Bleach Drabble (460-461)

Jul 27, 2006 14:05


Title: Sharper Than They Look
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: Eleventh division, slight hints of ShuuheixYumichika
Word Count: 752
Warning/s: Vague spoilers for Shuuhei and Yumichika’s fight in the SS arc, but nothing overt. Some OOCness and random speculation.
Summary: Everyone’s talking about Yumichika.
Dedication: sophiap- I saw your prompt and wanted to write something serious. You know how well that goes for me. >>
A/N: The request was: “beneath the surface.”

Ikkaku knew.

Kenpachi knew too.

Yachiru knew-though no one knew she knew-- but she didn’t understand why it was such a big deal to know or not know in the first place. As such she really didn’t say anything on the subject either, as she was fairly certain the issue as a whole couldn’t possibly be more interesting than the shiny rocks she’d found earlier this afternoon.

Ikkaku got a hint after the first couple of years-there was always something a little bit different from Fujikujaku than there was from all the other eleventh division battle-type zanpakutou. Yumichika’s special spiritual signature and Fujikujaku’s aura always felt like there was something else there that the regular cronies in the division were missing. Hozukimaru talked to him about it once, and said that fighters could smell fighters, and while Yumichika and Fujikujaku were both fighters, they smelled of something else as well.

Ikkaku was tempted to say “perfume” or some other such fruity stuff, but deep down in his gut he understood perfectly well what his sword meant when it was talking about smells.

Ikkaku always figured that Yumichika was special in his own ways, but he never would have guessed he was special like that.

“There’s a sleeping beast hidden deep inside,” Hozukimaru said, sounding like an old man when it talked about Fujikujaku. “For all the bastard’s annoying, fruity, full-of-shit attitude, there’s always somethin’ there that seems… maybe not weird, but definitely not normal.”

“I coulda told ya that,” Ikkaku grunted, and just thought about Yumichika in general.

As for Kenpachi, he figured it out without the counsel of his zanpakutou, and if people knew the way he’d gone and thought about it, no one would ever call him stupid (behind his back of course) again.

“Never froze once,” he told Ikkaku, when the bald third chair blinked dumbly up at him and couldn’t quite believe that taichou had caught on too.

“Buh?” Ikkaku asked, and even momentarily forgot about his beer.

“He’s like a fuckin’ vacuum,” Zaraki clarified, though perhaps, not enough.

Ikkaku’s cheeks went pink. “I didn’t know you two…”

Kenpachi scowled. “Not that kinda vacuum, ya dumbass. Least, as far as I know. You wanna know details ‘bout that, go ask Hisagi.”

Ikkaku made a face. “No thanks.”

“What I meant was…in general he’s like a vacuum.” The eleventh division captain shrugged one shoulder lazily and sipped his beer. “Like… everybody at his supposed level of reiatsu…when I let mine go for real… ain’t a one among ‘em that don’t freeze for just a second. I can feel it. ‘s like a recoil… when ya hit a guy who don’t expect to be hit he flails a lot more’n a guy who expects it, ya know? Same as with a guy who’s lots weaker’n you. With botha those things happening, bastard shoulda froze, even if it was only fer a second.”

“Yup,” Ikkaku agreed, and knew exactly what Zaraki meant. His captain was good at putting things in terms he and the rest of the division would understand.

“But the first time I did it ‘round him,” Zaraki continued, and sounded kind of annoyed when he recalled the incident, “bastard just smiled at me and felt like he’d cleared the goddamn air out ‘round himself or somethin’… fresh as a fuckin’ daisy. Just felt paper thin, but I couldn’t feel my own reiatsu touchin’ him none-like it’d gone and disappeared when it hit his skin or somethin’. I didn’t understand it then on account of the fact that I was too fixated on his annoyin’ ass smile, but I guess… thinkin’ on it now, I get it.”

“Huh,” Ikkaku said, and suddenly remembered his beer.

“Then again,” the larger Shinigami grunted as he finished his own bottle off, “just lookin’ at the fruity bastard after ‘bout half a second, you’d know ain’t nothin’ normal about him.”

“Here, here,” Madarame agreed, and went to get his captain another cold one.

No one knew how Yachiru figured it out (or that she even knew it at all), but if someone might have asked her, she would have said, “Fujiku-chan plays with me all the time!” and left it that. Though today, she might have added, “He likes shiny things he can see himself in, so I got him these rocks!”

It was a little bit on the ironic side maybe, but it seemed then, that Yumichika wasn’t the only one in the eleventh division who had hidden talents.



Title: No Ill-Intentions
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: lightly Urahara+Soi Fong, some YoruichixSoi Fong, and some UraharaxYoruichi, mentions of Mayuri and vague but not-really-there Urahara+Mayuri
Word Count: 999
Warning/s: Vague spoilers for Urahara and Yoruichi and Soi Fong’s pasts, though nothing groundbreaking.
Summary: Urahara is helpful.
Dedication: kino_scythe- Haha I never ever would have written Urahara flirting with Soi Fong otherwise. <3
A/N: The request was “Transparency and a Kiss.” This is going to be hard. O.o

“Maa, who’s this cute little bee?” Urahara asked, and almost reached out to pat Soi Fong’s head. Her glare stayed his hand, though he reached into his pocket for some candy he kept to spoil Mayu-chan with on occasion and offered her one.

