Bleach Drabble (456-457)

Jul 15, 2006 13:12



Title: This One’s On Me
Rating: PG
Pairing/Character/s: Ikkaku, Yumichika
Word Count: 429
Warning/s: Vague spoilers for the current Arrankar arc.
Summary: Yumichika gets solicited.
Dedication: Um. Gonna not, cuz this one really blows. >>
A/N: *rolls* I really can’t think of anything to write. So this is me forcing myself and hating what I get, but whatever. Maybe it’ll get the juices flowing. O.o

Yumichika sighed and turned the little rectangle of paper he’d received earlier around in his hands, eyeing it with a mixture of amusement and thoughtfulness. He sighed.

Turned it around more and more.

Sighed louder.

“Whuzzat?” Ikkaku asked, when he couldn’t take it anymore (i.e. got the hint).

Yumichika, pleased that his friend had so suddenly-out of the blue, really-taken an interest in his life, passed the little card over.

Ikkaku squinted at it for a bit. “Jerry Pro?” he asked, and flicked the card back. “The hell is that?”

Yumichika smiled lazily back at his friend. “They want to make me a star.”

Ikkaku would have thought his friend would be happier at that, imagined the bastard with his hand to his chest and laughing, some sort of “Hahahaha, of course you’d want to look at me all day if you could!” type of angle instead of the strange impartiality he was looking at now.

“So, what’s the problem, you not interested?” the bald death god questioned.

“Mm… it seems so ugly, really,” Yumichika responded, smoothing his hair down with his fingers like the thought of being a celebrity had physically ruffled his feathers somehow.


Yumichika looked at his companion like he wasn’t getting something very obvious. “Could you imagine it?” he asked, and shuddered a bit to himself when he did. “All those ugly people out in the world, having free range access to my image? Gathering in disgusting little groups and drooling over me… trying to do what I do, wear what I wear, be like me?” He sniffed. “I think it’s the singularly most insulting offer I’ve ever had.”

Ikkaku blinked. “So… don’t do it?”

Yumichika beamed. “Precisely!”

Ikkaku wasn’t following. “The fuck? Then why the hell are you sittin’ there sighin’ ‘bout it if you already know what you’re gonna do?”

Yumichika looked amused and reached out, patting his friend on the shoulder. “The disgusting little man who gave me this card said to call him back. He’d take me to a nice lunch, and we could discuss terms.”

Ikkaku blinked. “But…you’re gonna say no.”



Yumichika spoke slowly. “Would you like to have lunch with me, Ikkaku?”

“I don’t get it.”

Yumi sighed. “Would you like to have free lunch with me, Ikkaku? Expensive free lunch?”

Ikkaku blinked again. “You mean… free lunch I don’t gotta…” he gestured down to the fluffy bunny love-love shirt he was currently wearing.

Yumichika nodded (slowly as well, just in case). “Exactly.”

Ikkaku grinned. “You’re my best friend.”

Yumi sparkled. “I know.”



Title: A Momentous Occasion Indeed!
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Character/s: Isshin, IchigoxRukia (mentions of IsshinxMasaki)
Word Count: 715 (haha, well, what do you know? Lucky!)
Warning/s: No spoilers I can imagine. Some ridiculousness though.
Summary: Future fic- Isshin visits Ichigo on a special day.
Dedication: Jen- you’re the only other IchixRuki fan I can think of on my f-list. WE’RE SO ALONE?
A/N: Ichigo’s birthday fic (7/15). AND LAME. >>

Many years ago this day, Isshin remembers having had a spectacular premonition.

“Something great is going to happen today!” he’d thought as he’d left for work that day.

And true to his prediction, Masaki had stumbled into the clinic a little while later, looking breathless and excited-- a little bit scared as she’d clutched her stomach. “Isshin,” she’d said, and smiled.

He’d smiled back, and Ichigo had maybe been fated to always be a momma’s boy, because he popped right out a couple of hours later and blinked at Masaki and took right to her.

A tiny fist had also popped Isshin on the nose when he’d delivered his son, but he hadn’t taken that into consideration as a permanent part of Ichigo’s disposition, all things considered.

