is the most precious thing he has to offer his important Ichimaru-taichou.

Because more than anything else, Kira needs his beloved captain to know that he will bleed for him.



Title: A Girl’s Best Friend
Rating: G
Pairing/Character/s: Hitsugaya, Matsumoto (could be seen as shippy, but could be seen as not just as easily).
Word Count: 479
Warning/s: No real spoilers, but some possible OOCness?
Summary: Hitsugaya goes jewelry shopping and learns a valuable lesson about life in the process.
Dedication: jen_kat for he promise of future iconing. XD
A/N: I could probably be shot for writing this the way I did; but seriously, I’m just doing whatever comes to my head at this point. School starts for me on Tuesday, people. TUESDAY.

“I don’t see why you have to be mad at me.”

“That man thought I was your mother!”

Hitsugaya fought the urge to roll his eyes at Matsumoto’s outburst, because that wouldn’t help the situation any.

“He thought you were my very beautiful mother,” the captain offered up instead, doing his best to not sound bored by her strange, indignant rage.

They’d been off duty and shopping in Rukongai for a birthday gift for Hinamori earlier that afternoon, dressed in plain clothes and minding their own business, when a rather loudmouthed street vendor had waved some flashy jewelry in the young captain’s face and asked him if he didn’t want to buy a nice present for his very beautiful mother.

Matsumoto had glared.

Hitsugaya had liked the necklace and asked if he could get a discount if it was a present for his very beautiful mother.

That was about when Matsumoto flipped.

They’d ended up getting a large discount on the jewelry plus a bonus gift from the cowering merchant, so Hitsugaya didn’t really see a downside to anything, let alone any continuing reason for Rangiku’s seething rage.

“Should I have told him you were my date or something?” the young captain offered on a whim after a moment, examining the extra earrings the vendor had thrown in as a “please don’t kill me” gift.

Matsumoto paused. “Date?”

“Would that have made you feel any better?” he asked rationally, before taking the necklace out of the box and shining it in the light appraisingly.

She paused. “No. Maybe.” She eyed him suspiciously. “Why?”

“Because then we can go back tomorrow and tell him he made another grievous mistake. That way we can get the fear discount on the next thing we buy too.”

She blinked. “What? We’re buying something else? Why?”

He held up their prize and stated, very matter-of-factly, “He was right about one thing… this definitely suits you. More than Hinamori, now that I look at it up close. I suppose I forgot we were actually shopping for her when I bought it.”

She stared at him.

“Anyway, I think you should just have this one, Matsumoto and…” he trailed off, his brow furrowing as he noted the odd expression she was shooting at him. “What?”

She smiled. “Nothing. Can you put it on me then, taichou?” She brushed her hair off the back of her neck and held it up.

He blinked at the sudden change in atmosphere. “Alright.”

Later, when Matsumoto was admiring her new jewelry and was all smiles and kindness to him in the office, Hitsugaya made a mental note to himself that women seemed to like pretty shiny things given to them when they were angry, and decided that today’s strangeness might have actually been worth all the trouble he had to go through if the theory held true in the future.



Title: Surprise!
Rating: G
Pairing/Character/s: Isshin, Ryuuken, ambiguously IsshinxRyuuken?
Word Count: 93 (weird)
Warning/s: Not really spoilers, but I suppose if you don’t know who Ryuuken is, there’s that. O.o
Summary: Isshin plans a surprise.
Dedication: laliho- Again, a thousand thanks and dude, you ROCK me. BUT I LOVE YOU MOST ANYWAY. HA.
A/N: Wow, under 100 words. This is rare for me. ^^;; Anyway, this is seriously all I could get when Christine gave me the one word theme “balloons.” O.o

He’d spent an entire afternoon blowing up balloons and hanging streamers, but all for naught, because when Ryuuken stepped into the room, his only reaction had been a slight twitching in the eye area as Isshin jumped out from around the corner yelling “surprise!!!” at the top of his lungs, the act of which merely resulted in the other doctor promptly turning around and walking away without a word, shutting the door soundly behind him as he left.

In retrospect, Ishhin supposed that the clown outfit might have been a tad too much.



