Ouran- "Diametrically Opposed"

Jul 27, 2006 15:59

Title: Diametrically Opposed
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: vaguely KyouyaxTamaki, Renge, mentions of the other Host Club members
Word Count: 824
Warning/s: Silliness and OOC. Probably very random too.
Summary: Renge and the nature of opposing forces.
Dedication: electify’s request on my lj.
A/N: The theme requested was: “Resistance.” Does this ( Read more... )

haruhi, mori, kyouya, ouran, renge, kyouyaxtamaki, tamaki, twins, honey

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icebluesilver July 28 2006, 00:01:14 UTC
“Butbutbutbut… Kyouya can be wicked!” Tamaki looked up at his vice-president with big eyes, tugging pathetically on his sleeve. “Ne, Kyouya…be wicked!”

Kyouya adjusted his glasses. “As you wish.”

And then promptly proceeded to ignore Tamaki completely.


HAR HAR HAR XD And small thing but I'm so glad you don't stick an 'e' at the end of 'blond' for Tamaki. It's one of those tiny things that drive me nuts when I read 'that blonde boy' XD

“Please do something that would justify the tears, ne?” She sparkled.

Kyouya sparkled back, and Tamaki felt his blood run cold. “Of course.” He turned then, and his glasses gleamed menacingly at the quivering blond in his arms. Gently, he cupped Tamaki’s chin between his thumb and index finger and as he leaned closer, thought of all the money they were going to make from this.

..........Sparklesparkle and fizzle. XD Thought of all the money they'd make from that indeed... XD

Oh, weird thing too. I think Internet's always capitalised, for some reason.


peroxidepest17 July 28 2006, 00:59:56 UTC
Huh, is it? I guess it doesn't matter to me either way. XD The intranets is the intranets. *snicker* Glad you liked. ^_^


thrance_86 July 28 2006, 04:04:57 UTC
' I'm so glad you don't stick an 'e' at the end of 'blond' '
It's the same thing you know. It's just one's American spelling, one's British.


peroxidepest17 July 28 2006, 04:09:19 UTC
I think I switch back and forth periodically, just cuz I'm an inconsistent bastard, but just so I know, which is which? o.o


von_uberwald January 8 2007, 14:04:22 UTC
It's 'blond' for male and 'blonde' for female, I believe. Nothing British about it. Maybe vaguely French rules though XD;; ^^



peroxidepest17 April 12 2007, 05:33:23 UTC
*shrugs* The more you know I guess. lol


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