One Piece- "Illusory"

Sep 27, 2006 00:54

Title: Illusory
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: Everyone, but with light hints of ZoroxSanji
Topic: Myths
Word Count: 298
Warning/s: Stupidity, OOC, but no spoilers, really.
Summary: Seeing that which we desire most. And beating the crap out of it.
Dedication: cheloya-READ MORE ONE PIECE. XD
A/N: This probably only has anything to do with the topic in the MOST MURKY, INDIRECT WAY. But it was all I could think of.

“In the legends I was able to decipher on the ruins we found, this creature was said to be able to take on the form of that which a person desired most. It would lure those people it caught in its spell to watery graves in the depths of the ocean,” Robin told everyone calmly. Like reading a bedtime story, really.

Everyone stared.

After a moment, Luffy cocked his head to the side. “Drumstick?”

“No!” Nami snarled, and chopped him over the head-- hard. He sulked.

Usopp ignored them both and raised his hand. “So… how come Sanji can still fight it?” he asked rationally, and tore his eyes away so he wouldn’t have to watch the chef beating up on a fully repaired Merry anymore.

Robin didn’t answer the question herself, but turned and looked expectantly at Zoro instead.

Zoro blinked. Cleared his throat. Took a deep breath.

“I’m taking a nap,” he grunted after a moment, and everyone but Robin fell over. “Tell me when one of the aho-chefs has won.”

They stared at him.

“Drumstick?” Luffy whined again, and tugged on Nami’s sleeve.

The navigator clocked him in the nose. “No!”

Luffy sulked.

Sanji fought on.

And Zoro… Zoro told himself he ought to be flattered-kind of. Maybe.

Not really wanting to think about it, he settled down against the rock face and closed his eyes-- figured he had a good ten minutes to snooze while everyone else waited.

Sanji beat imaginary-Zoro up in twelve and a half.

Close enough.

The monster died never knowing what hit it (lots of kicks, angry blond, all of the above, take your pick).

“Takoyaki!” Luffy cried, when Sanji was finished and everyone could see clearly again.

“Fine,” Nami grumbled in resignation, and let him have at.




sanji, robin, nami, zoroxsanji, usopp, luffy, one piece, zoro

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