What he’s trying to say anyway, is that because it’s today (being the anniversary of that momentous occasion that it is), he feels that something great is going to happen all over again.

“I’m going to go visit Ichigo!” he announces to the empty house, and closes the clinic for the day. Karin and Yuzu would be mad at him if they found out he’d left off work while they were out to go and see their brother, but for momentous occasions like today they’d just have to excuse him.

That in mind, he drives all the way into Tokyo without a backwards glance that very morning and invades the university’s dormitory upon arrival a few hours later, running about and grabbing unsuspecting underclassmen (easy prey as they’re listless for having been stuck in summer school for the past month or so), in the hopes that they’d be able to tell him which room the orange-haired junior with the sour temper and cute fiancée lives.

When he’s finally told where Ichigo lives, in lieu of going to the door to his son’s room and knocking, he goes back outside to his car, gets some rope with which to construct a pulley, and hauls himself up to Ichigo’s fifth story window by means of a sturdy tree conveniently placed right outside.

A surprise attack is best after all-especially on this very special day.

Except when he pulls up to the window he sees that Ichigo isn’t alone, and well, he supposes that’s to be expected, especially since today is special.

There’s a half eaten chocolate cake on the table in the middle of his son’s room and Rukia-chan is there too, though there aren’t any presents anywhere in the little dormitory that Isshin can see.

Well, that just won’t do! Ichigo might opt to take extra classes in the summer to get ahead of his coursework and not even come home, but on this most important of days, even an ungrateful son like that needs a nice present or two!

Isshin decides to make up for it by showing up right now, right now. The visit of a father who has burning manly love for his son should be the best possible gift on this special day, shouldn’t it?

Getting ready to spring in through the glass-it doesn’t matter if it’s closed and locked, papa’s love is unstoppable!-Isshin alights on top of the tree branch outside and crouches for maximum springing-up power, poised for his attack.

And just as he’s about to go-

-- the little spaghetti strap of Rukia-chan’s cute little sundress falls right off of her shoulder.



Isshin supposes-- pausing mid-spring-that that’s a pretty good present too. Incomparable to a papa’s manly burning love of course, but not half bad by standards.

He looks away then (because he’s not a pervert or anything), though it’s not his fault he could see Rukia-chan kiss Ichigo and push him onto the bed out of the corner of his eye. Hee-heeing to himself, he lowers himself to the ground from the tree all over again, grinning stupidly and feeling very, very triumphant once his feet hit the dirt.

“I knew it!” he exclaims to himself gleefully in the parking lot a few minutes later. “A momentous day all over again!”

He drives straight home at full speed (whistling all the while), fully intent on calling Ryuu-chan right away and crowing over the fact that clearly, he’s going to get to be a grandpa first.



And now, as a final dump, my last batch of fics for mercy_street_rp over on mercystreetnote!

Title: Idle Threats
Characters: Kaien, Byakuya
Timeline: N/A
Rating: PG
Summary: Byakuya doesn’t like whipped cream.
A/N: For Leia- Request was: “KaiBya- Whipped Cream”. Sorry about this. I started out feeling okay about it but as the day went on I kind of just…pittered out. ;_;

( Idle Threats)

Title: Said in Silence
Characters: Grimmjaw, Il Forte
Timeline: N/A
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Forte ignores Grimmjaw.
A/N: For Reki! The request was: GrimmIl: Conversations.

( Said in Silence)

Title: Take Two Aspirin
Characters: vaguely MayurixAkon
Timeline: N/A
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Mayuri can’t be bothered with the ghosts of someone else’s mind.
A/N: Talked to Sid tonight about the unsavory things medical Arrancar might be required to do. And so the AkonxMayu whore in me bears yet another bastard child. XD Sorry Shini! Sorry Sid!

( Take Two Aspirin)

Title: Hypocritical Oath
Characters: AkonxMayuri
Timeline: N/A
Rating: R
Summary: Akon’s ghosts.
A/N: For Sid and Shini again, because these two really eat my brain more than they ought.

( Hypocritical Oath)

yumichika, isshin, isshinxmasaki, bleach, ichigoxrukia, ikkaku, mercy street

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