Ouran- "Labor Versus Costs"

Jul 15, 2006 17:40


Title: Labor Versus Costs
Rating: G
Pairing/Character/s: Twins, Haruhi, Tamaki
Word Count: 417
Warning/s: OOC. And stupidity. >>
Summary: Hikaru and Kaoru explain to Haruhi why it’s inefficient to bake a cake. With no ulterior motives, of course.
Dedication: kaeru_chan- hope you like this, I’m still trying to figure out writing the twins myself. *rolls*
A/N: The request was: “Twins, Haruhi- Baking” while the result is… well, this I guess. *shot*

They raised their hands simultaneously and (simultaneously) said, “We don’t get it!”

Haruhi sighed. “It’s a recipe.”

“We get that,” Hikaru started, using his brother’s shoulder to rest his elbow on.

“But why would you make cake?” Kaoru finished, and bumped his hip absently against Hikaru’s.

“You know… not everyone can afford to go to a fancy bakery and spend five dollars on one small slice of cake,” she told them patiently.

“But it’s easier to just buy it, either way, isn’t it?” they asked.

“Labor versus cost…”

“Two hours to make versus ten minutes to buy…”

“Even if you make minimum wage…”

“… you can make more working for that two hours and then buying the cake…”

“Instead of spending money for ingredients…”

“…and wasting time making it.”

“It’s not efficient at all!” they finished together, dramatically.

“Rich bastards,” she muttered when they were done, continuing to scan the recipe she was using as a shopping list while the three of them walked down the aisles of the super market together.

“HARUHI!!!” Tamaki shouted from down the aisle at her, obviously having finished his twenty-five cent ride on the plastic painted pony outside moments before as revealed by the exhilarated, practically thrilled expression he was wearing on his face as he sparkled and jogged towards them. “Haruhi!!!! It was so fun! It made little whinnying noises while I rode it!”

She sighed, and sounded tired. “Hai, hai. I’m going to go buy the things to make your cake now,” she said, and toddled off with her shopping basket in hand.

Tamaki pouted after her. “Why is she mad at me?”

Hikaru and Kaoru shrugged innocently. “All you did was ask her to make cake,” they said, and looked just as confused as Tamaki did.

The blond wibbled.

The twins took a breath. “Three…”



“HARUHI!!” Tamaki screeched, and took off towards the register after her, intent on apologizing fervently for whatever offense he’d triggered.

But by some freak act of fate, the blond host tripped on the banana peel some careless, inconsiderate individual(s) had left on the ground right in front of the checkout stand instead, and ended up tumbling like a bowling ball, right through the automatic sliding doors.

Ssomehow-miraculously-- he managed to miss the giant toilet paper display tower (“Buy one get one free!” the sign said) at the front of the store.

“Ahh, that's too bad,” Hikaru and Kaoru said, when they saw it.

They beamed at each other. “Next game!!”



haruhi, twins, tamaki, ouran, kaoru, hikaru

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