Title: Kinder, Gentler Death Gods
Rating: PG
Pairing/Character/s: Byakuya
Word Count: 647
Warning/s: Soul Society Arc spoilers, OOC bitchiness.
Summary: Everyone is dumb except for Byakuya.
Dedication: Lisa- everyone needs your kind of sensitivity. XD
A/N: I dunno, I kind of just was amused by the thought of Byakuya being sort of bitchy, and wrote this with that intent and nothing else. Wonder how it turned out?

It was some sort of new wave, intrapersonal relativity fad that was all the rage in seireitei lately, and Kuchiki Byakuya found himself rather wishing that it wasn’t so that he could remain in the old wave where he belonged and where things were much simpler.

Advocates for the sweeping changes were making a lot of noise lately about how communication and trust had been down since the incident with Aizen and the ryoka, which, to the sixth division captain was a given, but regardless, the idiots were clamoring for some special training that would rebuild broken bonds of trust between shinigami and make seireitei a nice, fuzzy place to live.

Things like division dinners and vice-captain exchanges were happening left and right, strange, pointless exercises in futility that attempted to create bridges where there had been none before or recreate those that had been burned by recent betrayals.

The only result of such activities that Byakuya could see thus far was the fact that Renji was gone for a week to serve under that hippie Kyouraku, and here he was, stuck in his division with the same amount of work and no vice-captain (they were still technically short one considering Ukitake’s needlessly sentimental refusal to just choose the lesser idiot of his two idiots vying for the position as Kaien’s successor), and all every one of these things really did for Byakuya’s sense of seireitei community was create a steadily increasing loathing for every “I need a hug” shinigami that came out crying for kindness and sympathy and greater friendship amongst peers.

He believed that those who had not been well liked by others before and cried about it now should learn to be silent and accept the fact that nature had not intended for them to be loved by anyone.

But whenever he said as such, he was branded “callous” and sent to a fourth division counselor to try and suss out what his childhood trauma was.

He very dryly told them that his parents had died when he was young, his wife had never loved him, and very recently, he’d attempted to kill his sister and a couple of her friends before being stabbed by a traitor and hospitalized for a good week in a place where the food was horrible, the noise was unacceptable, and he couldn’t get any work done even when he tried.

The counselor had listened intently to his every word and afterwards, asked Byakuya if he felt any better for getting all of that off his chest.

Byakuya asked, very seriously, if by ‘better’ he meant ‘degrees stupider’.

The counselor branded him as sane, but clinically insensitive.

Byakuya had return-branded his counselor as a good listener, but clinically idiotic before leaving to go get some real work done.

A week after that incident, he was called into the Center 46 council room and asked why he refused to cooperate with their attempts at turning seireitei into an environment where strong teamwork and friendship bonds could be built and never broken. They felt it was an essential step in their restructuring, as they didn’t want the whole Aizen fiasco repeating itself, after all.

Byakuya answered, very civilly, that he did indeed want to help seireitei rebuild and that he hoped one day, he could make as good friends for himself as Aizen, Gin, and Tousen had been to each other, what, with all of their unbreakable bonds and the like.

The councilmen had dismissed him immediately.

When he returned to the sixth division headquarters, Renji was waiting for him.

Confused, but waiting for him.

The next day, Center 46 effectively recalled all vice-captains to their designated posts and postponed indefinitely, any future endeavors in bridge building.

Smiling quietly to himself, Byakuya couldn’t help but wonder if any of them, in all of their horrible, horrible failure glory, needed a hug.



Title: Best Place
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: KyourakuxUkitake, Nanao
Word Count: 302
Warning/s: Smarm, but no spoilers.
Summary: Kyouraku describes his favorite place.
Dedication: Ann- thanks for visiting and the Atlantis! And the cock!
A/N: I can’t explain any motivation for this one, really, besides the want for more KyouUki on my part. This is sort of what just came of that basic desire. O.o Instinct writing. Yes.

Kyouraku thinks that his most favorite place in the entire world is definitely in Jyuushirou’s lap.

It’s the nicest place for a nap he’s ever slept, and there’s just something about waking up to that beautiful face right above him that makes him feel life is worth living six million times over, if only for that moment right before full consciousness when his eyes are fluttering open and he can see Ukitake there, head bent and smiling down at him indulgently, his fingers running gently through Shunsui’s hair as the white-haired captain coaxes him awake.

It’s a heartwarming experience, and he always finds himself smiling in return before reaching up to touch that captivating face and gently tugging it down to meet his own in a languid, post-nap kiss, the most delicious way of coming to full wakefulness Kyouraku has ever had in all his years.

