Ouran- "Tea for Two"

Aug 09, 2006 01:16

I have no adequate words for the stupidity that follows. o.o

Title: Tea for Two
Rating: PG
Pairing/Character/s: Everyone (though it was supposed to focus on Kyouya- I fail)
Word Count: 783
Warning/s: No spoilers I can imagine. Just the usual OOCness and stupidity. XD
Summary: The discovery of commoner tea.
Dedication: k_shi- I was surprised when you requested Ouran and not Air Gear from me, but it’s all good, I still need to practice figuring out these characters anyway. XD
A/N: The prompt was “teahouse.” I FAIL because this isn’t Kyouya-centric like Shiro asked for. I’M SORRY. ;_;

The twins burst out laughing. “There isn’t actually any tea here!” they declared in tandem, and gazed at the menu in equal parts horror and amusement. “It says tea house, tea house!”

“Silence!” Tamaki declared, and cut them off with one dramatic sweeping motion of his hand through the air. “Commoner tea might be like commoner coffee-some sort of modern day miracle made for those who have to work.”

Hikaru and Kaoru tilted their heads to the side and considered that. “Mmm… really?”

“Of course!” Tamaki reassured them, like it should be plainly obvious that all commoner things were commoner things for a special commoner purpose. “Now…” the blond stated with a measured kind of authority as he pointed to the drink sitting on the table in front of him, “we just need to discern what animal has defecated in our commoner drinks while we weren’t watching.” He leaned forward to better examine the nondescript little black balls that were floating around in his spoiled beverage. “I suspect cockroaches.”

“Rats!” the twins countered gleefully at the top of their lungs, much to the dismay of the poor workers on the other side of the drink shop’s counter. Several people looked at their own cups warily and slid out of the shop with a disapproving murmur.

Kyouya sighed. “That’s the boba part of the tea, Tamaki.”

Tamaki looked scandalized and clamped his hands over Haruhi’s ears, in case she knew Chinese as well. “Kyouya, don’t say such dirty things in front of the kids.”

Haruhi sighed. “I guess it’s good that I can’t hear anymore,” she stated dryly, more to herself than anyone else. She sipped at her peach tea boba with a disturbing sort of calm while chaos blossomed all around her.

Kyouya adjusted his glasses. “It’s tapioca, Tamaki.”


“Waah, fish eyes!” The twins shouted and hugged each other in faux horror. Several more people left the store.

Haruhi was very, very glad she couldn’t hear.

Kyouya adjusted his glasses. “It’s pure starch…” he explained patiently, while the twins ran around the store screaming about plagues and pestilence and Honey ordered one of every cake there for Mori to carry home for him. “It shouldn’t do anyone any harm unless they’re diabetic. Which I know none of you are, by the way.”

“It looks like poo!” the twins reiterated unhelpfully on their second round through the shop. They almost sounded like they were cheering.

Tamaki stared at him, hands still pressed protectively over Haruhi’s ears incase Kyouya decided to use foul language again. “You try it first then, ne?” he told the vice-president, and sounded precisely four years old as he warily eyed his beverage over on the table.

Kyouya wasn’t really interested in drinking anything from this particular shop, but supposed that he should take every opportunity afforded to him to entertain himself just a little bit more. Especially when they so readily presented themselves.

So he calmly reached out, extracted Haruhi’s drink from her hand, and sipped right from the very same straw that had been in her mouth moments before.

She blinked up at him. “You know, you can get your own, Kyouya-senpai,” she said, though it was a halfhearted protest at best.

Tamaki was frozen in horror. “K-k-kaasan…”

“Indirect kiss, indirect kiss!” the twins shouted next, if only to see whether Tamaki would turn to stone or little bits of dust or evaporate into thin air this time. There was always a variety of fun like that when it came to Tono’s reactions after all.

Kyouya only smiled winningly at Haruhi for her light chastisement and handed her drink back-the look on his face made her blood feel a little bit cold in her veins.

“Kaasan!!!” Tamaki wailed again, and tried to grab Haruhi’s drink from her next. “Haruhi… let me have a drink too.”

She sidestepped him, professionally. “You already have your own, senpai,” she told the blond matter-of-factly, and gestured to his sad, abandoned cup left all alone on the table.

Tamaki finally did crumble into little bits of dust at the cool indifference in her tone (aw, the twins had been hoping for stone this time!), and that done, Haruhi walked right past him and out of the store without sparing so much as a sideways look in his devastated direction. “I still have to go to the market.”

And as they stared at the sparkling flakes of Tamaki floating in the air, everyone had to admit that while Kyouya was particularly good at unnerving their king when he wanted to, it was Haruhi who had the most powerful finishing blows of them all.

Kyouya saw great potential in a power like that.



haruhi, mori, kyouya, ouran, kaoru, hikaru, tamaki, twins, honey

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