Yoruichi rolled her eyes. “Oi,” she said, and eyed her subordinate. “He’s kind of a weird pervert I guess, but he’s not a bad guy or anything. Kisuke, this is Soi Fong…” she paused, smirking slightly, “my bodyguard.”

The expression on the younger woman’s face instantly softened at the sound of Yoruichi’s voice, and to Urahara’s great interest, two tiny pink spots blossomed-almost imperceptible-- on her pale cheeks. He grinned at her when he saw this and did his best to keep from outright leering. “It’s nice to meet you, Soi-chan.”

It was incredibly cute that she could be that obvious in her affections towards her leader and still muster up the nerve to glare at him like she was going to kill him when he spoke to her. Or whenever he grinned and flirted with Yoruichi. Or breathed.

And to top it off, this was all made even cuter somehow, by the fact that Yoruichi didn’t seem to notice Soi Fong’s little crush at all.

Ah, love. What a humorous and lovely and torturous thing. Definitely not something someone like Urahara Kisuke would use for his own amusement. Ever. At all.

That would be cruel.

Urahara was too much of a tender heart for that sort of thing, after all. A romantic, in so many words.

In fact, her plight was so touching to his easily moved heart (the one full of tender love) that he couldn’t just let the poor girl continue suffering like she was, and as a captain of the gotei-13, well, Kisuke took it as his responsibility to try and help out any subordinate (even those who weren’t his own) in times of great need.

To the best of his ability.

He was very serious about his job, after all. And the heart thing. His heart was huge.

That decided, he perked up and winked at Soi Fong (the look she gave him in return would have been absolutely withering if she wasn’t so ridiculously adorable), and his intentions thus communicated (completely insufficiently), he promptly draped an arm over Yoruichi’s shoulders and grinned at her.

“Kisuke,” she said, eyeing him, “what are you planning?”

“I love you dearly,” he told her with all the seriousness he was capable of saying those types of things with (zero, absolutely zero), before promptly leaning forward and kissing her right on the mouth.

Just a peck mind, because she pulled away instantly and made a face at him. “You’re an idiot.”

He laughed. “A fool for love, my dear, only that!” he assured her, and turned back to look at Soi Fong, who’s left eye was twitching quite dramatically.

Urahara smiled reassuringly at her, and the look she shot back at him might have felled lesser (saner) men in the blink of an eye (but he just thought it was really quite pretty).

He dropped back from Yoruichi’s side then, and sidled up alongside Soi Fong like a secret agent doing an information pass.

Yoruichi, suspicious but used to Kisuke’s antics, simply nestled down in one of the twelfth division captain’s numerous piles of cushions (he kept them around for his favorite visitor) and proceeded to curl up for a nice nap in the sun.

Soi Fong wasn’t quite sure what to do. “Urahara-taichou,” she began, stiffly, and took a sidelong step away from him on instinct.

He promptly followed her. “Soi-chan,” he echoed, and bent down a bit so they could talk face to face. He slid a quick peek in his periphery at Yoruichi, and finding her happily snoozing, moved to cup his hand around Soi Fong’s ear. She quickly stepped away again of course, but that didn’t stop him from speaking, as this was an important matter of love and it was his great responsibility as a very serious member of the gotei-13 to help those in need.

“If you kiss me right now,” he said, “it would be like an indirect kiss with Yoruichi-san!”

At his words, she somehow paled in the face and blushed at those two little spots on her cheeks all at the same time.

He flashed a thumbs up at her at that, and thought that he was really a great ally to have in the game of love.

She promptly slapped him (on instinct).

Yoruichi scolded her later, for doing that (not because it hurt Kisuke but rather, because the sound had woken her abruptly from her nap), and contrite, the younger shinigami apologized to both Yoruichi-sama and the twelfth division captain.

He grinned at her and forgave her instantly of course, even offered her some more candy from the inside of his coat pocket (though not all of it, because Mayu-chan would be cross with him if he did).

Then, when Yoruichi wasn’t looking, he bent down, cupped his hand over his mouth (she’d moved away before he could get anywhere near her ear again) and said, “Okay, okay. Plan B. I can clone her for you, if you’d like.”

He’d only ever offered this chance to have a clone to one other person before (though Mayu-chan was still of the opinion that two Uraharas running around seireitei would be an unquestionable harbinger of the end of the world), but Kisuke was definitely willing to do it if Soi-chan wanted him to, because he liked her and believed in the power of true love.

He was very serious about it. Just like he was about everything else.

And his heart was huge. Absolutely freakin’ enormous.

Which made sense, as it was totally in his nature to be as helpful as possible.

When she slapped him again (on principle this time), he flashed her another thumbs up and figured that that was a definite “yes.”



uraharaxyoruichi, soi fong, urahara+soi fong, yoruichixsoi fong, kenpachi, urahara+mayuri, yoruichi, yumichika, urahara, bleach, eleventh division, yachiru, ikkaku

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