At least, this is what he tries to explain to Nanao when she slaps him for his response and storms of, her question being, “Taichou…where’s your favorite place to go in seireitei?”

His answer of course, had been “Jyuu-chan’s lap,” and scandalized, the eighth division vice-captain had responded with said slapping and said storming off, muttering incredulously at his vulgarity all the while.

He hadn’t known she was asking her question for reference towards a good picnic spot that she and her friends could go to, and never in a hundred years would he have answered with what he had answered with had he known her real intent.

Though technically, he’s also eaten food off of his favorite place a few times before and hopes to again in the future given that it was a great experience, but Shunsui doesn’t quite believe that either Jyuushirou or Nanao would appreciate him letting that fact be known publicly.



Title: The Wheel of Fate
Rating: PG
Pairing/Character/s: implied IchigoxRukia, Renji, Ishida
Word Count: 435
Warning/s: Spoilers for Ch 195, and also major OOCness.
Summary: Renji feels shafted by fortune.
Dedication: Everyone for cake and pastries and chinese food and ramen yesterday! ^^
A/N: Well, I wrote about Byakuya being a bitch earlier, and then I decided I wanted Ishida to be one too, and here we have more bitchiness. In a very OOC manner, but still, at least I’m one drabble closer to my goal? Validation enough for me. Sort of.

It’s like watching fate at work.

He sits in the class and he’s there just as much as Kurosaki is, but at the same time, he’s not and while he wants to resent it there’s nothing much he can do, because fate works in its own ways, and none of those ways ever seem to want Renji to come out top dog.

He watches as Rukia passes Ichigo a note and Ichigo reads it, giving her a funny look, which she returns with a meaningful one, and there starts one exchange after another that Renji can’t even quite keep up with, so he forces himself to look away and thinks that fate is a bitch and he hates her.

And she obviously feels the same way towards him, because the next thing he knows, Rukia’s smiling in amusement and Ichigo’s looking back at her with a glare that’s not really a glare so much as a big woobie “I’m glad you’re back” that he isn’t even hiding at all behind that ridiculous furrowing of his brows that’s not working even a little.

Plainly, everyone can see what’s going on here.

He wants to bitch about how obvious it is to someone, but the only one that’s anywhere near him is that Ishida Quincy kid, and there is just something unfair about the Japanese alphabet that warrants noting because of that.

The last time Renji tried to start up a conversation about how not subtle Ichigo and Rukia were, Ishida had merely adjusted his glasses and asked in a rather bored fashion, if Renji would like him to knit him a big blue bag of sadness that he could catch his tears of never-ending sorrow in and keep as a reminder of his eternal torment.

Apparently Quincies were even bitchier than fate.

He snorts. Well, Ichigo isn’t the only one who Rukia can pass notes too.

That decided, he grabs a corner of notebook paper and begins scribbling on it before glancing around surreptitiously and tossing it over his shoulder in Rukia’s general direction.

It reads, “So…how’s it going?”

Moments later, he receives an answer sharply aimed at the back of the head.

Her response reads, “Are you ill? Or have you gone stupid?”

He grunts and shoves the paper into his pocket and mutters to himself about how he hopes fate is having a grand old time messing with him.

From beside him, Ishida murmurs that it’s hysterical to him, so fate must be close to peeing its pants.

Renji decides at this point that Ishida sucks more than fate.

But only by a little.



Title: Messages from Space
Rating: PG
Pairing/Character/s: Tousen, Komamura (could be construed as KomamuraxTousen if you wanted…)
Word Count: 352
Warning/s: Spoilers for the Soul Society Arc
Summary: Tousen has one regret.
Dedication: maydayswing for the cute KomaxTou fanart. Thanks again! I am always a sucker for fanart. XD
A/N: Sap? A little. The KomaxTou dynamic lends it self to some sort of tortured yet loyal yet never-gonna-work effed-up-ness in my world. So yeah. They get to sap for one another but I’ll probably never have them cuddle. ^^;;

Tousen would like to be able to say that he left with no regrets, but he still remembers Komamura’s plaintive cries of his name as he followed Aizen and Gin out of seireitei, and while he couldn’t see his friend’s face, he knows that betrayal has a distinct tenor when voiced aloud, and there was more than simply that in Sajin’s words as he’d shouted up after Kaname.

He’s heard that particular mixture of tone quality before and it is one he knows as only created in the direst of times, when a person is on the verge of losing their entire world.

Tousen Kaname never thought he was capable of being someone’s world.

And so he can’t say with any honesty, that he left Soul Society without any regrets, because he knows there is one glaring one.

It isn’t the fact that he seems to have betrayed one of his dearest friends.

Or the fact that he had to leave Komamura behind.

It’s the fact that he didn’t get to tell Sajin not to worry.

When he heard Komamura’s voice calling for him, all he’d wanted at that moment was to be able to answer that call, to shout back down for Sajin not to worry.

His only regret is not having been able to tell Komamura, “I’ll return for you.”

But his remorse is tempered by the fact that he will in fact return for his friend one day and that on that day, Komamura will understand.

They all will.

As he sits by himself now in this new world in-between, Tousen realizes that he is once again, thinking of a friend who has been separated for him.

But at least this time, he knows that the two of them will be reunited one day.

And so Kaname sits in the world between with that knowledge and his one regret. Quietly, he lets himself say the words now, now that it won’t do any harm, and he hopes that even with all the distance between them, Sajin will somehow, be able to hear his voice.

“I will return for you.”



Title: Halloween Hijinks
Rating: G
Pairing/Character/s: Chad, Karin, Yuzu
Word Count: 484
Warning/s: Strange randomness on a theme that is hard to write. O.o
Summary: Chad baby-sits the Kurosaki sisters for an evening.
Dedication: Ivan- who also looks older than he is sometimes. O.o
A/N: So Skye gave me the theme of Halloween, which, I don’t know if they celebrate in Japan or not. But uh, suspend your disbelief and I’m sorry in advance.

Chad didn’t quite know how it had happened, but he and Ichigo both had been assigned the task of taking Karin and Yuzu out for trick-or-treating this Halloween, and somewhere along the way, Rukia had shown up with a bag and demanded to be given free candy as well.

However, only a few hours into the treat hunt and the two of them had been called away on official shinigami duty, leaving Chad alone with Karin and Yuzu in the middle of the street, he clutching Rukia’s half-filled bag of candy with the instructions to have it all full by the time the duo returned.

Chad personally, would rather go Hollow hunting than trick-or-treating, but as usual, he hadn’t reacted fast enough to get out of it and there were now two Kurosaki girls (or more specifically, one cat and one ax-murderer) standing in front of him and waiting for his next instruction.

Chad blinked. “Um… that one?” he asked, pointing to one house not too far off.

Said house refused to give him candy on the grounds that he looked like an old man and who were those cute little girls and where did he get them, most suspicious of him wasn’t it?

This went on for several more households, and Chad wondered to himself if it would be bad to disregard Kuchiki-san’s instructions on the grounds that he looked too big to be trick-or-treating, as well as the fact that he lacked a costume.

Imagining her not-so-much-disappointed-as-angry look upon her return to a still half-full bag of candy, Chad very quickly darted around a corner and materialized his right arm into it’s attack state before rejoining the Kurosaki sisters as they came down from the doorstep he’d momentarily left them on.

Karin blinked at him from under her hockey mask. “You’re using that for your costume?”

Chad blinked back. “…yes?”

She lifted her mask off her face and rubbed the bridge of her nose. “And what exactly, are you supposed to be?”


He hadn’t thought about that.

Yuzu looked back and forth between her sister and her brother’s friend. “I um… I have an idea?”

The next house the unlikely trio hit was treated to one adorable cat girl and one serial killer who was wearing a strange glove and carrying the body of a dead little girl over his shoulder.

Chad received candy to put into Rukia’s bag from the woman at that house. The whole bowl even.

Upon closing the door, the nice lady quickly called the cops, which when he thought about it, was the only way getting the whole bowl of candy from any one house really made sense.

Later, at the police station, when Karin was explaining that Chad was not a real serial killer and that he was in fact, fifteen, Chad decided that maybe Kuchiki-san should get her own candy from here on out.


Editing majorly needed. o.o

isshin, karin, komamura, nanao, ginxkira, kyourakuxukitake, shuuheixyumichika, ichigoxrukia, matsumoto, ryuuken, chad, byakuya, yuzu, bleach, hitsugaya, renji, isshinxryuuken, ishida, tousen

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